Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our National Health Care Debate


  1. This is a form of socialism under the guise of capitalism, promoted by far-Left politicians whose mission is to strengthen their political party while destroying American integrity, prosperity, and security...

    How anybody with any significant life experience cannot see the Dems for the lying, power hungry, incompetent looters they are is beyond me. A couple of minutes listening to almost any of their leadership ought to be enough to convince any person not blinded by ideology that they are not people to be trusted to make responsible decisions. Take the case of John Edwards. From the time he appeared on the national scene I (and most sane people)was convinced he was just another liberal shyster making making grandiose platitudes to advance himself. Of course no liberal would ever hear anything except his concern for the poor, disadvantaged etc… Now that the truth is out and cannot be ignored, no liberal seems to even remember their support for him and they move on to another savior without learning a thing.

    When Obama’s policies lead us to disaster, I doubt a single liberal will be able to bring himself to learn anything from the experience. Instead of seeing through all the BS spouted by Dem politicians they will simply blame his failure on Bush, oil companies, racists, and the VRWC and start looking for another inspirational speaker to replace their fallen hero.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous typed:

    "How anybody with any significant life experience cannot see the Dems for the lying, power hungry, incompetent looters they are is beyond me."

    Except, that's how the American people perceived the GOP and kicked their asses out of power in 2006 and handily in 2008.

    Come back when you've got something constructive to say and not when you feel the need to rant and post your opinion with no facts to back it up.

    The American people had 8 years of GOP incompetence and voted them out.

  4. Everyone is pathetic except you the poster child for liberal bloggers that suck!
    Personally, I'm embarrassed by all of us liberal blogofascists. Because of the like of you Shaw.
    I am very disenchanted with our new president. I find his hypocrisy, greed and dishonesty, fiscal irresponsibility, the widening chasm between economic classes, and the overgrowing efforts to turn our country into a theocracy to be very bothersome. .
    Come on, bloggers: Let's admit it: We're too hung up on partisanship. We refuse to see the grander vision, the value of the patriotic chum thrown out to the masses. I mean, really. What is this obsession we have with Obama? Our clueless political leaders are about to drive us all over a cliff and we sit by and support everything that he says. We are wrong. .The gap is becoming wider and wider between our message and Conservative's message and I don't think that's a good thing.
    You preach a good game Shaw, but Sorry, but just taking your word for it doesn't cut it. The action that is made from Bearack Obama is very poor.
    If it wasn't for my dentist appointment I would have a lot more to say, but I really have to go ..

  5. By the way, I am a Former Liberal/Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-Libertarian who married to former Republican that turned Liberal.

    Just in case you cared

  6. RD Helm typed:

    "Because of the like of you Shaw.
    I am very disenchanted with our new president."

    Really? Because of ME, YOU ARE disenchanted with Mr. Obama?

    And RD Helm continues:

    "You preach a good game Shaw, but Sorry, but just taking your word for it doesn't cut it. The action that is made from Bearack Obama is very poor."

    Incomprehensible drivel.

    Please. Will you people from bluepitbull's blog please stop coming here and making pathetic fools of yourselves.

    You only enforce the perception that you can't think coherently and when you attempt to communicate, you fail miserably.

  7. Dang RD. I never even knew there were liberal bloggers besides me until I found The Swash Zone, Libby Spencer and Shaw's Progressive Eruptions.

    Jesus you have some vast power Shaw. Now more than ever I want my daughters to grow up to be like you.

    Anon 11:45: I have plenty of life experience to have seen the abuse of working Americans that don't enjoy the benefit of Union membership or civil service protections.

    I've seen plenty of minorities refused jobs and something as mundane as decent service at fast food places for no other reason than the color of their skin.

    The Democratic Party stands for the realization of the American Dream for all of us. Not just the wealthy and connected. If everyone was a just and fair person we wouldn't need government. But because there are still bigots, homophobes and deluded fools that buy into the bullshit spewed forth by the Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of this world, we need a strong government to insure a level playing field for all of us.

    The republican mantra of less less less, means more pie for the wealthy and less for the rest of us.

    Open your eyes and see the truth friend. Not just what the far right tells you is there.

  8. TRUTH 101,

    Most of the posters here in comments are probably coming from bluepitbull's blog.

    For some reason, he's become fixated on me and my blog and has made PE the subject of a couple of his posts.

    I don't understand his obsession.

    A lot of their anger toward me is because, probably 1) I am a woman; and 2) I have strong opinions.

    Two things a number of people on the Right cannot tolerate.

    I'm still trying to figure out why RD says because of the likes of me, he/she dislikes Obama.


    PS. I am the proud daughter of a Union man.

  9. Single payer is the simplest and most cost effective.

    But, single payer takes serious coin out of the doctors paychecks which explains why they're screeching and the AMA -- the doctor's unofficial union, is pushing back hard against the idea of any national healthcare program.

    Obama is turning out to be much less courageous than I initially believed him to be. My guess is, he doesn't have the cajones to go mano-e-mano with the doctors and the AMA.

    I hope I'm wrong.

  10. I like going back and forth with the righties Shaw. When you get them typing without refering back to Rush's daily talking points they very often let some honesty slip through. I once got Professor Douglas to admit he supported his Union.

    Making our Nation a "more perfect Union" (Thomas Jefferson's grammer, not mine) is requires diligence. Each time one of those that we disagree with decide to listen and comprehend what we say and gives us a "well yeah" we're a little closer to Jefferson's dream.

    You're an incredible lady Shaw. My Mom is from your state. Massachusettes breeds great women.

  11. Shaw: "Most of the posters here in comments are probably coming from bluepitbull's blog."

    BPB is depriving some village of its idiot.

  12. What REALLY pisses me off is that there are too many Democrats who are saying "NEVER" too.
