Sunday, August 30, 2009


I'm not making this up. 

And Charles Dickens did not write the post heading. (Although Kreep is as Dickensian as is Heep.)

Apparently a fellow named Kreep, Gary Kreep, head of the United States Justice Foundation, has come to the defense of Glenn Beck as the number of advertisers pulling out of Beck's time slot has increased to almost 50.

This Kreep is apparently spreading untruths about the head of  The Color of Change, Van Jones, who initiated the boycott of Beck's advertisers. 

But those misstatements and misrepresentations are easily refuted.  Here are some of them:

Kreep instructed Glenn Beck fans to tell advertisers that Van Jones “went to prison for inciting the 1992 Rodney King riots in L.A."   Tell them CoC’s founder went to prison for inciting the 1992 L.A. Riots, and accused President Bush of giving troops orders to shoot black people after Hurricane Katrina.


In reality, Van Jones was a legal observer in San Francisco, not Los Angeles, during a non-violent rally that took place after, not before the riots. Jones and hundreds of others were seized in a mass arrest. He was released within a few hours, all charges were dropped, and “the City of San Francisco ultimately compensated him financially for his unjust arrest.”

Jones also has never “accused President Bush of giving troops orders to shoot black people after Hurricane Katrina,” as the DefendGlenn site claims. Kreep’s inflammatory lie has no factual basis whatsoever.

Van Jones Bio:  Born in rural Tennessee, Jones graduated in 1990 from the University of Tennessee and, in 1993, from Yale Law School. At the age of 27, Jones convinced the California State Bar Association to allow him to begin a program that would provide lawyer referral services for police abuse victims. Jones, a civil-rights lawyer, is founder and executive director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, a nonprofit agency for justice, opportunities, and peace in urban America. Located in Oakland, California, the Center focuses on campaigning to reform California’s abusive and costly youth prison system, creating opportunities in the "green" economy for poor communities and communities of color, supporting victims and survivors of police abuse and their families, and uplifting young people and addressing Bay Area violence with a mix of activism and street culture.

Jones has lead many campaigns including Books Not Bars, an advocacy program for parents/grandparents of incarcerated youth in the United States. It has been credited with a 30% drop in the total number of youth incarcerated in California. Additionally Jones sits on numerous governing boards, and following Hurricane Katrina co-founded the largest online activist community addressing Black issues (

h/t ThinkProgress


  1. The righties will never allow the truth to stand in the way of a good lie Shaw.

    This Kreep story does remind me of Nixon's reelection committee. The Committee to Reelect the President. Better know to history as "CREEP."

  2. I was thinking of the Nixon thing as I was reading the post.

  3. This is where liberals get things all messed up...

    The reactionary right does not lie...

    They just believe that anyone who does anything that benefits others, improves the lives of others, and or takes others into consideration is COMMUNISM...

    Help an old lady across the street? Then you are a damn commie!

    Volunteer at a homeless shelter? Then you are a damn commie!

    Donate to a charity? Rich liberal commie!

    Want to sit down and talk rather than nuke them? Damn pinko commie!

    We could change this to "You know you are a liberal commie if....."

  4. Time for a little Walt Whitman.

    I've often found this quite useful when the sheer awfulness of the times gets to be too much:

    "This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun, and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence towards the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men; go freely with the powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and mothers, of families: read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life: re-examine all you have been told at school or church, or in any books, and dismiss whatever insults your soul."

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I tho't of Committee to Re-Elect the President, as well. Such a perfect name for the support of war criminals in high office.

    and thanx, Shaw, for sparing honest commenters the spew of psychotic morons.

  7. Atta girl. Make fun of a guy because of his name!

  8. Ahh, for the days of Stalin, when someone who said things you didn't like would just disappear in the middle of the night. You can take Stalin out of the gene pool, but you can't take Stalinism out of the lefty brain.

  9. Lone Ranger: people wish Glenn Beck would go away because he is an "entertainer" disguised as a someone who discusses the news...only his entertainment is full of lies and fear mongering...

  10. Lone Ranger's blog bio says this:

    "I've been a broadcaster for more than 35 years. I've held every job there is in a radio or television station. I've lived and worked all over the world and am presently a gun-toting writer for an international news agency based in Washington, DC."

    There is nothing remotely Stalinist about individuals using the power of their pocketbooks to boycott someone or something they do not like.

    It is NOT the US government protesting and boycotting Beck. It's is private citizens and organizations. Only a Stalinist would be opposed to power of the people.

    Perhaps you don't understand that this is perfectly acceptable in a democracy.

    You're way too quick on the draw to cry "Stalin" over something quite democratic and legal.

    BTW, LR, I couldn't image the REAL Lone Ranger defending a lying clown like Beck.

  11. Arthurstone,

    Did you see this on my blog?

  12. Seen over at He Who Must Not Be Named's blog:

    Deyoges Denn said...
    To my conservative friends
    I'd like to advise ALL conservatives/republicans NOT to post on these Liberian Hate blogs.

    I like you are a conservative./ republican I am not a racist, and I don’t want to be labeled as one.
    And that’s what all these blogs are about, not all, and by no means all the time , but the blogs by Shaw Kenawe and Truth Shall Rule certainly are.

    shaw, i had no idea you ran a Liberian Hate blog. I've never seen one post about Liberia!

    Truly, these people are so dumb, I don't know how they manage to breathe.

  13. A Liberian blog, eh? Dammit, now I know where all those special offers from African widows are coming from. You dirty spammer, you.

  14. Concerning these huge bills and who in hell is writing them. What are we paying our representatives for again? Writing legislation? Nope, someone else is doing that. Reading the legislation, nope, nobody is reading them. Representing their constituents, nope, they don't represent us. Nobobdy care about the little guy. It's ALL about him!

  15. Elmer,

    You comment isn't clear. Your last two sentences state that no one cares about the little guy, then you say it's all about him.

    If no one cares, as you state, about the little guy, how can it be all about him?

    BTW, as for reading legislation, were you as incensed when the Republicans shoved through the Medicare Part D bill that enriched Big Pharma by not allowing the government to negotiate prescription drug prices with it? Medicare Part D is a federal program to subsidize the costs of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries in the United States. It was enacted as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) and went into effect on January 1, 2006.

    Or are you bothered only when the Democrats do it?

    Were you thoroughly informed on every single bill that the Bush administration enacted into law? And did you ask the same questions you're asking now? I'm curious, because this sort of thing goes on in Republican and Democratic Congresses and administrations, but it appears that Republcans get upset only when Democrats are in charge of Congress.

  16. Shaw Kenawe said...


    You comment isn't clear. Your last two sentences state that no one cares about the little guy, then you say it's all about him.

    If no one cares, as you state, about the little guy, how can it be all about him?

    Yes, Everything is all about HIM! All about HIM, meaning All about OBAMA, not about us the little people. Like most typical liberals nothing their fault! I think the American People see it differently and these polls are more proof that Mr. Empty Suit is a phony!
    The vast majority of of people are sick of this guy already and nothings even passed yet.A lot of people saw themselves as a happy reciepient of free healthcare like they have in Britan and Canada and now they see it won't work that way. If you work,you'll pay something for heathcare, you're better off being unemployed under Obama if you can find someone to sponge off of.Obama has embraced the culture of slackerdom while planning on fleecing the producers even more,see cap and trade..Obama and his clan have turned a blind eye to just how widespread the revolt is against his policies.They still say "conservative opposition".Or simply blame it all on racism as usual, it's us lousy racist conservative's fault once again. And by the way, Obam's *approval* ratings fell once again... maybe people don't like him attacking Bush, Cheney, the CIA, the protesters, the police, the doctors, the Special Olympics, and everyone else that is wise to him.. .

  17. Elmer wrote:

    Yes, Everything is all about HIM! All about HIM, meaning All about OBAMA, not about us the little people.

    May I point out to you that President Obama's health care proposals (actually, Congress') are for "the little people," the people who are underinsured and not insured. He gave a tax break to 98% of the US population--the middle class--"the little people." And he increased veterans benefits 11%. So I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Elmer wrote:

    Like most typical liberals nothing their fault! I think the American People see it differently and these polls are more proof that Mr. Empty Suit is a phony!

    The first part of that comment makes no sense. How does it follow after your writing about "the little people?" As for Mr. Obama's poll numbers, I vividly recall that as the last president's poll numbers remained historically low for the last two years of his administration, his followers crowed that that was a sign of his greatness, that he didn't care about poll numbers, but that he cared about doing what is right for America. Or have you conveniently forgotten that?

    The rest of your comment is nothing but a malcontented rant based in Limbaugh and Beck talking points.

  18. The first part of that comment makes no sense.
    The rest of your comment is nothing but a malcontented rant based in Limbaugh and Beck talking points.

    Of course, everything written by people other then the SHEEP that kiss your behind is always a malcontented rant!

    So I will take the advice of that person that suggested Conservatives NOT to come here anymore.

    THAT is what makes the most sense to me....
    It's no wonder that so many "conservatives" think of you as they do!

  19. Shaw wondered:

    'Did you see this on my blog?'

    Before my time.

    What a wonderful quote. A most useful antidote to teabaggers, whiners and right-wing victims of socialism, secular humanism and organic farming.

    Elmers (sic) Brother-

    The 'vast majority' are not 'sick of this guy already'. Why would you type and publish such an obvious whopper?

    Put your brother on the keyboard.

  20. Notice how Elmer's Brother never addressed my comments about what President Obama has done for "the little people."

    Elmer's Brother couldn't defend these statements with evidence:

    "The vast majority of of people are sick of this guy already and nothings even passed yet.A lot of people saw themselves as a happy reciepient of free healthcare like they have in Britan and Canada and now they see it won't work that way."

    And so he walks away complaining and in a huff.


  21. "Deyoges Denn said...
    To my conservative friends
    I'd like to advise ALL conservatives/republicans NOT to post on these Liberian Hate blogs."

    I have no problem with Liberians everyone. I think they do a good job registering ships and the other stuff they do is probably good also.

    Why this friend of the unmentionable one thinks Shaw and I hate Liberians is a mystery.

  22. Shaw Kenya said:

    "Deyoges Denn said...
    To my conservative friends
    I'd like to advise ALL conservatives/republicans NOT to post on these Liberian Hate blogs.

    Are You Freakin’ Kidding Me? Are you so freaken hung up on spelling and typos that you stoop that low tp insult a poster that make an error in his/her typing.

    Anyone with a reasonable amount of still functioning brain cells knew that Deyoges really meant to type "LIBERAL" But Shaw Kenya had to pull her crap again and INSULT his/her error.

    No wonder people have stopped coming here and you post count has shrunken to less than 1/2 of what is was.

  23. I think Deyoges Denn meant to say librarians...after all that dewey decimal system is quite archaic and frustrating.

  24. That was a deep well thought out response. Just about what I would expect from someone wanting to claim bravery with cheap insults.

  25. Hey Guy From Brooklyn.

    Credit where credit's due. Anonymous and Truth 101 made the point about Liberians.

    Toughen up.

    No nonsense guys like you are America's only line of defense against Isalmofascists, Marxists and organic farmers.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Dear Guy From Brooklyn,

    Please get over yourself.

    It was some commenter who used the name "Anonymous" who came here and pointed out what "Deyoges Denn" posted on someone else's blog.

    I had nothing to do with it.

    You and a lot of others in the conservative camp don't bother to read details. And as a result, you make fools of yourselves because you don't take the time to be accurate.

    This is symptomatic of how a great many of the howling conservatives have been reacting to the health care issue. They make ASSUMPTIONS, and never bother to see if they're based in fact.

    I had nothing to do with Liberian or Library or Liberal post. And you can verify that simply by reading the comments.

    But apparently you'd rather shoot from the hip, make yourself look silly and then skulk off in phoney indignation.

    Try reading accurately first, then shoot your mouth off.

  28. jeebus, shaw. where did that brooklyn guy come from? is it possible people can be that dumb?

    oh, i think i already remarked on that upthread.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. santa6642 said...
    What a bunch of ahole's you have here Shaw.

    Um, you're here, santa6642, aren't you.

  31. Yo, santa6642:

    A name used on progressive blogs to deride intolerant religious rightwingers ("fundies") who use the Christian faith as a flag and front for every one of their nastiest motivations, statements and actions, hiding hate behind professed faith. Basically "jeebus" is a code word for lefties permitting them to mock self-annointed religious frothing biters / ultraconservatives of the social or financial right who advocate selfishness and cruelty (via nutty religious errors) without actually deriding Jesus or Christianity itself which they don't have a problem with. Put alternatively, a person who follows the New Testament loves Jesus; a person who can't wait to take away sick benefits from a dying lesbian because God Hates Fags loves Jeebus. Get the diff?
    "Don't you understand? Tax cuts for the rich are good and welfare for sick mothers is immoral! What kind of atheistic radical are you to think otherwise?"
    "Jeebus told you to say that, didn't he?"

  32. The winger commenters are showing a great deal of the lack of judgment that makes them wingers.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Blog of Joel wrote:

    I respect your right to "dislike" if not dislike “hate”conservatives,

    You obviously do NOT read my blog very carefully. I have a number of thoughtful conservatives who post comments here. I do not hate conservatives as you opined. I challenge you to find anything that says that on my blog.

    Blog of Joel: but you as well as I should put the partisanship aside and stand up against the expansion of government,

    Did you stand up against this expansion of government during the Bush administration when he instituted the largest government agency, Homeland Security, in the history of the US?

    Blog of Joel: the loss of freedom,

    Unless you can specifically state the freedoms you no longer enjoy, this is nothing but bosh. Has your freedom to worship, practice free speech, associate, assemble, bear arms, etc., etc., been denied you? If so please explain when, where, and by whom these freedoms have been abrogated. If you can't, then you are being totally dishonest by stating what you did above.

    Blog of Joel: and the tyranny of these men and women that dare release us of such civil liberties.

    I demand you to explicitly state the "tyranny" you name above. Have you been thrown in jail without being charged with a crime and left to languish without access to a lawyer? [This actually happened to an American citizen under the Bush administration, and to dozens of prisoners in Gitmo]. Have you been arrested for speaking out against the government? [Actually, the Bush administration detained people for wearing T-shirts that they deemed objectionable.] Have you been barred from practicing your religion or worshipping in your church, mosque or temple? Has the government come to take away your guns?

    All of your claims about tyranny and the loss of freedoms seem to be percolating up from some paranoia deep within your frightened self, for the fact of the matter is, your freedoms have not been injured or taken away.

    As for the rest of your comment, I don't need you or anyone to tell me how to run this blog. I did a review of the posts published in August; and of the 35, only 8 were about specific conservatives, Beck, Sen. Grassley, Tom Ridge, 2 on Sarah Palin, Betsy McCaughey, and 2 on Limbaugh.

    Limbaugh and Beck are entertainers and deserve all the contempt and ridicule they attract as a result of their lies, misstatements, and rabble rousing rants. The rest of the posts point out contradictions, untruths, and dissembling by the other named conservatives.

    As for your other uninvited criticisms of my blog, I notice that on your blog, Mr. Blog of Joel, that you've got a photoshopped picture of President Obama where he looks like a magician of some sort and I also saw other photoshopped pics ridiculing the president.

    You also posted a report from someone at CNN who wrote of Sarah Palin just after her acceptance speech for vp in last year’s presidential election campaign.:

    “Let's reflect. In her acceptance speech, we saw a woman who was compelling, charming and aggressively partisan. She succeeded in demonstrating that she is a regular mom who came to government to make a difference”.

    Apparently, you approve of women who are aggressively partisan, so long as they’re aggressively CONSERVATIVE partisans.

    Please refrain from coming here to post your pompous scoldings and inaccuracies about your losses of freedoms. I’ll take care of my blog, and I invite you to do the same for yours.


    Some commenter who calls himself "Blog of Joel" came here this morning accusing me of disliking and hating conservatives. Then he went on to instruct me on how I should put partisanship aside. And finally he writes:

    "So please, pay attention to their comments and don't answer with your ignorance only because you don’t agree and you don’t care to see their side of the picture.

    I checked into TRUTH 101's blog and found this rant by "Blog of Joel" in TRUTH's comment section:

    I hate liberals, along with most every-one I know and we will go to war with the bastards and when they are before the Lord in judgment they will learn the error of their ways only it will be to late!
    they always come in with there stupid attitude that we took away the native Americans land so what if we did? That was the way it was at that time! And the same thing goes for the Blacks and their “Slavery” mantra .
    I mostly hate liberals because of the hypocrisy, political correctness and zero-tolerance .
    The biggest reason I hate liberals is the fact that they are whiny, ignorant, backward, spoiled, snooty, hypocritical MORONS! Not all liberals are but the ones one these blogs are.
    And lets not forget that they are a bunch of "tree huggers" and "environmentalist wackos".

    Oh, the humanity!!!!!! The jokes just keep writing themselves.

  37. Here's the link to TRUTH's comment section where Blog of Joel disgraces himself:

  38. And your point is what Shaw?

    The post from Joel sounds pretty reasonable to me. Where was he wrong?
    Once again, you entertained me with your one sided slanted liberal post.
    Or did you just have another brainless moment!
    But grind away if you insist; we brainless conservatives will find a way to survive.
    But I do wish that you’d try to come up with some resemblance of intelligence once in a while, instead of your nonsensical rants. .

  39. Shaw pointed out where Joel was wrong Lone Voice. Did you really read her reply to the deluded rants of your friend Joel, LV?

  40. Blog of Joel......I am a conservative and a good friend of Shaw's. If you bothered to stick to the topic and express a well thought out comment instead of this ridiculous rant than maybe she would respect you too. She is a liberal and has a right to her opinion. When did you become the thought police?

    Shaw, I actually did a post exactly about what you are dealing with today.

    I am disheartened that these people call themselves conservatives and then act like this. I feel that if you make a statement you should back it up with facts. These rants do not do that and in turn, nobody takes them seriously, even other conservatives.

    Hang in there, and know that the people that truly know you don't believe a word of this crap!


  41. The Lone Voice typed:

    ' we brainless conservatives will find a way to survive. '

    Sadly you're probably right on that score.

    Not leaving well enough alone he added:

    'But I do wish that you’d try to come up with some resemblance of intelligence once in a while, instead of your nonsensical rants. .'

    That said clearly you don't value your time Mr. Lone. Or you'd likely spend it more wisely.

    Why blame Shaw for your poor choices? Why not turn that laser focus on topics more to your abilities?

    Still, speaking for myself it's always a treat to see a conservative mind such as yours in all its full blown splendor.

  42. Ahem. I actually do believe some of that "crap," although I don't think I need to specify which parts in this post. I wouldn't have brought up most of those points in this post, either.

    But it bears remembering that conservatives are not the only ones who visit other websites to rant. Plenty of liberals and progressives (including some denizens of Progressive Eruptions) do so, too. And if you want to see your fever swamp, I invite you to wade through Democratic Underground or Daily Kos; be sure to wear your chest waders, though.

    Jennifer, I'd like to see all conservatives delivering calm, reasoned arguments every time, too. It ain't gonna happen. 25 years ago, my response to some of the lies and misrepresentations that are rolled out here might have been the same; sputtering incoherence.

    But I've (re)learned that liberals, for all their commie-symp squishiness and soft-headed love of statism, are people too. Yelling at them, while it is satisfying, doesn't change anything. It merely serves, for them, to justify their own petty-mindedness and hatred.

    Far better to smile, engage, and win them to our side with charm, reason, and good will, don't you think? Hey, little girl, want to come over and see my Milton Friedman monographs?

  43. Gordon, I understand your point and you are right. It comes as much from the left as it does the right. I mainly concentrated on that because of some of the hatefest that has been going on lately. I've had issues with the lefties that act the same way as some on the right are.

    I'm conservative and I share some of their views too, I just don't agree with the way it's presented. What I meant by "crap" was the insults and name calling, not their views in general.

  44. Jennifer, I couldn't agree more about the name calling. There's a distinct lack of imagination in that area since William Safire retired from White House speechwriting.

    We need some better insultive tags for liberals.

  45. Speaking of Glenn Beck:

    Michelle Malkin honed her hate chops at the Seattle Times for a number of years as well.

    We have our share here in the People's Republic, believe me.

  46. Arthur: So what do you do about these guys? Just ignore them, or get all incensed and try to get them silenced?

    I am a firm believer in "If you don't like it, turn the channel or don't go to the web site" way of handling things.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Glenn Beck.

    The Bernard Berenson of right-wing hate radio:

    There seems to be no end of topics upon which Beck is uniquely unqualified upon which to comment. Hence, the iron-clad bond with his listeners.

  49. FYI to all readers of this blog:

    "Blog of Joel" is not actually me. It's some fool impersonating my blog. I have reported it to Blogger.

