Thursday, July 30, 2009

MYTH vs. FACT: Advance Planning Consultations in HR 3200

Congressman Earl Blumenauer, D-OR, refutes the lies and misrepresentations being put forth by the mischievous rightwingers.

Myth vs. Fact: Advance Planning Consultations in H.R. 3200

Few areas are more vital for honest discussion and careful consideration than end-of-life care
for America’s seniors. Unfortunately, families often do not know their loved ones’ preferences
for end of life care and are not confronted with these difficult decisions until an emergency
arises. This leaves spouses, sons, daughters and grandchildren unprepared; as a result
families struggle to make decisions in the midst of turmoil.

The House health care legislation includes a provision (Sec. 1233) that provides seniors with
better care as they grapple with these hard questions. This provision extends Medicare
coverage to cover the cost of patients voluntarily speaking with their doctors about their values
and preferences regarding end-of-life care. These are deeply personal decisions that take
thoughtful consideration, and it is only appropriate that doctors be compensated for their time.

Myth: Patients will be forced to have this consultation once every five years.

Fact: Advance planning consultations are not mandatory; this benefit is completelyvoluntary. The provision merely provides coverage under Medicare to have a conversationonce every five years if – and only if – a patient wants to make his or her wishes known to adoctor. If desired, patients may have consultations more frequently if they are chronically ill orif their health status changes.

Myth: Patients will be forced to sign an advance care directive (or living will).

Fact: There is no mandate in the bill to complete an advance care directive or livingwill. If a patient chooses to complete an advance directive or order for life sustainingtreatment, these documents will help articulate a full range of treatment preferences, from fulland aggressive treatment to limited, comfort care only. Patients that choose to have thesedocuments and can customize them so that their wishes are appropriately reflected.

Myth: Patients will have to see a health care professional chosen by the government.

Fact: There are no government-chosen professionals involved. The legislation simplyallows Medicare to pay for a conversation between patient and their doctors if patients wish totalk with their doctor about end of life care preferences.

Provision Endorsed By: AARP, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine,
American College of Physicians, American Hospice Foundation, Center to Advance Palliative Care,Consumers Union, Gundersen Lutheran Health System, Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association,Medicare Rights Center, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization,
National Palliative Care Research Center, Providence Health and Services,
and Supportive Care Coalition.


  1. Shaw, I love you to death and you know it!

    But lets get realistic, the current healthcare debate has nothing to do with the specifics, the issue, and or that dirty word 'socialism.'

    The debate is not over competing visions of the future or even competing plans....

    Its all about defeating Obama at any cost even if that means creating more problems for our country in the future.

    Has one conservative blogger stood up and said, "END SOCIALIZED MEDICINE: REPEAL MEDICARE!"

    Heck no! Good lord if they did they would never see another vote from the AARP crew for the rest of their very short career as an elected official.

    Count the votes of the conservatives that supported the Prescription drug program promoted by GWB. That was socialized medicine and not a word was said of that fact.

    Oh some conservative bloggers will stand up and claim that they want us to dismantle medicare (dmarks will comment on the fact that medicare has caused all of our current healthcare problems) and they will also claim to be against the Prescription drug program but they are lying...

    The only fact that matters in this debate is that a whole bunch of folks have jumped on the get Obama bandwagon...

    46% of all medical expenses incurred in the USA are paid for by the US government! I believe 50% would be the magic number to claim that ones system is 'socialized' and these figures are from the GWB administration...

    All these flag waving patriots only feel threatened when a democrat is in office which just means that they are not all that big of believers in democracy because they cannot share power well nor can they admit that they lost the election....

    You keep hammering away! But I just cannot understand what point you can make to a whole bunch of people who get all up in arms over government spending when it is for Americans but they never once questioned our spending during the Iraq schools and hospitals in Iraq, bribe the heck out of every Iraqi you find, over pay Halliburton for everything they did and didn't do...but have issue with anything that does the same thing in their own country....

  2. "MYTH vs. FACT: Advance Planning Consultations in HR 3200"

    Or are you just a Naive kool aide drinker!?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. osocubano,

    You give no facts to refute what's been posted.

    Just saying someone's uninformed and then running away without explanation won't do.

    But perhaps you have no facts to back up your assertion.

  5. Pg 22 MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!
    Pg 30 - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get

    Pg 42 Commissioner will choose your HC Benefits for you. You have no choice!

    PG 50 - HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise

    Pg 59 Govt will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer
    PG 65 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community orgs (ACORN).
    Pg 72Govt is creating an HC Exchange to bring private HC plans under Govt control.
    PG 84 - Govt mandates ALL benefit packages for private health care plans in the Exchange
    PG 85 - Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt will ration your Healthcare!
    PG 91 - Govt mandates linguistic appropriate services. Example - Translation for illegal aliens
    Pg 95 The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals for Govt HC plan
    PG 85 Specs of Benefit Levels for Plans. #AARP members - your Health care WILL be rationed
    PG 102 - Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice
    pg 124 No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monopoly
    pg 127 - Doctors/ #AMA - The Govt will tell YOU what you can make.
    Pg 145 An Employer MUST automatically enroll employees into pubic option plan. NO CHOICE
    Pg 126 Employers MUST pay for health care for part time employees AND their families.
    Pg 149 ANY Employer with payroll of 400k & above who does not provide public option. pays 8% tax on all payroll
    pg 150 Business payroll between 251k & 400k who doesn't provide public option pays 2-6% tax on all payroll
    Pg 167 ANY individual who doesn't have acceptable health care according to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of income
    170 Any NON-RESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay for their health care)
    Pg 195 -officers & employees of health care Administration (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans financial/personal records
    PG 203 "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that
    Pg 239 Govt will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected
    Pg 241 Doctors, doesn't matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same
    PG 253 Govt sets value of Dr's time, professional judgment, etc. Literally value of humans.
    PG 265 Govt mandates & controls productivity for private health care industries
    PG 268 Fed Govt regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs
    PG 272 . TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!
    Page 280 The Govt will penalize hospitals for what Govt deems preventable readmission.
    Pg 298 Drs, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a re-admission-Govt will penalize you.
    Pg 317 PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Govt tells Drs. what/how much they can own.

    Pg 317-318 PROHIBITION on expansion- Govt is mandating hospitals cannot expand

    pg 321 Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input required. Can u say ACORN?!!

    Pg335 - Govt mandates establishment of outcome based measures. Health care the way they want. Rationing

    Pg 341 Govt has authority to disqualify Medicare Adv. Plans, HMOs, etc. Forcing people into Govt plan

    Pg 354 - Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of special needs people!

    Pg 379 Govt creates more bureaucracy - Telehealth Advisory Committee. Can you say health care by phone?

  6. Continues....

    PG 425 Govt mandates Advance Care Planning Consult. Think Senior Citizens end of life

    Pg 425 Govt will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney. Mandatory!

    PG 4253 Govt provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in death

    PG 427 Govt mandates program for orders for end of life. The Govt has a say in how your life ends

    Pg 429An "adv. care planning consult" will be used frequently as patients health deteriorates

    PG 429 "adv. care consultation" may include an ORDER for end of life plans. AN ORDER from GOV

    Pg 429 - The govt will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.

    PG 430 The Govt will decide what level of treatment u will have at end of life

    Pg 469 - Community Based Home Medical Services=Non profit orgs. Hello, ACORN Medical Svcs here!!?

    Page 472 PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORG. 1 monthly payment to a community-based org. Like ACORN?

    PG 489 The Govt will cover Marriage & Family therapy. Which means they will insert Govt into your marriage

  7. Jewels: I haven't been through the entire bill, yet. It's so long and my eyes want to shut every few pages. Not to mention all the jumping back and forth to paragraph this and sub-paragraph that. But some of it is similar to what is in Social Security Acts 1832 and 1861. I’m sure I’ll do a post when I find something outrageous, like I did when I found the bank accounts in “real time.” I do NOT agree with THAT.

  8. I was curious about Julie's rather elaborate citation and decided to choose one example at random. Here's page 42 where Julie writes, "Pg 42 Commissioner will choose your HC Benefits for you. You have no choice!"

    1 sioner of Social Security and the Social Security Ad2
    4 (a) DUTIES.—The Commissioner is responsible for
    5 carrying out the following functions under this division:
    6 (1) QUALIFIED PLAN STANDARDS.—The estab7
    lishment of qualified health benefits plan standards
    8 under this title, including the enforcement of such
    9 standards in coordination with State insurance regu10
    lators and the Secretaries of Labor and the Treas11
    tablishment and operation of a Health Insurance
    14 Exchange under subtitle A of title II.
    16 The administration of individual affordability credits
    17 under subtitle C of title II, including determination
    18 of eligibility for such credits.
    19 (4) ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS.—Such additional
    20 functions as may be specified in this division.
    22 (1) IN GENERAL.—The Commissioner shall un23
    dertake activities in accordance with this subtitle to
    24 promote accountability of QHBP offering entities in
    25 meeting Federal health insurance requirements, re-

    Not quite 'choosing your HC benefits', Julie. I could go on and on. But what's the point?

    Julie at least have given credit to whomever emailed her the citations.

    Sigh. Another unsung, unnamed right-wing drudge toiling in the ripe vineyards of half-truths, exaggeration and demagoguery.

  9. Oh my Shaw, I'm really surprised at your lack in knowledge or information on this subject.. Or maybe you are just to naive!
    Even though our senators - the people who are supposedly representing us - don't have time to read the proposed health care bill, somehow Fleckman does have the time.

    Do yourself a favor and go read through his 'notes'. If you have any affiliation with health care, be afraid. Be very afraid.

    The reality of the whole government run health care scenario to me seems rather obvious from the get-go. But I don't think people really believe the government could or would actually dictate this stringent of a set of rules. I think these same people are also in for a big fucking shock.

    Hospitals will be told what (to treat), where (which facility), when (until you're no longer getting better), who (which patients) and how (which procedures) to treat patients.
    Doctors will be told what tests they can order, what treatments they will get paid for, and how much of a salary they will make. Gee. What's your incentive to work 12-16 hour days and be on call 24-7-365 now?
    Medical and life insurance companies, HMO's, all that shit will go away too. They won't be needed. You get the picture.

    You'll call a government representative/consultant for an ailment you may have. If you're lucky, this person will have medical background rather than a predefined script tree to read from when determining your ailment and the seriousness of it.
    Then they will tell which doctor you can see, or which hospital you go to. The one closest to you is too busy right now so you'll have to go to the one in the next county and so on.
    But please Darling don't just believe, believe,believe..

  10. Year right Arthurstone

    Pg 42 of HC Bill – The Health Choices Commissioner will choose UR HC Benefits 4 you. U have no choice! Now I have to completely disagree with Politifact. So let’s look at the exact wording directly from the text of the bill:

    “(1) QUALIFIED PLAN STANDARDS.—The establishment of qualified health benefits plan standards under this title, including the enforcement of such standards in coordination with State insurance regulators and the Secretaries of Labor and the Treasury.”

    So we can see directly that indeed one of the duties of the Health Choices Commissioner is to establish qualified health benefits plan standards. So yes the HCC does choose your health care benefits for you.

  11. GUYK wrote:

    "Hospitals will be told what (to treat),"

    Actually private insurance companies decide that right now.--SK

    GUYK: "where (which facility), when (until you're no longer getting better), who (which patients) and how (which procedures) to treat patients."

    HMOs and private insurance companies do this.--SK

    GUYK: "Doctors will be told what tests they can order, what treatments they will get paid for, and how much of a salary they will make. Gee. What's your incentive to work 12-16 hour days and be on call 24-7-365 now?"

    Many, many western industrialized societies work very, very efficiently and nicely under those rules.

    You're repeating all sorts of scare tactics that have been used for over 60 years to deny people access to health care.

    You've bought into the exact same propaganda the insurance companies have been feeding Congress and the American public for years.

    Change is difficult and scary. But we need to fix our health care system NOW.

    I am a survivor of a life-threatening disease, and I was one of those people whose insurance was inadequate for what steps had to be taken to fight it, and then after my ordeal was over, was denied the ability to buy insurance because of my "pre-existing" condition.

    I hope you and your loved ones never have to face what I did.

    I know from terrifying personal experience that we must fix our health care mess.

  12. You say..."Change is difficult and scary. But we need to fix our health care system NOW."

    But as you know we can not just "Change' for the sake of changing.

  13. It’s true that insurance companies dictate what they’ll cover and what they won’t and are known to deny people for pre-existing conditions. This just happened at the company I work for, although I’m on my husband’s policy, so didn’t have to endure what my co-workers had to. However, I’ve said this before, and am not afraid to say it again, I do not believe government should be handling something like our health care, just like I don’t think they should be handling our Medicare and Medicaid. With that being said, I still believe we need a definite overhaul of our health care system because it is a problem. But the greedy government AND insurance companies aren’t going to allow us Americans to have a say in how that’s done...and therein lies the BIGGEST problem.

  14. Julie-

    Read your own insurance policy regarding 'standards of care'. Read any hospital charter regarding standards of care. Reading any nursing or doctor handbook regarding standards of care. Here is the dictionary definition of medical standards of care:

    'A standard of care is a medical or psychological treatment guideline, and can be general or specific. It specifies appropriate treatment based on scientific evidence and collaboration between medical and/or psychological professionals involved in the treatment of a given condition.'

    Page 42 in your cut and paste discusses standards of care.

    Standards of care are not benefits. Benefits are an entirely different kettle of fish.

    And guess what.

    Any insurance policy limits benefits.

    And guess what.

    Any employer can provide or not provide employee benefits of their choosing.

  15. Well, for some reason, I guess Republicans don’t like publicly funded, publicly administered health plans except for Medicare, and, I guess, except for the Veterans Administration and except for the health care that our military gets from the Department of Defense.

    The fact of the matter is, what we’ve learned is that government administered health care works pretty darn well.

  16. Thanks for debunking the rightists' lies.

    Julie's Jewels: I would take your statements more seriously if you supported single payer.

  17. Thank you Susan. Please come back again.
