Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Classless dick.


  1. Is he afraid of touching black people in addition to looking at black people?

  2. Gosh. According to TPM, McCain did indeed shake his hand at the end of the debate. The video you posted shows McCain presenting his wife to Obama.

    Do y'all in the reality-based community ever do any fact checking? Or is it more important to pass on the latest rumor about Palin?

    Not that righties are perfect on that score. But we tend to chew up those who post demonstrably false items.

  3. Why couldn't McCain shake his hand again? A polite person would have taken Obama's hand, shaken it, and then directed it to Mrs. McCain.

    Perhaps it was too much for McCain to have to shake TWICE. Also, he probably didn't know the camera was on him, so he didn't have to perform a courtesy most people would have done automatically.

    There is no doubt about McCain's disdain for and disrespect toward Obama. That was amply demonstrated in the first debate, where McCain showed his contempt for his rival by barely looking at him.

  4. Is McCain contemptuous of Obama? I dunno. I haven't seen anything from inside the McCain camp that suggests that he is.

    McCain is one of those guys who is unusually respectful of the "most exclusive club" aspect of senate life. He generally wants to get along with folks on the other side, even though he disagrees with them. There used to be a lot more of that in Congress, and I wish there still were.

    It's hard for me to tell, this time around. I watch very little TV, and virtually none of ABC, NBC, CBS, FoxNews and CNN. I do get a pretty good view of the righty blogs, and see enough lefty ones to know what they're chatting about. But the blogosphere is not the real world. The Ayres issue has been in the blogs for over a year, but it's just hitting the real world this week. So my perspective is a bit warped.

    My gut instinct tells me this is a race like 1980, when the break happened very late--the Sunday before the election. And if I had to bet now, I'd bet they'll break to Obama. But there's a lot of time left, and many things could happen.
