Tuesday, September 8, 2009

NEAL BOORTZ: Republicans Get Rolled...And Deservedly So

Republicans Get Rolled...And Deservedly So
by Neal Boortz

Today at noon Barack Obama addresses the nation’s schoolchildren .. or a good number of them anyway. Many students won’t hear the speech because of a rather severe miscalculation from the right. Republican screaming and wailing made it sound as if Hugo Chavez was flying in via Aeroflot to speak to our poor, innocent, unsuspecting angels. School districts reacted … and millions of school kids will sit around picking their noses at noon instead of watching the speech.

So now the speech is out. As of yesterday afternoon you could read it on the Internet. I’ve read it, and if there is anything in there that I wouldn’t want my child to have heard from a U.S. President, I certainly couldn’t find it.

Egad! The speech is innocuous! What are we going to do now? I know! We’ll all claim that Obama changed the speech after the uproar from the right! Well, duhhhhhh. Of course he did! Why wouldn’t he! Well, actually he really didn’t have to change it. It probably wasn’t written by the time conservative boxers bunched up en masse. So Obama’s speechwriters took their cue from the right and made the speech essentially bulletproof from the get-go. One sharp mind in a Republican strategy session could have seen this one coming from the next galaxy.

President says he will give speech to schoolchildren.

Republicans say the speech will be full of leftist propaganda

Parents run in circles flailing arms overhead while screaming and shouting.

Some school officials black out Obama’s speech. (racist comment)

Grinning speechwriters prepare speech with no leftist propaganda.

Republicans look like fools.

People now more reluctant to listen to conservative complaints about Obama.

Now how easy was that? For about three days we have parents, the Republican Party and assorted odds spinning around on their eyebrows and spitting wooden nickels over Obama’s speech. He’s going to indoctrinate our children. He’s going to fill them full of socialist ideology. They’re all going to come away from school today singing Kumbaya and waving red flags. They’ll probably stop on the way home from school to buy a Che Guevara t-shirt from vendors the Democrats will have waiting out in front of their schools. Then the hopelessly indoctrinated kids will come home and destroy all the incandescent light bulbs and turn the spare bathtub into a recycling bin. Before they do their homework (reading The Communist Manifesto) they’ll hide the car keys so daddy has to take mass transportation to work on Wednesday.

TeamObama must have loved this one. Talk about a hanging curveball. Once the manic inanity started all they had to do is sit back, prepare an innocuous speech for The One, and let the people scratch their heads wondering what in the hell the Republicans were so upset about! Now the next time the right comes up with an objection to some Obama concept, people who last week might have been on board will stand back and look at the Republicans with a jaundiced eye.


  1. Neal must read my posts at Truth Shall Rule because I made the same point yesterday there.

    Arriana Huffington makes a point about Van Jones that I brought up yesterday at Truth Shall Rule also!

    Wait till people realize that the "Public Option" was just a big fat club to beat the insurance industry and healthcare providers over the head with whenever they thought about not reforming healthcare and walking away from the table...

    Oh, yeah...the socialist, the communist, the hysterics.....

    Malcontents in search for a leader...

  2. "Malcontents in search for a leader..."

    I'm pretty sure that's spelled "Malkintents".

    I'm just sayin'...

  3. ~sarcasm~ Wow, like, I can't believe we made it through that! That was so traumatic to my ears and my children's ears. Today, when they come home I'm going to have to explain that you shouldn't listen to a word he says because he is a liar! All that stuff about staying in school...lies! All that stuff about working hard....lies, I tell ya!
    ~end sarcasm~

    Sorry Shaw, I couldn't resist on this one!! :-)

  4. Clearly the efforts of 'Real Americans' have paid off. Obama had to re-write the speech and omit references to collectivism, repealing the 2nd Amendment and ending the rights to assembly & private property.

  5. When Neal Boortz is telling Republicans that they've made fools of themselves over this, you know how big a tactical blunder it was.

  6. Here is the true irony over all the Obamaspeechhysteria - what is the one thing that will absolutely insure that kids will go to any lengths to get their hands on something?
    Why, forbid them from seeing/hearing it of course!
    What would have been a ho-hum twenty minutes spent yawning, doodling, passing notes,etc has been turned into a get-on-the-'net-and-find-that-speech! mission.
    A lot of kids are going to find that speech and then take a long, puzzling look at their parents.

  7. Ah, Rocky....you HAVE been around the block more than once haven't you?! :)

    So now Obama has become the 'forbidden fruit' for children of the reactionary right! :)

    Posters in the room will be next alone with sneaking out to watch "MSM."

    Nothing like flirting with the wild side!

  8. Anon, I think you hit that nail pretty well on the head!

    Jennifer, get those kids immediately to a deprogrammer. You'll be glad you did!

    Perhaps some of the earlier people that have visited here and some of your other friends sites long ago followed their own advice and stayed home from school.

    At least I think we can infer that from the quality of their writing and their inability to use spell and grammar check.

    I think someone a while back said something like "Much Ado About Nothing."

  9. I make a lot of spelling mistakes. Yep I admit it and I'm no grammar expert either but most of my mistakes are done in haste and not double checking as is for most people. But what's funny is these damn liberals playing grammar police and the spelling Nazis. They correct someones spelling or grammar, trying to make them look stupid and then turn right around and do the same damn thing. If someone wants to be a grammar cop then you're spelling and grammar better be perfect or you're going to be embarrassed. Not sure if I spelled that right.
    But who really gives a crap except the damn liberals playing grammar police, like Shaw, but if you ever noticed she will NEVER complain or bitch about Lap Dog Truthie's spelling who screws up more than anyone else. In fact one has to wonder if he even got past elementary school at all! I have been on forums/blogs for several years now and the grammar/spelling distraction is a typical liberal tact.
    And when you read this TruthieBoy, please feel free to ask any questions if you have trouble understanding this.
    And if Shaw has anything to say about it... she can , see me after class for private lessons.
    I don't have any problems defending my comments and my views, I am fully capable of defending myself very well thank you. But when the abuse and the insults become the central purpose of your posts, and when you start making posts in order to pick a fight, then I will have nothing more to say to you, and nothing more to do with you. I hope that I have made myself clear. So to you Shaw a"Kiss My Grits"

  10. I thawt you Kwit blogging a long time ago Chow Baby.

    Now explain why you don't want children to listen to the President tell them to work hard. Stay in school. Help America become even greater and make their parents proud?

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  12. Ciao Baby said...
    And if Shaw has anything to say about it... she can , see me after class for private lessons.--CB

    Oh, I see. Pulling out your intimidation schtick? I'm not impressed. I wouldn't brag on it if I were you. I've seen bigger and better.

    Why do so many of you rightwing bloggers have menacing photos on your sites? And why are you always writing threatening remarks?

    BTW, Ciao, not only does your grammar leave something to be desired, your reading comprehension isn't too great either. I said nothing about grammar here in my post, one of my commenters did.

    You're confused. It seems to be a disease with you guys. Read carefully, then you may rightfully become indignant.

    "But when the abuse and the insults become the central purpose of your posts,'

    Oh, puleeeeze! You've crossed over into major whining now.

    "...and when you start making posts in order to pick a fight,

    Really? Now I understand. You don't know how to read. This post was written by a Rightwing Pundit, Neal Boortz.

    You poor misguided thing, you must have become confused, landed here, and without understanding what you were writing about, deposited your indignation over nothing to do with my post.

    then I will have nothing more to say to you, and nothing more to do with you. I hope that I have made myself clear. So to you Shaw a"Kiss My Grits"--CB

    How tiresome. Bullying due to incomprehension seems to be all that you have left.


  13. Ciao Baby,

    When you say, " But what's funny is these damn liberals playing grammar police and the spelling Nazis" don't you ever really wander why you are so threatened by Liberals?

    You know, liberals are bleeding hearts and maybe Shaw wants to help you become a better person? Maybe correcting your grammar and your spelling is her way of helping you be successful in life?

    "And if Shaw has anything to say about it... she can , see me after class for private lessons." Why not just come out and say that you think Shaw is HOT!!!

    I don't have any problems defending my comments and my views, I am fully capable of defending myself very well thank you. But when the abuse and the insults become the central purpose of your posts, and when you start making posts in order to pick a fight, then I will have nothing more to say to you, and nothing more to do with you."

    Thats last one just translates into you don't have a clue and if you question me I will run and hide but make it look like you were rude...

    But then again asking an idiot to clarify their stupidity is rude isn't it.....we need to remember that ADA protects people like you and we need to lower the bar...

  14. Dave....I hope you were kidding!! I couldn't tell by your comment whether you were being serious or not.

    I don't do sarcasm well, but I tried! :-)

  15. So this Ciao Baby blogger is pissed because someone corrected his lousy English? Shouldn't his reaction be gratitude? Shouldn't he be grateful that someone cares whether or not he continues to be an idiot in his own language?

  16. And more importantly, if chow is unhappy with Shaw, isn't it up to chow not to come here?

    It isn't as though chow is forced here against his will, is he?

    (Of course, as Tao suggests, maybe he's just attracted to Shaw... or Truth, who all the eastern bloc lesbians tell me is one hot papa...)

  17. It is outright impossible to argue with liberals because their arguments aren’t based on reasons, but on a series of conclusions. They surround themselves with like-minded people, so their conclusions aren’t challenged. “They are out to get us” is treated as a reason rather than a conclusion. Thus the name calling and insults about their grammar, spelling etc...ala Shaw’s favorite schick!

    Thus, liberals feel the need to destroy their opposition. Notice the way Shaw just personally attacked a Conservative who spoke up against Obamacare during a Town Hall meeting. And her whole entourage joined in and followed up with their stupidity, insults and put downs.. Notice the assault this bunch of winnies against conservative posters that defend Conservitive Talk Show hosts such as Rush or Glenn. And notice that entourage won’t miss the chance to attacks me, as soon as this post is up.

    The liberal world-view is based on their basic conclusions going unchallenged. They see these conclusions as common sense facts, and if they aren’t, their whole ideology is shaken to its core. All that time they spent promoting their ideology is wasted. Emotionally, it’s very hard to accept that. They come up with childish name-calling, such as “conservatives are greedy, and bigots and racists, and brown shirts, and constant mockery.
    The biggest racist I know now is in the White House. I, too, hoped that Obama would grow into the job and become a president for all of us. Instead, we have a president who talks about “typical white people,” like his grandma, who lovingly raised him. The “race problem” is between his two ears. And by the way I have news for you, blacks can be racist too!
    For that reason, anyone who challenges their conclusions must be destroyed as a threat. But even if liberals are nice, you still can’t debate with them because they do not understand the difference between a reason and a conclusion. They will keep coming at you with conclusions, convinced that all of those are common sense facts and brilliant reasoning. The liberals here cry that the term racist wouldn’t be needed IF ONLY the GOP was willing to have a debate about healthcare. LOL!
    I think that it’s time fou you liberals tp “hope” for “change”
    The left shut the door to debate long ago. The organizer-in-chief declared he “didn’t want to hear from the other side”. The Democratic Congress that went home for vacation have closed their ears to their constituents because “they don’t represent America”. The liberals put down half (and growing) of the American population with their “liberal” use of the racist put-down at every turn.

    Yeah, the left is really open to a good health care debate. Funny thing is that the Independents, the Conservatives and the Moderate Democrats have now taken control of the debate away from the Progressives. Enjoy your time being marginalized withing your “super-majority” liberals.

    Yes, liberals, continue to use the word racist as a sword. The problem is that you’re holding onto the wrong side of the weapon. It’s only making you look like simpletons. Again.

  18. Bob: I've said this before when liberals here say that conservatives are so much different and worse on such matters. And I will say the same to you: the two groups are really quite similar. Especially in regards to what is discussed in the fisrt two paragraphs.

    I see too many on both sides doing the "good" and "bad" things you describe. Too many to make such generalizations meaningful

  19. And aside what dmarks said (which is true), you might wish to read the thread more carefully, rather than just diving in to defend bob.

    Maybe I'm walkin' into somethin' that involves a number of threads on several blogs, but for all of chow's moanin' about it, I don't see where anyone corrected his spelling here. If you do, you might point it out. Cause as far as I see, the only spelling "correction" in this thread was the one I posted (& if you need me to explain that one, there's no point in our continuing the conversation.)

    Also, this is Shaw's blog, fer gosh sakes! If you're not happy with the way she treats conservatives here, you needn't come visit. And if you do come visit, and get it in your head that you or yours is being personally attacked, you needn't respond in kind, essentially doing the same thing you're complaining about. (None of this is rocket science. You shouldn't need me to tell you any of it.)

    As for the rest of your rant, I refer you back to dmarks, and add that if you're going to make sweeping generalizations about folks at all, (which is pretty silly in the first place, no matter which team does it), you might wish to offer up examples of the things you're generalizing about, so that someone could explain that yeah, there are idiots on the left (and the right, as well), but they don't represent everyone on the left, any more than Michael Wiener (savage) or Olympia Snowe represents everyone on the right. The tents are more diverse than to be able to pigeonhole people quite so easily as you think you can.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. If that's the sum total of your "substantive" reply, chow, you're welcome to keep talkin' to yourself.

    I'll get back to you if you choose to say somethin' worth replying to... (or at least reading.)

  23. Ciao Baby, arguing with liberals is a really tough proposition. I’ve engaged in many a debate with a large cross section of mainstream liberals, many of them are on this very board.. . They'll quickly run out of facts and precedent, and it almost always ends with them calling me cruel, heartless, racist, fascist, or whatever other label they want to slap on me. None of them want to even hear a conservative viewpoint, nor do they really want to debate or learn anything different from their own viewpoint.

    Liberals are largely unencumbered by burdensome hangups like history, facts or logic. This makes debate rather difficult because all their views are based almost entirely on how they FEEL, not that which is practical or realistic. This is often carried to the point of absurdity. In many cases, liberals will hold views that actually contradict their own views. Try and point out these obvious conflicts, and they resort to the aforementioned name-calling and slander. It’s a textbook liberal debate tactic. It’s almost as if they have a hand book on the subject.

    The worst of the pack will pull “facts” and “statistics” out of their ass, made up on the spot in an attempt to counter your argument. How can you engage in any kind of mature and educated discourse with folks in that state of denial? This kind of intellectual dishonesty doesn’t bother most liberals. In their way of thinking, the end justifies the means, and they’ll resort to some incredible heights of spin and factual distortion to make a point. Remember that there's a certain level of self-delusion at which the deluded party will simply slip further and further into fantasy land to support their view. If you meet one of these folks, it's better to simply walk away... fast. Many of the 9-11 conspiracy theorists fall into this category. If that don’t work they will resort to go all the way back to Richard Nixon. If by the way were president today, what he did would be nothing compared to what we have seen with Bill Clinton, Jimmie Carter and of course Barack Omama who sat in a RACIST church for 20 years with his UNAmerican wife and never heard anything racist going on... What a freaken joke that was and the idiotic liberals bought it.

    Here is the single most important factor that you need to keep in mind when dealing with liberals...

    Most liberal viewpoints are about as detailed and profound as your average bumper sticker. “Stop Hunger”, “Free Tibet”, “Save the World” “Save the Wales” “Save the Trees” and kiss Obamas ass. a\And other grandiose campaigns are far more complicated issues than they would ever care to explore. To a liberal, merely wearing the tee shirt or slapping on the bumper sticker means that they are somehow “helping”. In their eyes, the rest of us are “part of the problem”. As such, remember that the simple act of debating or disputing their views places you in their sights as "part of the problem". This is one of the main reasons for the contempt, hostility and outright vitriol that the liberal will throw in your direction.

  24. Whatever their pet issue, the solution is usually that “we’re not doing enough”. Remember... by “we” they mean YOU. Typical liberal agendas involve the federal government stealing obscene amounts of money from you, and then pissing rainstorms of cash onto the “problem”. This solution has never worked in the history of the mankind, and in fact makes most problems bigger. This is because the bottom feeders of society (also liberals) then flock to take the money. The fact that their ideas don't work doesn’t concern liberals... they have the bumper sticker, and they truly believe they’re “helping”.

    I now have approximately HALF of what I make confiscated in an infinite heap of taxes, fees, tolls and duties. The harder I work, the more the liberals want. If we examine our entire national fiscal history, the lower the tax rate, the better the economy, and the government actually takes in more money. At times when taxes are raised, the economy slows, and the government takes in less money. This doesn’t matter to liberals... don’t try to confuse them with facts and historical precedent. This is another case of them “feeling” that the hardworking folks among us should suffer and have any accrued wealth removed. Here's why...

    In the overly simplistic liberal mind set, there is a fixed amount of wealth in the world, and we are all engaged in a zero-sum game of trading that same wealth back and forth. Therefore, if I have “too much”, a liberal assumes that it’s my fault that someone else has less.
    The fact is that wealth is NOT a zero-sum game. Wealth is CREATED every day through effort and ingenuity. It is in no way a static fixed pile that has to be shared. In simple terms, we can simply make more pizza. The ingredients of a pizza cost all of a dollar, but once combined in artful and knowledgeable proportions and then baked... VOILA... a $10 pizza is born! Ask a liberal if a painter should be forced to sell paintings for the exact cost of the paint and canvas, and the answer is, of course, NO WAY... (never mind that this is a perfect example of liberal views that contradict their own views).

    The reality here is that an artist uses his/her skill and knowledge to create new wealth from little or nothing. Most of the world does this exact same thing each and every day. By combining raw ingredients in new and artful ways, we all make our own “art”, whether you make pizza, computers, automobiles or sex toys, you are adding new wealth to the pile. While this may seem like a simple proposition to most people, liberals just can’t seem to grasp it. Why is this?

    Liberals are typically selfish, spoiled children. They want what other people have, but they don’t want to actually work for it. It’s much easier to throw tantrums and demand the “right” to share in what others have earned. Because of this outlook, most liberals bask in a perpetual state of imagined victimhood. Nothing is their own fault, and every woe in their life is caused by “society”... by “other people”... by “fat-cats” and “corporate greed”.

    In the selfish liberal mind set, they only need to “feel” like they’re helping. They won't actually do any of the work or give part of their hard-earned wealth. It’s very rare to see a liberal dig into their own wallet (but keep your hands on your own wallet when in their presence!). They’ll always insist that “we” are not doing enough, and then sit back on their soapbox and feel good about themselves.

    It's sad, but you'll never find a liberal who will suddenly have an epiphany and say, "Gosh... all my troubles seem to stem from the fact that I'm a lazy, Oprah-watching, couch potato who does nothing, produces nothing, and contributes nothing to society except snide remarks and veiled accusations about those who do all the work".
    In closing, I’ll simply point out that trying to argue with the self-imposed ignorance, selfishness and childish naivete of the modern liberal is about as intellectually rewarding as a conversation with the family dog.
    Typical of these idiots over at the Squash Zone or whatever it's called.

  25. Dear Bob,

    You're a two-faced phoney. I just found the screed you posted here on someone else's blog. You inserted my name where the original blogger used Jon Stewart's. I knew you had plaigerized it because it made no sense with regard to what I have posted. I did not attack anyone from a Town Hall meeting.

    Next time, try to be more cunning in your deceit. It was too easy to discover.

    Here's part of the original post that "Bob" plaigerized--he even posted on his own blog:

    "It is outright impossible to argue with liberals (and AS) because their arguments aren’t based on reasons, but on a series of conclusions. They surround themselves with like-minded people, so their conclusions aren’t challenged. “They are out to get us” is treated as a reason rather than a conclusion.

    Thus, liberals (and AS) feel the need to destroy their opposition. Notice the way Jon Stewart just personally attacked a woman who spoke up against Obamacare during a Town Hall meeting. Notice the destruction of Miss California Carrie Prejean. Notice the assault by Professors against conservative students. (And notice that Prozium literally doesn’t miss a day in his attacks against me, which are as often as not just puns on “guy white”.)

    The liberal world-view is based on their basic conclusions going unchallenged. They see these conclusions as common sense facts, and if they aren’t, their whole ideology is shaken to its core. All that time they spent promoting their ideology is wasted. Emotionally, it’s very hard to accept that.

    "Bob," if you can't use your own words and ideas, don't bother coming here and pretending to be what you are not.

  26. Dear My World Is Changing,

    What you've described is what your fellow Conservative "Bob" has engaged in.

  27. My world:

    Permit me to refer you back to dmarks, and to my comment to bob (especially that bit about the foolishness of sweeping generalizations).

    Glad to see that (as far as I could find, anyway) your comment wasn't just a cut'n'pasted post from your blog, as Bob's and Mr. Baby's initial offerings in this thread both were.

    I mean, it's fine to express an opinion in blog comments, but it's better when it has some relevance to the topic of the post at hand, and isn't just regurgitated right (or left) wing boilerplate that one could (& for all I know, might) add to EVERY blog post with which one doesn't agree.

  28. My World Is Changing:

    You're into plagiarism as well, I see.

    You and Bob can't use your own intellect to argue, so you use other people's words and pretend they're your own?

    Just as we thought. Phonies and deceivers, both of you.

    And you come here to criticize me?


  29. Oops, spoke to soon....

    "My World" is throwing up all over Shaw's nice floors, as well: Asshole Files

    I leave it to others to decide for themselves what it means that these cons are cribbing their comments from elsewhere... (But I know what I think.)

  30. repsac3,

    What it means is that these phonies have no ideas of their own. They apparently can't think for themselves as is so clearly evidenced by their stupidity in cutting and pasting other people's work and passing it off as their own without attribution.

    They apparently also have no clue that anything can be traced on the internet--even their plagiarized rants.

    Those two are not smart enough to come up with their own arguments.
    But they're so eager to come here and trash Liberals while acting like hypocritical frauds.

  31. What, no more snappy (but stolen, & passed of as though they were original) retorts?

    Shaw, you need to get a better class of troll...

  32. repsac3 said...

    What, no more snappy (but stolen, & passed of as though they were original) retorts?


    shaw and repsac3, where did those bloviaters run off to? They sure were eager to rant here on shaw's blog until you exposed their cheesy cheating.


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  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This is interesting. "Bob" of "Bits by Bob" blog came here and posted a plagiarized rant, inserted my name into the cribbed text. When I caught him in this deception what did he do?

    He closed his blog to outside commenters!

    This blog is open to invited readers only

    It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation.

    Not only are these sort of people cheats, they are contemptuous cowards, who when caught in their lies and deceptions run off with their tails between their legs instead of owning up to their slander.

  36. Shaw:

    A coward's a coward, no matter how small. But the good news is, as long as he keeps his blog "invite only," he's only spreading his untruths to his "friends," who already believe all that crap in the first place.

    Pat Boy/Eddie Man:

    Thanks for adding your stupid opinion to the nonsense, and congratulations for being one of the only naysayers here to compose your own comment from scratch, rather that cutting & pasting the words of writers more literate than yourself.

    Now, if you'd only had something meaningful to add, rather than some silly attack based on... ...well, you didn't even have the decency to say why you think me an ass. (which itself says somethin'...)
