Thursday, September 17, 2009


Frank Schaeffer talks about the radical fringe of the GOP:


  1. I finally understand - they are just CRAZY!

  2. He adds a ton of credibility to these statements being one who has seen both sides.

  3. Believing in God doesn't mean I have to accept everything a human says supposedly in His name. There have been countless "antiChrists" since I became aware of the word. From Kruschev to Chairman Mao. From Jim Jones to Saddam Hussein to George W. Bush.

    It shows these right wing fools for the mindless sheep they are.

  4. Weird that such strong support for the Obama = Antichrist idea comes from a strongly Democratic demographic group, Hispanics:

    "The big surprise here–the group of voters most likely to think Obama is the Anti-Christ are … Hispanics, who solidly backed Obama in 2008. Only 58 percent of them say, for sure, that their president is not Satan come to wreak havoc here on earth."

    Not exactly the type of group you would see screaming and waving signs at a tea-party rally.

  5. How do you word a question to evoke an answer such as yes! Obama is the Anti-Christ?

  6. dmarks,

    Could you give reference to your quote...the poll that Ruth and Frank were discussing was one done of NJ Conservatives...

    Not sure how we got from NJ Conservatives to Latino Democrats...

  7. Tao: The source is Alan Colmes' blog.

    "Not sure how we got from NJ Conservatives to Latino Democrats"

    It's well within the subject: the poll discussed by Maddow. And it is actually all Hispanics, not just left-wing Hispanic/Latinos.

    Digging through links, the most original source is Public Policy Polling. There you will find the poll with both of the questions/answers we are discussing here, and many many more.

    There's a lot of interesting information in there. For example, why are 5% of Obama voters saying that Obama is the antichrist? Yes, that is part of the same poll. What the....?

  8. How pathetic and desperate will the right go if they're pushing dumbass polls about who thinks President Obama is the antichrist? Anyone that stupid doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

  9. I didn't look into who was funding the poll, but to me it makes the people answering it that way look very bad, instead of Obama. I think that most reading this would agree.

  10. TRUTH 101 said...

    How pathetic and desperate will the right go if they're pushing dumbass polls about who thinks President Obama is the antichrist? Anyone that stupid doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

    Well maybe they are BUT! Antichrist or not, there are plenty of people who believe it.

    I am blown away by the energy behind these pro-Obama folks. I spent an entire day debating online with a man who, after running out of Obama defense, began to personally attack the Bible, Christians and white people. The anit-Bush hatred has been everywhere and not one person tried to stifle it. Republicans believe in free speech. Now when people gather to make their thoughts and opinions heard on Obama and the direction of our country we are told to "shut up." Or are responded to as "astro-turf" what is it about this man that gets people so overly defensive?

  11. moniquemonicat typed:

    'I am blown away by the energy behind these pro-Obama folks. I spent an entire day debating online with a man who, after running out of Obama defense, began to personally attack the Bible, Christians and white people'

    Hmmmmmm. Interesting.

  12. I talked last night for an hour with an old and dear friend. He and I share little in common when it comes to political opinion.

    His first sally was, "I think that most of the opposition to Obama is racist."

    My reply was, "Of course! After all, conservatives supported government health care, nationalizing the auto industry, and huge energy taxes on ratepayers and industry when we had a white president, didn't we?"

    It was a fun hour, and at the end we parted as close as ever. My friend is a Wiccan priest, and one of his closest friends is a Pentecostal minister. Sometime I want to listen in on one of their debates.

  13. Gordon, did you all happen to discuss the bail out of Wall Street? That is something both parties shared in...or maybe our first attempt at nationalized healthcare, which was the prescription drug program from Bush, didn't see anyone out on the street over that one...

    Of course the Iraq war could be viewed as nothing more than an ENERGY TAX...since Alan Greenspan says it was all about Oil I guess sending the troops in was kind of like pre drilling prep work....

    Come to think about it Obama doesn't look as black as he did before becoming president.....

    Now, all we need to announce is that he choked on a pretzel...

  14. We did, TAO. One of the things we agreed on was that there seemed to be a revolving door between the Fed, the Treasury department and Goldman Sachs. We also agreed that the bailout team of either Bush or Obama was interchangeable.

    As you (should) know, conservatives weren't thrilled about Medicare Part D. We figured it was part of the long-term strategy for the Republicans to hold on to Congress. If so, it didn't work.

    Conservatives don't consider either of the Presidents Bush to be conservatives. We supported them because of their strong positions on national defense. I do wish we had pushed harder for fiscal discipline; it still might not have happened, but we should have.

  15. Gordon; Great reply to those who think that opposition to left-wing policies = racism.

    Those who make this false charge should remember that the people opposed to such policies were opposed to them when they were pushed by candidate John Kerry, candidate Al Gore, and president Bill Clinton. The opposition really has nothing to do with race.

    Those who claim that opposition to Obama = racism are merely playing the race card in the worst way. Crying wolf, and triviliazing actual racism.

  16. "Lyin' African" anyone?

    That's my current favorite slogan of the principled, issue-based opposition.

    No matter. No one has suggested all opposition to President Obama is racial in nature, merely that much of it is.

    Which is true.

    Certainly far truer than the suggestion by this pair that none is.

  17. You know, Arthurstone, I'm pretty sure I never suggested that there was no racial opposition to President Obama. I haven't seen anything by DMarks that suggested it either.

    Are you winning friends by such snarky misstatements of other's position? Because you're sure not getting any respect from here for doing it.

  18. You know, Arthurstone, I'm pretty sure I never suggested that there was no racial opposition to President Obama. I haven't seen anything by DMarks that suggested it either.

    Are you winning friends by such snarky misstatements of other's position? Because you're sure not getting any respect from here for doing it.

  19. You know, Arthurstone, I'm pretty sure I never suggested that there was no racial opposition to President Obama. I haven't seen anything by DMarks that suggested it either.

    Are you winning friends by such snarky misstatements of other's position? Because you're sure not getting any respect from here for doing it.

  20. dmarks typed:

    'Those who claim that opposition to Obama = racism are merely playing the race card in the worst way. Crying wolf, and triviliazing actual racism.'

    Gordon added (three times no less):

    'You know, Arthurstone, I'm pretty sure I never suggested that there was no racial opposition to President Obama. I haven't seen anything by DMarks that suggested it either.'

    I have.
