Thursday, October 30, 2008


Palin sees dip in popularity in Alaska, rest of nation

Source: Fairbanks Daily News Miner

"Palin’s popularity with Alaska voters has dropped precipitously, from a high of roughly 90 percent this spring — long before she was selected to join the McCain ticket — to an approval rating now of around 60 percent."

"Palin’s growing partisanship could make her transition back to state politics — should McCain not win the White House — a potentially rocky one."

"It’s going to be a different landscape for her completely," Moore said. "She’s going to need to tap into a bunch of political skills that she hasn’t had to use before."

"I don’t think she’s very practiced at admitting her faults and taking criticism well," he said."


The next time you hear right wing shills repeat the line, 'she's the most popular governor in the US', you can say 'not anymore'.

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