Sunday, April 27, 2008


Iraq War supporters drive around with yellow magnets on their cars to show that they support the troops. Magnets are cheap. And that gesture is even cheaper.

Take a look at this video to see how the "Greatest Country in the World" supports its troops after they've served 1, 2, 3, or more deployments in Iraq or Afghanistan. Look at the squalor and filth they come home to. This is how the "Greatest Country in the World" treats its troops who sacrifice for us.

The media have attacked Senator Obama and questioned his patriotism because he hasn't worn a cheap metal flag pin.

But the Conservative Media ignore the Bush Administration's disgraceful, unpatriotic treatment of our returning troops.

We pour billions of dollars into Iraq, but we treat our soldiers who serve there like vermin. The Bush Administration has been in power for 8 years, 6 of those years they were in control of Congress. There is no excuse for this.

I thought the Bush Administration couldn't get any worse vis-a-vis treatment of returning troops when the Walter Reed scandal was uncovered. But guess what? It can, and continues.

Support Our Troops. Words. Just words. And the Conservative Media still think Republicans are strong on supporting the military.

Yeah. Right.


  1. I can't necessarily argue with the footage, as these are not acceptable conditions, and those responsible for allowing it to get this bad should be sacked.

    However, with the bias in the mainstream media against Bush and the war in Iraq, why isn't this getting plastered up there, where it will anger anyone who cares about the wellbeing if the troops, myself included?

  2. Exactly.

    I don't know why.

    Corporations who own the media decide which stories will be promoted and which will be supressed.

    I'm very upset with this, since our military should never have to live in these conditions. Never.

    BTW: Bush still has his ardent admirers in the media. I saw his performance at some press dinner on cable news today, and everyone was just cooing and haw-hawing over how wonderfully funny he was.

    I'm so upset over this video and besides calling my senator and congresscritter, I don't know what else to do.

    I have a nephew who will be deployed in Iraq in the coming year.

    I can't believe how terribly we treat our soldiers when they return.

  3. The media always fawns over the current president at the press dinner. Hell, they seemed to love Dick Cheney. It helped that he was pretty funny.

    And that reminds me of a story from one of these dinners about Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh....

    Never mind. We don't need another off-topic comment war.

  4. Also, rather than us "bloodying each other up" I'll just, finally, link to you on SPD.

  5. Yep, the flag pin "controversy" is meant to be a distraction so that the public doesn't know and focus on things like this video.

    Thanks for posting it.

  6. These bastards only support the troops through bumper sticker phrases.

    They love the patriotism of the soldiers but hate spending any money to honor their service.

    It's just like how they love the fetus but once the child is born they no longer care. Love the fetus, hate the child.

  7. I'll bet you don't wear a flag pin.

  8. I have noticed that the corporate media are dropping the whole flag pin thing. I don't think its getting much traction with the voters.
