Saturday, September 12, 2009


has written about what a majority of Americans are thinking about the present make-up of the GOP:

"Joe Wilson’s outburst Wednesday night earned more than a personal rebuke from the president and a dagger-eyed gasp from the speaker of the House; it drew winces from Republicans worried that their party is becoming known less for the power of its ideals and more for the pettiness of its vitriol.

“Neither party has an exclusive on wack jobs,” says Republican media consultant Mark McKinnon. “Unfortunately, right now the Democrats generally get defined by President Obama, and Republicans, who have no clear leadership, get defined by crackpots — and then they begin to define the Republican Party in the mind of the general public.”

Turn on the TV, and you see what he means.

Here’s Orly Taitz, insisting that the commander in chief was born in Kenya. There’s a flock of angry protesters chanting “Just say no!” and carrying signs depicting a Democratic congressman with devil’s horns. Former GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin warns darkly that Obama is planning “death panels” for senior citizens. Georgia Rep. Paul Broun equates the president’s plans with “Nazi” policies. Ohio Rep. Jean Schmidt — last heard calling John Murtha a “coward” — tells a birther: “I agree with you, but the courts don’t.”

And then, in the midst of all the catcalls, hand-held signs and “I’m not listening” BlackBerrying, Wilson interrupts Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress by shouting, “You lie!”

“The president was helped more by the optics of House Republicans than by his own speech,” says former Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.). “It’s not likely to do any long-term damage, but they need to be very careful how they oppose this president.”

One veteran GOP official puts it bluntly: “The image of a bunch of white guys booing an African-American president is about as bad as it gets.”

Republican leaders were quick to distance themselves from Wilson’s outburst. John McCain said Wilson should apologize, and he did — although he also insisted that he was right about Obama’s lack of candor.

Brian Jones, a former communications director for the Republican National Committee, finds it frustrating when lawmakers like Wilson hijack the party’s public persona."

The rest is here.

And finally, these conservative "adult" Americans are taking a picture of a photo-poster of President Obama with horseshit over it. 



  1. What a pathetic blog this is.. The Obamacrats seem to welcome the distraction, and the ability to have a two-minutes hate against Joe Wilson, rather than having to talk about their terrible bill.
    It’s time we demonstrated what a pathetic shill and a liar Barack Obama is and how his puppets are who fully endorses and supports all his lies.

    In short, Joe Wilson was far too kind. Barack Obama is not only a liar; he’s a serial liar who deliberately says things that he knows are false.

  2. Seenthelight, as opposed to things he thinks are true, but aren't?

    Let's face it, the bill nowhere says that illegal aliens will get coverage.

    It does not set up death panels.

    Both of these things have been pointed out, and explained ad nauseam by countless researchers.

    The difference seems to be in how one interprets the data.

    Obama looks at that data and interprets it one way, as he did regarding Iraq.

    Others look at the data and interpret it another way, as they did with Iraq.

    Now you can be wrong in your interpretation, as I am sure you will assert with the Iraq analogy, but that does not make you necessarily a liar.

  3. Typical deluded right wing fool the Seenthelight character is. He fails to acknolege all the posts Shaw did on the health insurance bill in favor of tried and tested right wing hate speech.

    You reveal the heart and soul of the republican party's base of bigots, homophobes and idiots Seenthelight. Your moniker is a fine example of oxymoronism.

  4. Seenthlight,

    Thanks for coming by and clearly demonstrating what Andie Coller wrote about in her essay.

    A majority of Americans want health care reform, not unhinged Congressmen screaming "You lie!" at the president and disgracing himself in front of the nation.

    BTW, only 23% of Americans identify with the Republican Party.

    That means very, very few people would associate themselves with you and what you stand for.

    People like you on the extreme Right make a lot of noise and absolutely no sense.

  5. From seenthelight's blog on a typical "you're a lying liberal" rant... "...oh, those Fact Checks they can shove up their ass. "

    Yes, why would we want to cloud the issue with facts?

  6. "You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts." D.P. Moynihan

    Seenthelight apparently sees the light only through his own opinions, but never on the basis of facts.


  7. shaw,

    who forced seenthelight to visit here?

    and who asked him for his lame opinion?

    "It's time we demonstrated what a pathetic shill and a liar Barack Obama is AND HOW HIS PUPPETS ARE WHO FULLY ENDORSES AND SUPPORTS ALL HIS LIES."


    shaw, why do you bother with these dimwits?

  8. Obama is a Muslin?

    I had no idea he was a man of the cloth.

  9. I guess that everyone that posts here except for the Big 3 ass wipes are Typical deluded right wing fools!

    And Racist ones as well.
    Well say want you want and call me what you want.
    Wilson just said what most Americans already knew obama is a lair. And you folks eat it up!

    Oh please let my spelling be correct, I wouldn't want to be hit on my knuckles by that big bad boogie lady Shaw.

  10. IHTSI,

    Its a shame you got the weekend shift...I am sure you would have rather have gone to the 9/12 project...

    By the way "BIG 3 Asswipes" would that entitle them to a government bailout?

    Three against 1,000's...I guess that makes them the Spartans of Sanity?

  11. "It’s time we demonstrated what a pathetic shill and a liar Barack Obama is and how his puppets are who fully endorses and supports all his lies."

    "His puppets are who fully endorses?" I wish these aliens would learn English or go home, but yes, it absolutely is time you demonstrated at least one of your libelous idiocies instead of borrowing this flimsy and ill fitting cloak of hauteur. Time indeed -- or admit you're only on this bandwagon because you're too "pathetic" to fabricate a lie of your own, much less to produce a readable English sentence -- and you want to pretend to be a real live boy rather than a poorly carved lump of wood with strings attached.

    "..our Geese are but Geese tho' we may think 'em Swans; and Truth will be Truth tho' it sometimes prove mortifying and distasteful."

    -Ben Franklin-

  12. Well say want you want and call me what you want.
    Wilson just said what most Americans already knew obama is a lair.

    I have some sad news for you "I'm Here to Say It." You're a distinct, idiotic minority. Most Americans LOVE Mr. Obama.

    Just because you're a loud-mouthed, bigoted fool doesn't mean your know what you're talking about.

    BTW, Mr. Obama is most definitely NOT a LAIR.


  13. Shaw: Seriously, even if Obama were a Muslim (spelled correctly.... and he is NOT), I would not have seen that as any reason to oppose his election, support impeachment, or to oppose his re-election.

    Same with the "half-breed" thing. It's purely racial and racist and entirely repugnant. Not to mention that this person can't even get his Klan lingo correct: the "half-breed" term traditionally refers to someone who is half-white and half Native American. The dictionary terms this to be "offensive".

    The one tea-party I was at had mostly non-offensive signs that often made good points, and one or two bad ones (such as an Obama = Hitler one). A much larger event is likely to have even more bad signs. Lots of chances for photos such as these.

    I also find the "Obama: More Czars than the USSR" one to be rather amusing. Entirely aside from the fact that I think Obama is going overboard on the czars (some some left-wingers in these blogs agree too), one must realize that both Bushes and Clinton also had many more czars than the USSR. Why? Because the USSR had NO czars, sign-carring dillweed!!!

  14. Doesn't anyone on the right have spell checker or at least own a dictionary?
    Bad spellers of the world, untie!

  15. A guy named Dave said...

    Well say want you want and call me what you want.
    Wilson just said what most Americans already knew obama is a lair.

    I have some sad news for you "I'm Here to Say It." You're a distinct, idiotic minority. Most Americans LOVE Mr. Obama.

    Just because you're a loud-mouthed, bigoted fool doesn't mean your know what you're talking about.

    BTW, Mr. Obama is most definitely NOT a LAIR.

    And you Who ever you are and whatever your name is are a Idiot.
    Axis of Idiots and Buyers' Remorse and Comrade Obama and Government and Lies and Neo-Marxists and Politics and Socialism and Stupid People Axis of Idiots, Comrade Obama, Democrats, Liberalism is a mental disorder, Lies, Neo-Marxist, Politics, Socialism, Stupid People. Obama is a LYING ass-hole!
    This asshole opens his mouth and you should know by now that it is a straight up lie. And the fuckers that he has surrounding him are a bunch of lying assholes too.

  16. Some crazed commenter wrote:

    "And you Who ever you are and whatever your name is are a Idiot."

    Yep. We IS ARE A IDIOT. LOL!

    The rest of the poor dear fool's rant is unintelligible and unhinged.

    IOW, typical drive-by, garbled extemist thinking.
