Tuesday, December 23, 2008


My friend and awesome biographer, Sir Gordon of Minnesota, implied--at least that's my take on it--that I may be buying into conspiracy theories because of my last two posts on Karl Rove's IT Guru, Michael Connell, and his unfortunate AND untimely death.

Now Rush Limbaugh, gasbag extraordinaire and endlessly amusing demagogue, believes President-elect Obama's win in November because of a financial meltdown caused by the Democrats!

Here’s how Limbaugh’s conspiracy theory goes: Schumer caused a run on IndyMac bank in California this summer, in order to create a feeling of financial panic amongst the public. Democrats then capitalized on this panic with electoral wins in the White House and Congress. The purpose of gaining this power, according to Limbaugh, was to nationalize U.S. industries:

LIMBAUGH: Back to this October surprise. I am just wondering — as I say, it can’t be proven — I’m just wondering if a lot of this was by design to create economic panic. Remember now — the Iraq war had dominated everything, and the economy was said to no longer be an issue in the campaign for the first time. Corruption, other things were — ethics (well, the Republicans had those problems) — but the economy wasn’t. They wanted to create economic crisis, a mindset of this.

So Chuck Schumer starts a run — a $1.3 billion run on IndyMac, and then all of a sudden, look what we learn! All these mortgages are worthless. All the mortgage derivatives and the mortgage-backed assets are worthless. Everything was worthless. There was no there there. Every institution, every guy in the institution was an empty suit. We had to bail out this, we had to bail out that; it didn’t help. I just wonder if what was a planned attempt to scare people economically — starting a run on the bank, doing this, that, and the other thing — has spun so far out of control, it’s gone so far beyond what the intention was, just to win an election, that nobody knows what to do about it.

The only mitigating argument against is that the number one, the primary beneficiary of this — and you have to look that even in an economic collapse like ours there are beneficiaries — Who’s benefiting? Aside from the people being bailed out. The Democrat party and Barack Obama are benefiting.

They got elected, they increased their numbers in the House, they increased their numbers in the Senate, they got the White House now, and they’ve got a crisis that people think can only be fixed with the all-mighty and powerful government interceding to save this or to save that, when in fact, the government is going to nationalize the automobile industry. It’s going to nationalize some banks. It’s going to nationalize the mortgage industry, and may end up nationalizing the automobile industry.

So the Obama team and the Democrat party are benefiting tremendously from this, even if it has spun out of control. It’s spun out of control, but they’ll make due with a new crisis they created a la Rahm Emanuel. But the reason I think it has spun a little out of control and gone a little further than they intended is that even the Obama people are saying, “Hey, it’s going to be really bad for a really long time.”

LIMBAUGH: Who’s benefiting? Aside from the people being bailed out. The Democrat party and Barack Obama are benefiting.

They got elected, they increased their numbers in the House, they increased their numbers in the Senate, they got the White House now, and they’ve got a crisis that people think can only be fixed with the all-mighty and powerful government interceding to save this or to save that, when in fact, the government is going to nationalize the automobile industry. It’s going to nationalize some banks. It’s going to nationalize the mortgage industry, and may end up nationalizing the automobile industry.

Some of my regular commenters wondered about my blog posts on Mike Connell's death and whether it was wise to post on an ongoing investigation that may lead to impugning the Bush administration and its possible involvement in POSSIBLE voter fraud in Ohio in 2004.

That's a fair comment, but I stand by my post on this issue and will continue to as the facts are revealed.

I have as regular commenters, what? 6? maybe 10 at the most? TEN.

Rush Limbaugh has 20 MILLION+ dittoheads [listeners] in his audience. TWENTY MILLION.

I expect my friends who objected to my putting this out there as a possible conspiracy theory to go over to Limbaugh's blog and LOUDLY PROTEST about his conspiracy theory.

I mean, let's not be hypocrites and criticize me, with my under a dozen readers, and not be appalled at Limbaugh with his 20 MILLION LISTENERS!!!


How long will it take before those 20 million listeners start telling their millions of friends and family member about this? And since Limbaugh's listeners are called "dittoheads," that means they don't think differently from him, but "ditto" all that he has to say--in other words, no thinking, just parroting the demagogue.


  1. In case you missed it...

    A Washington Post article, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/22/AR2008122201301.html?sub=AR

    That details some of the funny money stuff very early in the IndyMac timeline where deposits were allowed, by federal Regulators, to be back dated to cover their assets.

    The most interesting part of this is that the person in question was involved in the Lincoln Savings Scandal of the 80's.

    And Shaw, if you have 10 readers, I think you are ahead of me.


  2. Ah. As any Limbaugh listener would know, the term "ditto" and the description "dittohead" do NOT mean that the caller/listener agrees with everything Limbaugh says. It's a verbal shorthand that developed when callers would begin their time on the air with things like, "I listen every day, I love your show, keep doing what you're doing." One day a caller began with, "Ditto what the last caller said." From there, it became a standard greeting, as in "Dittos, Rush." Dittoheads are simply people who like the show--and as Limbaugh makes clear whenever the topic comes up, you don't have to agree with him on everything to be a dittohead.

    Now that we've cleared that up, I guess you could take my latest post on Crian's blog to mean that I think SecTreas Henry Paulson conspired with the Democrats to cause the crisis. I didn't write that, but I guess you could say that since Obama has chosen a lot of Paulson's buddies for his econ team, Paulson benefited from the crisis.

    There isn't any doubt that New York's senior senator's comments caused the run on Indymac. At the time, the Fed and Treasury were trying to set up a private buyout; Schumer screwed that up well and good.

    But everyone already knows that the most dangerous place in the US is to be between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera. He'll say just about anything to get airtime.

    And it's true that Rahm Emmanuel has said that they would use a crisis to turn things around in the campaign. It's also true that up until the big bailout plan was floated, things were looking good for the Republicans.

    But I don't believe that the Democrats are smart enough to pull off something like this--a grand plan/conspiracy. There's too many personalities, all with their own private goals (this applies to the GOP, too).

    But take advantage of the chaos? Oh yeah, they would, and did. That's just politics.

  3. i hope i am one of the privileged you consider as a regular, shaw. lol

  4. Yep, the democrats caused all of this so they could win this election and clean it all up. Makes alot of sense to me...

    Oh, and who stacked all this worthless crap in our financial system? Hmmm.....

    Bet it was George Soros...

  5. When the Jefferson Airplane said to feed your head, they weren't thinking Oxy-moron-head Limpballs.

  6. Nancy!

    Thanks for stopping by. And to everyone else.

    Feliz Navidad!

    Buon Natale!

    Joyeux Noël!

    Feliz Natal!

    Frohe Weihnachten!

    Χαρούμενα Χριστούγεννα!

    С Рождеством Христовым!

    Vrolijke Kerstmis!



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  8. Many of us can't wait for that fat piece of Limbaugh to have a CORONARY and DIE!!!!
