Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Really.  Supposedly grown-up people with careers in the media as political pundits actually compared President Obama to Kim Jong Il, Chairman Mao, and other assorted monsters. 

How will we ever again take these irrational babblers seriously?  In my world, when someone goes over the edge with lies, misrepresentations, and rabble rousing rhetoric, I write them off as not serious and nothing more than attention-grabbing pseudologers.  Watch this video and see how many of them there are out there.  Who on this blue/green planet would EVER again want to listen to what these sneering, demented fools have to say?


  1. Really? Who? What's the actual quote?

  2. Gordon:

    Did you watch the video? You can hear and see the actual quotes come out of the shark jumpers actual mouths. If you're specifically askin' about the dictator comparisons, they start at approximately 1 minute, 12 seconds in.

  3. Ah. An Olbermann slice and dice piece.

    Of course, Keith himself never makes over-the-top comparisons.

  4. Gordon,

    I watched Monica Crowley characterize the speech as "Orwellian." And she said "This is what Chairman Mao did."

    It doesn't get any stupider and crazy than that.

    Those are her words, not Olbermann's.

  5. Here's the story on the Texas Hypocrisy Alert:

    ARLINGTON, Texas (ABP) -- A prominent black Southern Baptist pastor says a Texas school district should explain why it did not allow President Obama's Sept. 8 speech on education to be shown live in classrooms, but is planning later in the month to send selected fifth graders to a similar message by former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura.

    The Arlington Independent School District was one of several across the United States that opted out of the live broadcast of the president's speech challenging students to take personal responsibility for their own education. Facing concerns on the part of parents and teachers that the speech might be used to promote a partisan political agenda, other districts responded by allowing individual schools to decide or to allow individual children to opt out of viewing the speech at their parents' request.

    School officials in Arlington -- a large suburb located between Dallas and Fort Worth -- said students with appropriate parental notification could take a half-day excused absence to watch the president's address at an off-campus location like a home, church or community center.

    One of those sites was Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington. The 4,500-member, predominantly African-American congregation invited students from both Arlington and the neighboring Mansfield Independent School District to watch the message at the church and offered free lunches to the first 100 students requesting them.

    The rest is here.

  6. The paternalistic, what you can do for your country" implies that government is the master or the deity, the citizen, the servant or the votary. To the free man, the country is the collection of individuals who compose it, not something over and above them. He is proud of a common heritage and loyal to common traditions. But he regards government as a means, an instrumentality, neither a granter of favors and gifts, not a master nor god to be blindly worshiped and served. He recognizes no national goal except as it is the consensus of the goals that the citizens severally serve. He recognizes no national purpose except as it is the consensus of the purposes for which the citizens severally strive.

  7. Just My Two Cents,

    That's a quote by Milton Friedman in the introduction to his book "Capitalism and Freedom."

    I don't mind people using other authors' words, so long as you give it attribution and not give the appearance that it belongs to you.

    Just this morning two people, "Bob" and "My World Is Changing" came to my blog and used other people's words without attribution.

    "Bob" posted his stolen work on his blog and inserted my name into the plagiarized text. Then posted the cribbed text here.

    The commenter, "My World Is Changing" left a rant that also turned out to have been mostly someone else's work that he passed off as his.

    What does it mean? Well to me it means that a lot of folks on the radical right don't do any thinking on their own, but merely cut and paste whatever suits their rant of the day.

    Is this the best these people have to offer? Cheaters and plagiarists?

  8. There are several hairs which could be split about the Baptist preacher story. Like the Arlington school district, I decline to be the splitter, but allow others to split freely without penalty if they choose to do so.

  9. In case you were wondering, here's what I think (actually, here's what I think, whether you were wondering or not):

    1. The original flap over the speech was not because he is black (although I have already read some stupid remarks by some stupid people that that was the reason for the concern...those people are both stupid and racist).

    The original flap was because the speech originally revealed at white included an assignment to the students to "write a letter to themselves..." explaining what they could do to help President BO.

    That reeks of indoctrination, not of inspiration.

    2. If the White House "speech czars" did not know that there would be flap over that kind of indoctrination, why didn't they? Are they just not smart enough to have anticipated it?

    In fact, if they did not know that that assignment would generate flap among the general public, why are they still employed?

    We need people who KNOW how Americans think, not folks who put forth their own agendas to force UPON the American people.

    3. The final speech, as delivered, was stilted, and was not without "I" trouble.

    For example: "I have something important to discuss with you. I'm here because I want to talk with you about your education and what's expected of all of you in this new school year.
    Now, I've given a lot of speeches about education. And I've talked about responsibility a lot.
    I've talked about teachers' responsibility for inspiring students and pushing you to learn.
    I've talked about your parents' responsibility for making sure you stay on track, and you get your homework done, and don't spend every waking hour in front of the TV or with the Xbox.
    I've talked a lot about your government's responsibility for setting high standards, and supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that aren't working, where students aren't getting the opportunities that they deserve."

    One of my beefs about President BO to begin with is that he seems totally convinced that this being president business is all about him.

  10. Thanks for parsing the President's speech Joe. You've provided yet another candid look into an all too familiar mindset.

    There is NOTHING President Obama can ever say or do which will satisfy that particularly (self)righteous segment of the population vehemently opposed to anything and everything in the President's agenda & the Democratic party platform.

    Oh well.

    Seven and one half years to go.

  11. The original flap was because the speech originally revealed at white included an assignment to the students to "write a letter to themselves..." explaining what they could do to help President BO.

    That reeks of indoctrination, not of inspiration.

    Actually, your assessment reeks of paranoia.

    And now you guys are left with counting the "Is" in every Obama speech?

    Do you realize how far lost you are in the Valley of the Crazy?

    BTW, Joe. You and the other people who populate that unfortunate Valley are not as large a group as you think you are.

    You're just louder than most other Americans.

  12. Just in case you missed it..
    Breaking News Sen. Finance Chairman Baucus Concedes 'Public Option' Can't Pass the Senate

  13. Gordon:

    I'm sure you can find and watch the whole of each one of those "slices & dices" on youtube, if you so desire.

    You asked for the actual quotes, and there they are. You seem to acknowledge in your reply that they're "over the top," and that was the point Shaw was makin'... Given the circumstance about which they were speaking especially (though I'm not so sure any circumstance would make such over the top boarishness right), these folks are pretty far out there, which isn't good if one expects to be taken seriously as anything more than a partisan clown.

    Whether or not Olbermann also makes over the top comparisons, sometimes--& I think he does, as well--has no bearing on whether these folks did so, or (I assume) on whether that makes their (or olbermann's) over the top comparisons any more or less justified because folks on the other side do the same thing.

    You're welcome to squeeze a "yeah, Olbermann's bad sometimes, as well" outta me, as long as you don't deny the fact that if these folks that the post is actually about were anywhere near as serious about these comparisons & general state of alarm as they claim they were, they're not qualified to speak about the political process in anything but the most superficial (or polemic) terms.

    Once one is over the age of 12 or so, "But they did it, too." becomes a pretty piss poor answer, no matter the question.

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  15. This saga parrallels life in that the squeeky wheel gets the grease. A bunch of dupes holler "socialism!" They get the press. A bunch of rational people nod their heads or nod in agreement and who wants to see that?

    You're pretty good at stirring up a few Lefties Gordon with your tacit defenses of right wing lunatic behavior and I find it sort entertaining. I really admired your blaming the right wing wacko statements on an Olberman slice and dice. Too bad for you the visitors here are too smart to fall for that. Talent like yours would be welcome at a local FOX station though. Good luck to you.

  16. Senator Max Baucus.

    Yet another mediocrity more focused on re-election than accomplishment.

    With Democrats like this in the Senate and the 'Blue Dogs' in the House who even needs Republicans as opposition to the President's agenda?

    Cowardly. Craven. Pathetic.

  17. Arthur: Well, that is why we need term limits of one single term.

  18. Kudos to Glenn Beck for relentlessly trying to open the eyes of the American people. He is an asset to Fox News. Keep up the good work, Glenn.
    And let talk about diversity of ideas! That's in short supply right now. Glenn Beck can't even criticize Van Jones without being called a racist.

  19. dmarks typed:

    Arthur: Well, that is why we need term limits of one single term.

    I'm no fan of term limits. It isn't the politicians. It's the lazy-ass, know-nothing voters pulling the lever in the ballot box.

    Baucus is beholden to big money interests from pharma, insurance and medicine. Others are beholden to special interests from across the spectrum. At the very least we need to put some real teeth into campaign funding caps and time limits on campaigns themselves. Both very difficult in this day and age. The idea of a two year+ slog to the White House is preposterous. What a monumental waste of time and energy.

    Proportional Voting anyone?

  20. I'm waiting for Arlen Specter to pull out his old trusty knife and stab the Democrats in the back this time.

  21. LA Guy,

    Glenn Beck called the President of the United States a racist and that he hates white people.

    When anyone with any intelligence hears that sort of idiocy, you write the person who said it off as a hasty-witted joithead.

    But you go ahead and support Glenn Beck and his craven pandering. I guess everyone has to have somebody as a hero, and you're welcome to have him as yours.

  22. Shaw Kenawe said...

    LA Guy,

    Glenn Beck called the President of the United States a racist and that he hates white people.

    When anyone with any intelligence hears that sort of idiocy, you write the person who said it off as a hasty-witted joithead.

    But you go ahead and support Glenn Beck and his craven pandering. I guess everyone has to have somebody as a hero, and you're welcome to have him as yours.

    Well least WE ALL know that Glenn Beck loves America and wants the best for her.
    And dosn't want to take her down the path to socialism as Obama does...
    Racism is Racism, Hate is Hate; there was and is sadly “white racism”, and there, despite what the Leftists and the Liberals, there is “black racism”, and “Pastor” Wright is a Racist, and he is Anti-American, that is definitive fact!

    As for Obama, he can deny it, he can pretend otherwise, but you cannot be a member of that church for 20 years, be married by him, take your kids there, and be married to a lady who essentially and obviously has the same views as “Pastor” Wright, and not on some level, believe the same exact things!
    Let's not forget all the crap that he "OBAMA" did and said as a candidate. He wouldn't wear a Flag pin, went to a racist unAmerican church, his wife said the way she felt about American, and his whole schitick, and so on..I’d say that is pretty damning, if you ask me!!

    In any case, Obama’s political career is over since he can’t even bring the kind of change and hope to America that Americans wanted.
    Obama is/always has been a political opportunist whose leftist views are nothing but rhetoric. We have all seen how well that has worked out for other nations who have bought into the “pretty” rhetoric of those who promised hope and change.

    Sorry, that’s the inalienable truth!

  23. At the Obama "speech" last night.. Congressman Joe Wilson pointed to Obama and shouted, “You LIE” . And not just on the subject of illegal aliens.
    Thank God, for the First Amendment free speech thing!
    It’s about time some one started speaking truth, at least someone has some BALLS to call this man what he is.

  24. Inquiring Minds Wants to Know,

    Republican Rep. Joe Wilson from South Carolina disgraced himself in front of America.

    The little coward ran out of the chamber as soon as the president finished his speech.

    Soon after he realized what a gigantic ass he made of himself and his party. He then immediately apologized to the White House--which graciously accepted the lout's mea culpa.

    That kind of thuggish behavior had never, never, never happened to any other president in that setting.

    It took a troglodyte of a GOP US Rep. to show America how craven the opposition party had become.

    To Lone Voice,

    I don't welcome racists to my blog.

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  27. Inquiring Minds,

    I am under no obligation to allow people who lie to continue to post here. Your obsessive belief in a lie only points out to rational people how far gone you are in The Valley of the Crazy.


    False: Illegal Immigrants Will Be Covered

    One Republican congressman issued a press release claiming that "5,600,000 Illegal Aliens May Be Covered Under Obamacare," and we’ve been peppered with queries about similar claims. They’re not true. In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:


    Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

    Also, under current law, those in the country illegally don’t qualify for federal health programs. Of interest: About half of illegal immigrants have health insurance now, according to the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which says those who lack insurance do so principally because their employers don’t offer it.

    "Misleading GOP Health Care Claims" July 23

  28. The Lone Voice,

    I have a suggestion for your sad little obsession:

    Buy yourself a very large soapbox, take it to the nearest street corner, mount it and scream at the top of your little paranoid lungs that President Barack Hussein Obama is a racist.

    That should help you with your condition that compels you to rot up other people's blogs with your inanities.

  29. Inquiring Minds,

    This is for your enlightenment, since it appears you don't know what you're talking about in your frenzied comment about Wilson's "free speech."

    From the "Boot Camp" portion of the GOP's House Committee on Rules:

    References to the Senate or Executive Branch

    Until the 109th Congress, it was not in order to make certain references to the Senate or individual senators. However, at the beginning of that Congress, the House removed the prohibition on making references to the Senate, leaving only the requirement that debate be confined to the question under debate and avoid “personality.” The precedents of the House allow a wide latitude in criticism of the President, other executive officials, and the government itself. However, it is not permissible to use language that is personally offensive to the President, such as referring to him as a “hypocrite” or a “liar.” Similarly, it is not in order to refer to the President as “intellectually dishonest” or an action taken by the President as “cowardly.” References to the Vice President, in spite of his role as President of the Senate, are measured against the standard used for the President rather than prior standards used to govern the Senate.

    Categories of Unparliamentary Speech

    Defaming or degrading the House
    Criticism of the Speaker’s personal conduct
    Impugning the motives of another Member
    Charging falsehood or deception
    Claiming lack of intelligence or knowledge
    References to race, creed, or prejudice
    Charges related to loyalty or patriotism

    Committee on Rules - Republicans

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  31. Shaw said: "It took a troglodyte of a GOP US Rep. to show America how craven the opposition party had become."

    Actually, it looks like the "opposition party" quickly jumped on him for this. Perhaps the party itself has come out looking less craven?

  32. Give it up, The Lone Voice, no one wants you at this party.

    Go back to your blog and write more idiotic lies.

  33. GOP less craven?


    They could scarcely be more cowardly than if Tail Gunner Joe were still smearing his political opponents as in the good old days.

    House Minority Leader John Boehner said the outburst -- while inappropriate -- showed the "amount of emotion that people are feeling" over what the GOP incessantly describes as a government takeover of healthcare. "And so Americans are frustrated," Boehner told reporters. "They're angry. And most importantly, they're scared to death that the country that they grew up in is not going to be the country that their kids and grandkids grew up in."

  34. "And so Americans are frustrated," Boehner told reporters. "They're angry. And most importantly, they're scared to death that the country that they grew up in is not going to be the country that their kids and grandkids grew up in. That would be a country where Americans who don't have the financial means or who are out of work face financial ruin and disaster because there is no equitable health care."

    Added italics and bold are mine. --SK

  35. Shades of Tail-Gunner Joe:

    A few weeks ago we were told that 47 million Americans lacked health insurance.

    Last night the number mysteriously changed to 30 million.

    Have you no shame, Mr. President? At long last, have you no shame?

  36. Gordon: Some saw support in the idea that the President would insure illegal aliens, when he quoted a large number for the total "uninsured Americans" that could only have been so large if he included illegals in it.

  37. I know that, DMarks. I also know that the president and his allies in Congress have systematically excluded any enforcement of the supposed restriction on illegals getting subsidized health care.

    We're back to Clintonspeak; one has to parse the president's statements to understand what he's really saying.

  38. I know that, DMarks. I also know that the president and his allies in Congress have systematically excluded any enforcement of the supposed restriction on illegals getting subsidized health care.

    We're back to Clintonspeak; one has to parse the president's statements to understand what he's really saying.

  39. If someone is specifically opposing methods to ensure that no illegal aliens end up on the program, how can someone possibly spin that and deny that the program will cover illegal aliens?
