Saturday, July 26, 2008


John McCain goaded Senator Obama into visiting Iraq. Obama goes to Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, and 3 European countries. He's a sensation in Germany, where over 200,000 people show up to see him. The French love him, and he has some good photo ops with the Brits. Meanwhile John McCain continues to whine, whine, whine: "Nobody's paying attention to ME! Me!" WHAAAAA! Poor neglected Maveriky ME!

July 26, 2008
McCain: Feeling 'a little left out'

(AP) — John McCain's is using a weekly radio address to take some jabs at his Democratic rival's trip abroad.

He says the presidential contest became "a long-distance affair" this week, as Barack Obama made speeches abroad to "the people of the world." McCain says he began to feel "a little left out" and wonders if the American people did, too.

No, John, we American people didn't feel "left out" for the six or seven days Senator Obama was out of the country doing what you challenged him to do.

You're looking awfully "green" these days. And sounding like a 7th grade girl that can't get the boys to notice her.

Not very presidential of you to be whining all the time.


  1. Obama made one small mistake, he cheesed off Andrea Mitchell. Maybe she was a Hillary person, maybe she saw the light. But she was livid with Obama's lack of media presence in places like Iraq.
    The MSM does love Obama more than McCain, no shock here, but I never have cared for her. She was offended. Maybe it is nothing, maybe the start of something new.

  2. Should we really be concerned about "cheesing" off a reporter?

    Let's not give them more influence than the idiots already have.

  3. Obob: I thought the same thing about Mitchell. She had her panties in a bunch for sure and seemed to almost go out of her way to find anything "wrong" with his trip that she could.

    I agree that McCain is whining like a rusty gate. Where's Phil Gramm when you need him?
