Sunday, March 29, 2009

General Petraeus: America is NOT less safe under President Obama

On CNN Sunday, General David Petraeus countered former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent claim that Obama's administration had made America less safe.

"I wouldn't necessarily agree with that," said the general, who has served under both administrations. "I think that there is in fact a good debate going on about the importance of values in everything we do. If one violates the values we hold so dear, we jeopardize [our troops]."


  1. Too bad the loon brigade doesn't get this concept at all.

  2. The 'loon bridage' are they now stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan?

    If not, when do they get deployed for active duty?

  3. I always regarded Petreaus as a professional, his reasoned response confirms it...

  4. My respect for the general has just gone up a notch or two. Not because I agree with his assessment but because he had the courage to stand up give voice to his professional opinion.

  5. That didn't come out quite right; I actually agree with the general's assessment.

  6. I wonder if the folks who slandered Petraeus think he is OK now.

  7. I thought MoveOn's ad was over the top and unnecessary.

    Now let's hear what you think about this little gem from a GOP Congressman:

    A Republican congressman, Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.


    This little gem from a commenter at that website was particularly interesting:

    "If he starts appearing in parades standing up in the old 4dr Lincoln Convertable we are in for it.

    I will applying for the room. I will also bring along the reloading equipment."

  8. "I wouldn't necessarily agree with that."

    Oooh, what a ringing endorsement!

    Straw, meet grasper.

  9. Oooh, what a ringing endorsement!

    Straw, meet grasper.

    Cynical nitpicking often hides the despair.


  10. That's a pretty big nit you have there, Shaw.


  11. That's a pretty big nit you have there, Shaw.

    retort FAIL!

    (My, but you're a busy little beaver this morning.)
