Sunday, February 17, 2008


MADISON, WI – Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle today endorsed Barack Obama for President, citing his ability to build a coalition of Democrats, independents, and Republicans that will win in November, and finally deal with big challenges like delivering affordable health care for all Americans, expanding access to education, and bringing fiscal responsibility to Washington.

“As a Governor, I am impressed that Barack Obama has shown leadership qualities throughout his 20 years in public service that are essential for an effective executive,” said Governor Jim Doyle. “Obama listens to competing points of view, but makes strong decisions; he identifies problems, and builds coalitions to confront them; and he inspires people to come together behind a vision of change. He has campaigned like he will govern, by bringing people together and inspiring average Americans to participate in the political process so that we can take on the special interests and the great challenges we face.”

Governor Doyle also called Obama the Democrat who gives the party the best chance to win back the White House: “Obama is in the strongest position to win battleground states like Wisconsin in November and to boost the Democratic majority because he puts problem solving ahead of partisan squabbling.”

“When Washington produced gridlock instead of providing affordable health care coverage and expanding access to education, Governor Doyle delivered in Wisconsin,” said Senator Obama. “Faced with a budget crisis and a tough economic climate, Jim Doyle united Democrats and Republicans to get things done. I’m grateful for Governor Doyle’s endorsement -- he knows what it takes to win, and to unite Americans to govern effectively in a nation that has been divided for too long.”

First elected in 2002, Jim Doyle is serving his second term as the Governor of Wisconsin. Doyle inherited the largest budget deficit in Wisconsin history – a $3.2 billion hole, and he balanced the budget as he worked to make education more affordable and expand health care coverage. By expanding Wisconsin’s BadgerCare program, Doyle’s plan will make affordable health insurance available to 98 percent of all Wisconsin residents, the highest rate in the nation.
In the 2004 presidential election, Wisconsin went Democratic by .4% of the vote, the smallest margin of any state. Governor Doyle was reelected in 2006 with more votes than any Governor in Wisconsin history.

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