Friday, October 10, 2008


McCain Forced to Fire Virginia County Chair Following Racist Newspaper Attack on Obama

The John McCain campaign has been forced to fire its campaign chair in Buchanan County, Virginia, following his publication of a racist newspaper attack on Barack Obama. Bobby May, pictured here, who has also served as treasurer and correspondence secretary of the Buchanan County Republican Party, recently penned a column containing an overtly racist attack against Barack Obama for a local newspaper, The Voice, which lists Mr. May among its columnists. May's column contained a number of inflammatory charges against Obama, including the following on Obama's plans for America if elected:

"FREEDOM OF RELIGION: Mandatory Black Liberation Theology classes taught in all churches - raise taxes to pay for this mandate. Put Rev. Jeremiah Wright in charge...."

"DRUG CRISIS: Raise taxes to pay for free drugs for Obama’s inner-city political base...."

"2ND AMENDMENT: Under Obama will only apply to gang-bangers, illegal aliens, Islamo-Fascist terrorists, and Senator Jim Webb’s aide...."

"FOREIGN RELATIONS: Appoint Rev. Al Sharpton as Secretary of State, Jesse Jackson as UN Representative, and let Bill Clinton handle all other "foreign relations" ... As long as Hillary doesn't find out...!"

"THE WHITE HOUSE: Hire rapper Ludacris to “paint it black.” Taxes to be increased to buy enough paint for the job plus spray-paint for graffiti...."

"THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES: Raise taxes to send $845 billion, most of it to Africa so the Obama family there can skim off enough for them to free their goats and live the American Dream...."

"NATIONAL ANTHEM: Change to the "Black National Anthem" by James Weldon Johnson...."

"US CURRENCY: Update photos to reflect US diversity; include pictures of "great Americans" such as Oprah Winfrey, Ludacris, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Paris Hilton, and Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson (Obama's new Secretary of the Treasury - 50 Cent refused position after learning that he would lose his crazy check if he accepted the nomination)...."

"US FLAG: Replace 50 stars with a star and crescent logo; red stripes changed to green to represent Obama’s tree-hugging radical environmentalism and his lack of experience. Flag lapel pins, having become a substitute for "real patriotism," will henceforth be banned...."

At the end of his column Mr. May challenged Obama to meet him on "County Talk," a Friday morning talk show on radio station WMJD 100.7 in Grundy, Virginia. Mr. May seems quite the local mover and shaker in Buchanan County Republican circles: In addition to his work with The Voice and WMJD, May has appeared in the Virginia Mountaineer with other local Republican leaders.


  1. he just looks at her, shakes his head sadly, then turns around and walks away. he then turns and looks at her and whispers, "you're an individual, start thinking like one."

  2. Shaw, McCain canned the bastard. What more do you want?

  3. the griper,

    What makes you think I don't think for myself?


    "What more do I want?" Seriously? That's a comment on this?

    You really think the McCain people DIDN'T know this guy was a racist pig when they hired him? That they were shocked! Shocked! I tell you, when he wrote that piece of garbage?

    It does say in the article that the guy was a real "mover and shaker" in Republican circles in Buchanan County.

    McCain's people knew what they were doing when they put the guy in charge of his campaign in that county. Exactly.

    Americans are turning away in disgust with where McCain and Palin are taking this election.

    It appears that the only people "excited" with the McCain/Palin orgy of hate are the Republican base.

    Americans are basically decent people.

    What McCain/Palin are doing is indecent.

    And they will reap the whirlwind.

  4. Yeah, that's my comment.

    I'd say the same thing if it were some county-level hack that The Marxist (Obama) had to get rid of for stupid comments.

    But you don't really want to go down the association road, do you?

    I guess you probably, do, so I'll resort to cut and paste:

    (also, just for my amusement, I adopted the McCain nomenclature)

    Who likes Marxist professors? That one.

    Who hangs with terrorists who attack their own country? That one.

    Who gets endorsements (unwanted) from Islamic terrorists? That one.

    Who can sit for 20 years of sermons and not hear J Wright preach radical stuff? That one.

    Who works for an organization like ACORN, with a hand in both the current economic crisis and voter fraud across the country? That one.

    And who is attempting to preach a gospel of government help for all to further a Marxist agenda once he gets into the White House and joins with the Pelosi/Reid axis to push radical change in America? That one.

    Wow, the truth is harsh.

  5. Who likes Marxist professors? That one.

    Who hangs with terrorists who attack their own country? That one.

    Who gets endorsements (unwanted) from Islamic terrorists? That one.

    Who can sit for 20 years of sermons and not hear J Wright preach radical stuff? That one.

    Who works for an organization like ACORN, with a hand in both the current economic crisis and voter fraud across the country? That one.

    And who is attempting to preach a gospel of government help for all to further a Marxist agenda once he gets into the White House and joins with the Pelosi/Reid axis to push radical change in America? That one.

    Nice rant, Patrick. A for effect. F for content.

    It doesn't matter anymore.

    We're just going to watch the Right's heads explode from now to NOv. 4.

    John McCain had to eat his assholey tactic of painting Obama as a "terrerist," "traitor," or whatever shit they threw at him.

    McCain, today, had to speak against his own supporters when one of his demented supporters called Obama an "Arab."

    No. No., said McCain. He's a decent man. And then he was booed.

    By his own supporters!

    After allowing his attack dog, Palin and his own wife, Cindy, impugn Obama's patriotism and Americanism, he saw how horribly it polled. NOW. TODAY.

    The maverick is saying his mouth-breathing supporters have to "respect" Senator Obama. Ha!


    Gov. Palin has been accused of "abusing her power" in the Troopergate investigation.

    She broke the law.

    McCain has a law breaker as his running mate!

    Abuse of power? Great. Just what this country needs in a vice president.

    It's over. Over.

  6. PS. Patrick.

    You can come here anytime and change the subject to whatever you choose.

    Here, I allow real freedom of speech.

    As opposed to, um, some other blogs.


  7. Nice rant, Patrick. A for effect. F for content.

    Oh come on. I deserve at least a D. There's at least some fact in there. But the important thing is that it's well-written.

    As for Troopergate, the announcement is a little troubling. I'll have to read in detail before I can comment further. Of course I'm sure you won't hesitate to scream hypocrite, so get it over with so I can tell you you're cracked.

    It's over. Over.

    You've got a few weeks yet. Try not to piss yourself in premature excitement. :)

  8. its not a matter of thinking for yourself, shaw, its a matter of how you see yourself. when you depict a group of people as something and use a single person as an example you inadvertently reveal yourself as being what you accuse others of being by the same association.

  9. Shaw typed:

    "Here, I allow real freedom of speech.

    As opposed to, um, some other blogs."

    Funny thing, that.

    Those rough, tough no-nonsense folks at Flopping Aces & Mike's America suggest how tough they would be in dealing with Islam-fascism, socialism, and all the other isms allegedly threatening the nation but they get all weepy and hurt when one raises a question or two.

    Oh well.

  10. 'Anonymous' should read Arthurstone.

    Banned by right-wing bloggers I'm happy to say.

  11. Mike's America is the funniest of the Rightwing blogs. He gets all blue in the face and stamps his feet when anyoe posts information he disagrees with.

    He actually got angry at me and called me a name (again) for posting poll numbers THAT I TOOK OFF OF HIS OWN BLOG!

    They really are in melt down mode.
