Sunday, October 26, 2008


Barack Obama!


Anchorage Daily News Endorses Barack Obama
Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Anchorage Daily News — the largest daily newspaper in Alaska has stepped over McCain/Palin (PALIN IS THE GOVERNOR OF ALASKA!) and endorsed Barack Obama and Joe Biden for president and vice president.

While expressing pride their governor was selected to be on ticket, the paper says John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation.

Barack Obama, according to the paper, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain.



Being Barry Goldwater's granddaughter and living in Arizona, one would assume that I would be voting for our state's senator, John McCain. I am still struck by certain 'dyed in the wool' Republicans who are on the fence this election, as it seems like a no-brainer to me.

Myself, along with my siblings and a few cousins, will not be supporting the Republican presidential candidates this year. We believe strongly in what our grandfather stood for: honesty, integrity, and personal freedom, free from political maneuvering and fear tactics. I learned a lot about my grandfather while producing the documentary, Mr. Conservative Goldwater on Goldwater. Our generation of Goldwaters expects government to provide for constitutional protections. We reject the constant intrusion into our personal lives, along with other crucial policy issues of the McCain/Palin ticket.

My grandfather (Paka) would never suggest denying a woman's right to choose. My grandmother co-founded Planned Parenthood in Arizona in the 1930's, a cause my grandfather supported. I'm not sure about how he would feel about marriage rights based on same-sex orientation. I think he would feel that love and respect for ones privacy is what matters most and not the intolerance and poor judgment displayed by McCain over the years. Paka respected our civil liberties and passed on the message that that we should conduct our lives standing up for the basic freedoms we hold so dear.


Hartford Courant Endorses Second Democrat in 244 Years
26 Oct 2008

The Courant is the oldest continuously published newspaper in the nation.

We Endorse Obama For PresidentINSPIRING, UNIFYING He would make the nation proud
October 26, 2008

In its 244-year history, The Courant has endorsed only one Democratic candidate for president, Bill Clinton.

Today we endorse a second Democrat, Sen. Barack Obama, with the hope that if elected, he governs from the middle as Mr. Clinton did. Mr. Obama must resist serving only his party’s interests and instead serve the greater interests of a worried nation.

America is starved for a leader who can restore pride and once again make the nation a beacon for the world, or in the words of Massachusetts Gov. John Winthrop in 1630, “a city on a hill — with the eyes of all people upon us.”


  1. Wow. I'm most impressed with the Alaska paper.

  2. Palin isn't even helping "Keating Five" McCain in Alaska. A recent poll shows McCain with only a 4 point lead in Arizona.

  3. I think most sensible people understand that Palin did nothing for McCain in his quest for the presidency.

    She was the base's "red meat" candidate, but nothing else. The country is moving away from that faction and, as current polling has shown, is more interested in the "center" rather than either extreme, right or left.

    Why John McCain chose her is still a mystery. That choice went against all that his political instincts.

    If the Republican Party sticks with her and promotes her as their candidate for president in 2012, as I've read in some rightwing blogs, it will never win another election.

    The country is so done with the rantings of demagogues who talk about "real" Americans or people of the opposite party as "anti-American."
