Sunday, October 18, 2009


Why Republican Leaders Will Have Trouble Speaking to the Rest of America:

A research paper by Democracy Corps

What these findings uncover is that the conservative base of the Republican Party sincerely believes that:

  • Any criticism of Mr. Obama by conservatives is seen as racist
  • Anger toward Mr. Obama is driven by doubt and fear over his agenda
  • Mr. Obama's presidency is about deception and a hidden agenda
  • Mr. Obama is driving government to the brink financial disaster in order to take total control
  • The ultimate goal of the Obama administration is Socialism and the end of liberties
  • They are an oppressed and mocked minority
  • They possess special knowledge and insight that the majority of Americans do not
  • There is a growing nascent underground movement organizing to stop these threats that they perceive
  • The Republican Party is failing its base

"The independent voters in our groups clearly viewed these issues very, very differently.

They share the conservative Republicans’ disdain for the current Republican Party, but their critique is not that the party has abandoned its conservative principles but instead that it advances
the interests of the rich and big businesses at the expense of the middle class. They worry about
the Democratic Party’s proclivity to spend tax dollars and provide ‘freebies’ to those who do not
do their fair share, but they appreciate the Democrats’ focus on ‘the little people’ (among which
they included themselves) and the fact that ‘it’s not all about the money.’

They view FOX News as another media outlet, decidedly conservative in its point of
view but no more or less biased than any other media outlet; their assumption is that every outlet
has a bias that reflects the interests of its own bottom line. FOX is no different, and certainly not
a source of special insight and information that cannot be gained elsewhere. They generally
laugh at conservative commentators such as Limbaugh (‘overbearing,’ ‘egotistical,’ ‘idiot’) and
Beck (one man called him a ‘crybaby’). When it comes to Sarah Palin, there was almost universal
agreement that she could never be elected president, with most citing her inexperience and
baggage as obstacles too great to overcome. But even more important to them, most felt she was
ultimately driven by greed and ambition more than anything else and would rather use her newfound fame to enrich herself than improve the country.

All of which underscores how much the conservative Republicans are a world apart –
with big consequences for the Republican Party."

Read the entire report here.


The self-identifying conservative Republicans who make up the base of the Republican Party stand a world apart from the rest of America, according to focus groups conducted by Democracy Corps. These base Republican voters dislike Barak Obama to be sure - which is not very surprising as base Democrats had few positive things to say about George Bush - but these voters identify themselves as part of a ‘mocked’ minority with a set of shared beliefs and knowledge, and commitment to oppose Obama that sets them apart from the majority in the country. They believe Obama is ruthlessly advancing a ‘secret agenda’ to bankrupt the United States and dramatically expand government control to an extent nothing short of socialism. They overwhelmingly view a successful Obama presidency as the destruction of this country’s founding principles and are committed to seeing the president fail.

Key Findings:

Instead of focusing on these intense ideological divisions, the press and elites continue to look for a racial element that drives these voters’ beliefs - but they need to get over it. Conducted on the heels of Joe Wilson’s incendiary comments at the president’s joint session address, we gave these groups of older, white Republican base voters in Georgia full opportunity to bring race into their discussion - but it did not ever become a central element, and indeed, was almost beside the point.


First and foremost, these conservative Republican voters believe Obama is deliberately and ruthlessly advancing a ‘secret agenda’ to bankrupt our country and dramatically expand government control over all aspects of our daily lives. They view this effort in sweeping terms, and cast a successful Obama presidency as the destruction of the United States as it was conceived by our founders and developed over the past 200 years. This concern combines with a profound sense of collective identity. They readily identify themselves as a minority in this country - a minority whose values are mocked and attacked by a liberal media and class of elites. They also believe they possess a level of knowledge and understanding when it comes to politics and current events, one gained from a rejection of the mainstream media and an embrace of conservative media and pundits such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, which sets them apart even more.

Looking at the current political debate, it was evident in our focus group discussions that the divide between conservative Republicans and even the most conservative-leaning independents remains very, very wide. Independents harbor doubts about Obama’s health care reform but are desperate to see some version of health care reform pass this year; the conservative Republicans view any health care reform as a victory for Obama and are militantly opposed. The language they use further reflects this divide. Conservative Republicans fully embrace the ‘socialism’ attacks on Obama and believe it is the best, most accurate way to describe him and his agenda. Independents largely dismiss these attacks as partisan rhetoric detracting from a legitimate debate about what many of them do see as excessive government control and spending.


  1. "Any criticism of Mr. Obama by conservatives is seen as racist"

    While the absolutist "any" surely isn't true, it is true that too much criticism of Obama is seen as racist in cases where the criticism actually has nothing to do with race:


    "Obama is a Lying African", pictures of him as an African tribesman = racist.

    Obama Joker and Hitler photos, "You Lie!" outbursts = non-racist.


    Yet, there have actually been many accusations that the latter are racist, despite the complete lack of any racial dimension.

  2. I am so disappointed in you SK. Really. Here's why.

    You did not tell us the background of this Democracy Corps. Is that not relevant?

    I think it is. This is a group run by James Carville and Stanley Greenberg, two very extreme Democrat partisans.

    Humm, referenced article is highly tainted to the left. I had to throw a pinch of salt over my left (;-)) shoulder.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Ditto to what Jim said: 'research' (especially the interpretations thereof) must always be viewed through the lens of the researcher...but James Carville??

    C'mon, SK...

  5. Heh. Heh.

    Judging by the eager rush to indignation evidenced by the posts on this thread Carville certainly got the 'oppressed minority' description spot on. Unbelievable.

    Can you not click a link Jim? Do you need everything 'explained'? The piece isn't an 'article'. It's a research paper. Sheesh.

    Paid for and provided to Democrat political types.

    Oddly enough making you lot feel good is likely not on their list of priorities.

  6. Ooooo, big diff there Mr. A. Golly, I'm so glad you're around to explain it! ;-)

  7. The line about criticism of candidate Obama being called racism by Libruls was all over Faux news during the campaign. No examples have ever been used if the Faux news listeners I've hear this from are correct. I don't have the strong stomach required to sit thru long hours of bile to find out for myself.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The 'Founding Fathers' would be amused to watch those who evoke their 'legacy' so frequently mewl & whimper when some meanie like James Carville perfectly captures their true essence.

    Conservative Republicans. The 21st century's real victims.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. To Whomever "Dave" is:

    That comment is not a refutation of what my post is about.

    It's nothing more than a school yard taunt:

    "I know you are, but what am I!"

    If you can't argue a point intelligently, using facts to refute the findings in the research, please don't clutter this place up with childish gibberish that has nothing to do with the post.

    Dismissing this research out of hand, does NOT make it wrong.

    If you can find data that disagrees with these findings, post them. Otherwise, your criticism is not based on anything more than your prejudices.


  12. Conservative Republicans. The 21st century's real victims.

    You could be onto something there Mr. A. With the education system from pre-K to post Grad acting as indoctrination centers for the left and with the pulp media mostly as cheer leaders for the left and of course let's not forget the parrot press corps of ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, but not Fox, keeping the fact check in, well, check, one could get a victim complex if one is conservative.

  13. Jim,

    When you post statements like this:

    "With the education system from pre-K to post Grad acting as indoctrination centers for the left..."

    Please indicate it is your OPINION. Otherwise you'll have to produce hard verifiable evidence to back that up.

    Of course, you won't find it.

    If there was such "indoctrination," it's been a massive failure for 28 out of the last 40 years--since those are the number of years Republicans have held the WH and in GWB's term, he had Congress for 6 of his 8 years.

    Who un-indoctrinated all those righties all those years to get them to grow up and vote for Republicans??

    In the future when you make prejudicial statements like that, please preface them with "IMHO" so that we all remember that they are not based in fact, but rather in paranoia.


  14. Jim. It is MHO that our schools shy away from teaching things that may be considered dangerous or taboo to our children.

  15. Hi Ruth. Went to your profile so I'll be nice.

    The line about criticism of candidate Obama being called racism by Libruls was all over Faux news during the campaign. No examples have ever been used if the Faux news listeners I've hear this from are correct. . . Ruth

    I can't imagine that you are that partisan. You are not able to find not one example? Try for starters, a non-Faux news outlet.

    My, you are quite the coolaid drinker.

  16. Uh-oh.

    I found some evidence of indoctrination of Texas school children via text books:

    Reported by the Houston Chronicle:

    AUSTIN — Texas high school students would learn about such significant individuals and milestones of conservative politics as Newt Gingrich and the rise of the Moral Majority — but nothing about liberals — under the first draft of new standards for public school history textbooks.

    And the side that got left out is very unhappy.

    As it stands, students would get “one-sided, right wing ideology,” said Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, chairman of the House Mexican American Caucus.

    “We ought to be focusing on historical significance and historical figures. It's important that whatever course they take, that it portray a complete view of our history and not a jaded view to suit one's partisan agenda or one's partisan philosophy,” he said.

    The State Board of Education has appointed “review committees” made up largely of active and retired school teachers to draft new social studies curriculum standards as well as six “expert reviewers” to help shape the final document.

    So YES, there is idealogical indoctrination happening in our school systems, and it's happening in the Red State of Texas.

  17. OK, SK. I don't use MHO where it is not needed.

    While there are many theories for the discrepancy in the politics of journalists versus the public, Weaver believes it has a great deal to do with the kind of people attracted to the media profession. “I think journalists in general tend to be social reformers,” he says, adding that he believes this reform impulse is basically liberal. Source

  18. Calm down there SK. It is only a draft at this time on school book content. O wait, but we must vote on health care reform NOW before there is a real bill to vote on or even get to review. Hummm.

    As to our education system in general one only has to go to the home page and click on issues and actions. Everything there is strictly Democrat Party issues and goals. Hummm, what is being taught in schools? Green Energy, Man-made Global Warming, Endangered Polar Bears, America's Guilt, Failure of Capitalism, The good of Socialism, you name it SK. And you worry about a draft of a proposed history text that has a mention of Newt Gingrich?

  19. "Green Energy, Man-made Global Warming, Endangered Polar Bears, America's Guilt, Failure of Capitalism,"

    All those are human issues. There's nothing wrong with green energy, there is a problem with climate change and global warming, polar bears ARE endangered, we, as a nation, do have reasons to be guilty--as all nations do, let's start with slavery and the decimation of the Natives People, and last year at this time, we saw what capitalism gone bezerk can do to a country. Or haven't you been paying attention?

    "The good of Socialism, you name it SK."

    WE have socialism in many areas of our democracy.

    "And you worry about a draft of a proposed history text that has a mention of Newt Gingrich?"

    I don't worry about it, I'm just showing evidence of indoctrination on the part of the right.


  20. Speaking of the politics of journalists. Back in the days prior to 24/7 cable news, programing crowded with good looking people the training for whom seems to consist of holding a microphone, maintaining eye contact with the camera and memorizing the phrase "back to you (fill in the blank) there were people called reporters. They worked on what once were known as newspapers. Reporters invariably started out on the city desk covering city hall, fires, local crime etc.

    I've read on more than one occasion one's politics could hardly help but grow more liberal after a dose of the city desk learning how things really worked. The poor. Minorities. The disenfranchised all are treated quite differently.

  21. Green Energy, whether wind, solar, or water, will not replace coal, gas,or nuclear powered generating stations. The science ain't there to make it happen. Not enough wind on a constant basis, not enough land area to support solar panels, and not enough rivers to dam for water turbines.

    Now, that said, on a smaller scale, such as home use, all the green energy can play a huge part. Small wind turbines are much more efficient than the large massive monstrosities out on the plain and such. Solar panels can be better made to suit a small application than a large one. I actually worked on the SEGS plants 3 & 4 back in the late 80's as an electrical foreman (they require a huge amount of land, see here for photo).

    As to polar bears, read this analysis for a balanced view. Yes, it is from a more conservative source. I find it amusing to assume a polar bear without seals to eat would starve itself instead of eating a passing caribou. They have survived for eons no matter the climactic issues.

    For this discussion the other side is not always presented to counter the bad science and feel good lessons in our schools.

  22. Jim. It is MHO that our schools shy away from teaching things that may be considered dangerous or taboo to our children. T101


    Hummm, let's see, how to do this without appearing . . . well, , , how about gay parents? sex education? islam? I suppose driver's ed is still plenty safe to teach however. IMHO of course ;-)

  23. Jim, on CNN: see

    despite the misspelled reference to drinking the 'coolaid' (sic),
    too many of the lies are allowed to be reported as if they are real news.

  24. Shaw Kenawe said...
    To Whomever "Dave" is:

    Dave is Simply Dave. Who did you think I was?

  25. A liberal 's diabolical cousinOctober 20, 2009 at 8:43 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. To "A liberal's diabolical cousin:

    I moved your comment down thread to the post below on Glenn Beck.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This is for BBIdaho who posted that rightwing rant calling Mr. Obama a Communist.

    You and those who think like that are a distinct minority of Americans. You do not represent mainstream thinking.

    Just because the man in the WH does not share your political philosophies that doesn't make him a Communist.

    He loves this country as much as you do, maybe more, since he's not running with a group of malcontents trying to delegitimize the US Government and its leaders.

    I remember when people like you called desegregation a Commie plot and MLK,Jr. a Communist.

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

    If Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are your heroes, I feel sorry for you.

  30. I remember when people like you called desegregation a Commie plot and MLK,Jr. a Communist.

    so also was medicare, and chlorination

    These sorts kept snake oil salesmen alive for the years before telephone trees.

  31. In light of what I have read in your blog you make it very clear that you are anti republican and a conservative HATER . Yes, yes, I know you have 5 conservative friends.. Big deal, I have a Jewish Doctor and Attorney and quite some time ago I did have a couple of black friends... however. I haven’t seen them in about 25 years. And I like to have Chinese food once in a while where the place is run by a Chinese guy. So there, I’m not a racist, even though I’m a republican...! Get my point?
    You take pride in making Rush Limbaugh who you have called the ‘real’ head of the republican party, as well as George Bush and Dick Cheney who have left office 10 months ago. And now you are on Glenn Beck, case. And you never let up on Sarah Palin And you have been the number one name caller and you seemed to delight in your posting of pics making them into clowns and looking like fools.

    I’m aware that no one is perfect, not you not me and not even the person leaving a comment on your blog that you don’t agree with. – But don’t directly make fun of them. On a personal level, would you repeat an allegation about an individual or a group just because it came from one of your preferred media sources?
    And remember, You get what YOU ask for.

  32. BBIdaho,

    I'm through with people like you who VOLUNTARILY come here, knowing that I have a liberal point of view, and then proceed to act like a blog policeman, telling me on my own blog whom I should or should not criticize.

    Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, etc. are all public figures who are subject to the same amount of ridicule and contempt as the Right heaps on President Obama.

    The difference is that none of those people were elected by the people of these United States to lead them.

    Let me ask you, do you go on Rightwing blogs and demand that the people running them stop calling Mr. Obama a Marxist, Commie? and stop posting pics of him looking like an African witch doctor?

    I don't think you do, since earlier today, you VOLUNTARILY came here and called the President Obama a Marxist and Commie among other accusations.

    I'm sorry that you're upset that I have conservative friends [they are members of my family as well]. But that's something you'll just have to learn to live with.

    I don't know what your problem is.

    I didn't solicit the comment that you left here this morning. You came here and dumped a rant. But that's not enough, you felt compelled to return and continue your uninvited, inane diatribe about what I should blog on.

    And you end it with this?

    "And remember, you get what YOU ask for."

    I take that as a threat Mr./Ms. BBIdaho.

    There is something desperately wrong with you, not me.

    Get help. Quickly.

  33. Shaw said: I take that as a threat Mr./Ms. BBIdaho. .

    "And remember, you get what YOU ask for.

    NO, I was referring to Government.

  34. To BBIdaho,

    You came here this morning VOLUNTARILY and posted this [which I subsequently deleted] on my blog:

    Please ask yourself how did a stupid group of crooks and Marxists manage to gain control of our country. All of you geniuses really know how to sit behind your computers and type these stupid comments about Rush and Glenn but meanwhile our country is going to hell in a hand basket because of this Magic Negro in the White house who is doing everything he can to socialize this one time great nation. I always felt so safe and secure knowing we had a real man in the Oval Office. Now we have a communist Idiot that thinks he is living reincarnation of Buddha and Jesus Christ.
    So have fun with that.

    Then you returned to lectured me for calling Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin names?

    And you deposited this senseless prose:

    "You take pride in making Rush Limbaugh who you have called the ‘real’ head of the republican party, as well as George Bush and Dick Cheney who have left office 10 months ago."

    You must face the fact that you're not in your right mind.

    Please. Leave us sane folks alone.

  35. shaw,

    that bbidaho dude is nuts. don't waste your intellect on trash like that.

    geeze. who lets these inmates out of the asylum to bother us?


    he's nuts.

  36. Having finally read the whole report, I found it a great read.

    If the findings are true, it says a lot.

    For the GOP, it even mentions, and seems to affirm their view that that media outlets other than FOX, do indeed seem to favor the liberal side of things.

    As both Jim and Susannah pointed out, the report was done by a liberal group, specifically Greenberg and Carville.

    This, however does not automatically make the information wrong, or useless.

    Yes, I am sure it was commissioned by a group of democratic politicians, but why would they pay for wrong information?

    Don't the authors of the survey have a vested financial interest in producing material that is accurate? That is after all what they get paid for.

    Besides, it does look as if the comments of BB-Idaho are representative of exactly the type of voter the report cites.

  37. "Don't the authors of the survey have a vested financial interest in producing material that is accurate?"

    Well, not really. They have a vested interest if it makes the other party look bad much more than they have an interest in it being accurate.
