Sunday, March 1, 2009



My friend and worthy opponent, Gordon, from A Political Glimpse from Ireland, has chastised me over my nasty characterization of Ann Coulter and for making personal attacks on her womanhood. He felt it necessary to defend a woman who speaks and publishes this sort of crap:

"Coulter writes in a new book, 'Godless: The Church of Liberalism,' that a group of New Jersey widows whose husbands perished in the World Trade Center act “as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them.”She also wrote, “I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much.”

and this:

"Coulter accuses the 9-11 widows—or "Witches of East Brunswick," as she calls them. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' death so much..."

"The other night she was on "Scarborough Country" bragging that her book has ended the political participation of the 9/11 widows whom she calls the "Jersey Girls," and who she says have enriched themselves over their husbands' corpses. These "broads," as she terms them, are enjoying their husbands' deaths. Then, godly woman that she purports to be, Coulter asks rhetorically, "How do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies?"

Yes, I called her a harpie in my satire of her. And I made fun of her with as much callousness and contempt as she has seen fit to give people she disagrees with during her wasted life.

How anyone can defend a pathetic, attention-seeking, self-absorbed wreck of a human being with the heart of a turnip will forever be an enduring mystery to me.


Ann Coulter spoke, actually a better verb is droned, at the CPAC this week and presented her audience with tired, stale, loser snark. It got the attendees all giddy and jelly-wobbley, but a talking porcine ungulate would have done the same…oh wait…didn’t that happen too?

Anyway, here’re a few of her lame remarks and my snark to counter her High-Lamenity:
She says history shows that the public opinion of Republican Presidents always goes up and Dem Presidents always go down.

Right. Paging Herbert Hoover! Warren G. Harding! Richard M. Nixon! Ann Coulter is channeling you and ‘splaining to the Republicans how highly all of you disgraced presidents are now esteemed by historians! The GOP: We Create Our Own Reality!

She calls the media the government “guard dog” except Olbermann and Matthews who are government lap dogs.

Well Ann, I suppose it’s better to be called a “guard” dog or a “lap” dog rather than just a dog, isn’t it? Tell me.

“The media compared Obama to Jesus. I lost a bet. They do know who Jesus is. But as the leader of twelve apostles, even Jesus had more executive experience than Obama.”
“Apparently the media likes carpenters. It’s plumbers they hate.”

No, Ann, the media hate fake, stupid-ass people who pass themselves off as plumbers. And dated political hacks. You should know that, sweetie.

“I guess that’s the end of Obama’s honeymoon with the press. He’s not Jesus. Now he’s just Lincoln.”

And you’re giving moldy, unfunny speeches at the losing party’s CPAC and will not be getting invitations to the White House. Heh.

“The press called Lincoln a baboon. If only Al Sharpton had been around, Lincoln would have known he was a victim of racism.”

The press also hated Mary Lincoln and called her crazy. If Ann Coulter had been around (and it’s possible she was), Mary would have known who incited the harpies on that issue.

“The press is still talking about the fist bump Lincoln gave Mary Todd the night he won the nomination. It was a big night for Mary Todd. She was finally proud of her country.”

Yes, Ann. We can all be proud that the country kicked Republican ass on November 4, 2008. And a very big fist-bump to you too, honey.

“Wait until the press finds out that Obama sleeps through the night without wetting himself.”

Wait until the press finds out that your unhinged punditry is not due to incisive analysis, but rather to the result of changes that women in their late, late 40s normally experience and come to terms with. It’s all right, dear. There will always be men who will find your skanky looks irresistible.

“The one thing the press knows about Lincoln is that he put rivals on his cabinet. I’m not sure buying Clinton’s cabinet at fire sale prices is the same thing.”

OMG! What a knee-slapper that one was! Anne, who writes your material, Dr. Kevorkian?

“Obama’s basic message . . . was bringing people together. I’ve heard that speech since I was about nine years old. Even Richard Nixon . . . gave a speech in 1968 saying he saw a little girl holding a sign that read ‘bring us together again.’The theme is not new."

Neither are you. Nine years old in 1968? I know of grannys who are younger than that!

“If Obama thinks the people really want change, wait till 2012.”

You really think the country wants to re-experience Republican failures? Did you actually sleep through the last election? Wait. As we age, I understand, naps are needed.

“I think we all know where Clinton’s place called hope is. [pause] Anywhere Hillary isn’t.”

Pssst. Ann, no one takes you seriously, you’re known as a political jokester and hack. Hillary Clinton, OTH, is Madame Secretary of State. Heh.


  1. Whew, Shaw...

    Remind me NEVER to get on your bad side! :)

    This was truly a great post!

    I love it!

  2. Much as I detest generalizations. And I really, really do. There is one I cannot avoid. Actually rather than a generalization we might just consider as one of the fundamental laws of the universe the undeniable fact that conservatives aren't funny.

    And the further right they roam the less (if possible) funny they become.

  3. TAO,

    I'm only giving back to her a tiny bit of what she throws at liberals.

    Here's a woman who wasted her education and decided enrich herself (if her books really sell to the general public at all) by slandering people and stating publicly that they should be murdered, among many, many other things.

    She deserves every bit of snark anyone can give back to her.

  4. Arthurstone,

    I read that she had the Repubs rolling in the aisles.

    Wait...maybe SHE was rolling them in the aisles for all the money she could take.

    I'm not sure, now, which it was...

  5. Arthur: This post is a perfect example of someone on the left demonizing a conservative.

    However, I'm no fan of Coulter's, and I generally agree with just about all but one* of Shaw's "strikes back" at Coulter's points.

  6. dmarks,

    Puleeeeze. Demonizing a conservative?

    When someone like Coulter publicly states that she thinks the 9/11 widows "enjoy" their widowhood, that a Supreme Court Justice should be given rat poison, that we should go to the the Middle East and kill as many as we can and convert the rest to Christianity, and many other crazy-assed statements, we know we are not dealing with a serious person.

    Saying I demonized her is like saying I demonized Bozo the Clown were I to perform like a buffoon in answer to his circus act.

    Be serious.

    She's not.

  7. Saw video of John Bolton ???!!!! (a real king of comedy) bringing down the house at CPAC with his line about a nuke 'taking out Chicago'.

    What a laff riot!


    Demonization of Ann Coulter? Taking her 'act' apart line by line with a minor reference to menopause?


  8. You really should consider a career as a makeover artist Shaw. I never thought it possible to polish a turd into anything but a turd. But the polishing you gave Coulter truly brought out her real personality. Right wingers all over the land are making a mess of their keyboards as we blog. You are a Great American Shaw!

  9. Arthur: Start over again, this time with the picture :)

    Shaw: You use insults and pejoratives a lot with her. I'm not a fan of Coulter and happen to generally agree with the intent, but it is demonization. Even if it is easy.

  10. Jesus, demarks!

    Haven't you listened to this woman?

    She deserves NO respect.

    She and Rush have done enough damage to this country to last three of my lifetimes.

    Haven't you ever heard the expression "fight fire with fire?"

    "Watch out
    You might get what you're after
    Cool babies
    Strange but not a stranger
    Im an ordinary guy (gal)
    Burning down the house
    No visible means of support and you have not seen nuthin yet
    Everythings stuck together
    I dont know what you expect starring into the tv set
    Fighting fire with fire"

    I'm fighting her idiocy with more idiocy.

    You just don't get it.

  11. "I'm fighting her idiocy with more idiocy. You just don't get it."

    Just take care that it doesn't turn into mud-wrestling, where both combatants look the same as they are covered in mud ;-)

    "She and Rush have done enough damage to this country to last three of my lifetimes."

    You are better off focusing on Rush. He's an 800 pound gorilla who rallies the troops. Coulter is relatively small, and much more "preaches to the choir". If she's never written a book or sat there commenting on Fox News, the world would not be different at all.

  12. Shaw is corrct to beat up on this shrew. All the academia, facts and sane arguments in the world mean nothing to Ann Coulter and her zombie army of bigots, idiots and homophobes. Nothing of substance comes from her mouth. Only vitriol and blind hatred. Her standard arguments are to call anyone whose brain is rational a traitor or a fag.
    She is unworthy of any type of respectful dialogue.

  13. As a member of the Democratic Party, I sincerely hope that Rush Limbaugh will be the spokesman for the Republican Party, and that the GOP makes him very, very important to the point where anyone who hopes to gain national office must grovel to him and take his advice on political matters.

    Rush, a narcissist with no self-awareness, will be more than happy to assume the mantle of Leader of the GOP.

    But think about it for a minute. He can't run for office, so what's the point of having him the GOP's leader.

    In the past you've had men who aspired to the presidency as leaders of the GOP--Goldwater, Reagan--now you all are thrilled to have a man who is undereducated, a reformed drug addict, a bigot, and a demagogue, --a man who appeals to people's paranoia, fear and feelings of inadequacy.

    Good luck with that.

    Don't you understand why we Democrats hope Rush succeeds in his grab for power?

    You once were a pretty damn good party, but now you've thrown your lot in with charlatans, cynics, and fascists hoping they'll lead you back to glory.

  14. Anne? Rounds out quite a list of impressive speakers..Rush, a 13 year old, Joe The Plumber..whew!

  15. Just so we're clear on this: It's okay to post photos of those we don't like with their features turned grotesque; it's okay to attribute commentary from women we don't like to menopause; okay to insult women on the basis of their looks; and that aging women are not to be taken seriously.

    Just want to be clear on these!

  16. I would have liked to see Ward Connerly speak.

    Gordon: Imagine if it were Rush Limbaugh bashing a woman for these reasons on his radio program. Just think of the reaction.

  17. Gordon,

    You've got your knickers all in a twist.

    But to answer your accusations:

    Just to be clear; when Coulter says she believes the 9/11 widows are "enjoying" their widowhood; when Coulter says a Supreme Court Justice should be fed rat poison; when Coulter says the US should invade Arab countries, kill their leaders, and convert the rest to Christianity; when a woman calls Norm Mineta an "America hater;" when Coulter goes on CBS news and says Liberals are carrying out plans to destroy America's children; when Coulter calls a US Senator a fag:

    "Oh, and I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards. But it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word "faggot," so I'm -- so I'm kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards. So I think I'll just conclude here and take your questions." March 2, 2007

    Or a president a rapist:

    "Bill Clinton "was a very good rapist"; "I'm getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties"; "I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning." [New York Observer, 1/10/05]


    Referring to a chapter in Coulter's new book, If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans (Crown Forum): "[Y]ou're quoted as saying, 'Maybe I'm winning the camel jockeys over,' " to which Coulter responded: "Yes ... That's actually in the book. That's not a made-up quote." Colmes then asked: "So you have no problem referring to Arabs as camel jockeys?" Coulter responded: "Oh. Yeah. No. They killed 3,000 Americans. I'll be very careful with my language." In response, Colmes said: "[W]hen you refer to an entire ethnicity as camel jockeys, it sounds bigoted," to which Coulter again asserted: "Yes, and it's so mean after they killed 3,000 Americans, and I shouldn't be mean to them," adding, "We have sure moved away from the day when we called them Krauts and Nips."

    Coulter should expect to receive some of her own medicine.


    According to her, if someone is "mean" one can say anything one wants about that person (or group) and be as outrageous as one wants.

    Those are HER words; those are her rules.

    I'm being as outrageous and controversial as she is. But, Gordon, here's the difference:

    When Coulter brays and honks out her insults and malicious statements, her audience is in the millions, my audience numbers, what a dozen regulars? If that much.

    Your concern for Ms. Coulter's delicate feelings is noted.

    But, IMHO, silly and hypocritical.

  18. What could ANYONE possibly like about her? I don't get it. She isn't JUST nasty, she is an evil, hateful bitch.

  19. Shaw

    You don't have to apologize for making fun of Coultergeist. She never apologizes to anyone for her filth. She invites retribution--and yours is righteous.

  20. Ah. It's okay if your audience is in the dozens, not the millions. Got it. Cheers!

  21. Gordon, why don't you go play in the desert with the rest of the GOP.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Shaw is right. Coulter doesn't deserve respect. she deserves to be dumped on and ridiculed. and to get as good as she gives.

    good for you shaw.

  24. Gordon typed:

    "Ah. It's okay if your audience is in the dozens, not the millions. Got it."

    I think there is a world of difference between publishing a rant about an individual on a personal blog which for the most part (there are a few snide remarks to be certain) is a line by line disputation of the subjects actual remarks and the sort of smears against entire populations, ethnicities, religions and political party affiliation which the subject of this thread engages in before a huge audience for substantial amounts of money.

    And it is almost purely a right-wing phenomenon (oops, business plan). So yeah the size of the audience and certainly the motivation indeed provide a stark difference between the two.

    Where I come building a career based on demagoguery in exchange for money is not considered a particularly civil activity.

  25. Arthur: "And it is almost purely a right-wing phenomenon (oops, business plan)."

    Left-wingers such as Al Franken Keith Olbermann, Kos, the Air America folks, and Michael Moore have been successful and often have gotten very rich at this exact sort of thing (smears of "entire populations, ethnicities, religions and political party affiliation")

    This sort of demagogeury is a two-way street, and traffic is the same both ways.

  26. dmarks wrote:

    Left-wingers such as Al Franken Keith Olbermann, Kos, the Air America folks, and Michael Moore have been successful and often have gotten very rich at this exact sort of thing (smears of "entire populations, ethnicities, religions and political party affiliation")

    I'd like you to back up those words with evidence of those you accused of smearing ethnicities and religions.

    Political parties are fair game.

  27. dmarks typed:

    'This sort of demagogeury is a two-way street, and traffic is the same both ways.'

    Except it isn't.

    I want to read a racial slur from Al Franken, Air America, Keith Olbermann or Michael Moore.

    Likewise I want some evidence for your assertion Democrats have flocked to Farrakhan as their def-acto leader as the cowardly Republicans have embraced Ruch Limbaugh.

