Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well he's been arrested for breaking into US Senator Mary Landrieu's (D-LA) office to commit a felony: to wiretap her phones.  Breaking the law!  And this is the guy who tried to bring down ACORN for BREAKING THE LAW?  


Imagine the outrage--how apoplectic the jerks on FAUX NEWS would be had Michael Moore done this to a Republican senator? 

Fox News has been one of the biggest supporters of James O’Keefe, who is infamous for dressing up as a pimp and videotaping ACORN staffers offering to help the supposed pimp and his prostitutes secure funding for a brothel. The network constantly replayed coverage from his operation. In September, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace named O’Keefe his “Power Player of the Week,” calling him an “undercover reporter” and a “fascinating character.”

Yesterday, the FBI arrested O’Keefe and three others — “charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony” — saying that they were plotting to wiretap Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office (D-LA). One of the other men, Robert Flanagan, is the son of William Flanagan, the acting U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Louisiana. Two of the men “dressed as telephone company employees” and showed up to Landrieu’s New Orleans office, saying they had to “fix phone problems.” O’Keefe was already there and was “positioning his cell phone in his hand to videotape the operation”:

.After being asked, the staffer gave Basel access to the main phone at the reception desk. The staffer told investigators that Basel manipulated the handset. He also tried to call the main office phone using his cell phone, and said the main line wasn’t working. Flanagan did the same.
They then told the staffer they needed to perform repair work on the main phone system and asked where the telephone closet was located. The staffer showed the men to the main General Services Administration office on the 10th floor, and both went in. There, a GSA employee asked for the men’s credentials, after which they stated they left them in their vehicle. The U.S. Marshal’s Service apprehended all four men shortly thereafter.

Fox News aired a report about the arrests shortly after the news broke. However, reporter Tim Vaughn tried to downplay the news:
VAUGHN: [It's a] very weird story that probably needs a lot of context and a lot of looking into, which is what we’re going to do here. I just wanted to get it on the record with it right now.

.SHEP SMITH: So, they’re saying basically, they’re in there — It sounds as if what they’re saying is, they’re looking for some ACORN hanky panky and they try to tap into Mary Landrieu’s telephone to get it.

VAUGHN: That could be one way of looking at it, yes.

Ironically, at the end of the Power Player segment in September, Wallace said, “O’Keefe says he wants to do more undercover films, and he has some targets in mind. He says his friends always tell him the next sting will never work.” “I disagree with them,” replied O’Keefe. “I think that I’ll come up with a new strategy and I’ll get them to say yes.” Looks like O’Keefe’s friends were right.

Update Andrew Breitbart's site Big Government, which helped make O'Keefe a star and pays him to be a contributor, claims that it had no knowledge of what the four individuals were up to. Michelle Malkin writes, "They are, of course, presumed innocent until proven guilty. But for now, let it be a lesson to aspiring young conservatives interested in investigative journalism: 'Know your limits. Know the law. Don’t get carried away. And don’t become what you are targeting.'" Hot Air blogger Ed Morrissey said, "Journalists don't tap phones, and if that's what he tried, he's an idiot."

Update The AP reports that a magistrate "set bond at $10,000 each after they made their initial court appearances wearing red prison jumpsuits. None of the defendants commented on the allegations in court. 'It was poor judgment,' Robert Flanagan's lawyer, Garrison Jordan, said in a brief interview outside the courthouse. 'I don't think there was any intent or motive to commit a crime."

Oh no, no.  Of course not. 

They haven't been tried yet, but it looks like the guys who tried to smear and bring down ACORN aren't above engaging in criminal activities.  These clowns apparently believe that giving advice on breaking the law is worse than actually breaking the law.

h/t ThinkProgress

"Conservative politicians and right-wing media have long glorified O’Keefe, who bragged on his Twitter account that his accomplishment for the year of 2009 was getting ACORN defunded by Congress. Last month, a federal judge ruled that Congress’s singling out of ACORN for defunding was unconstitutional, successfully ending any ban on funding to the organization."



    Goes to show you that your a ACORN supporter. Just like the Black Panthers.

  2. Black Power Brother Toldjah! Down with whities in hoodies!

  3. I ToldJah So,

    Where did you learn logic?

  4. Someone is having a Sistah Souljah moment.

  5. Shaw: Now YOU are one step ahead of ME with this post!

    Oh, so this is where "I Told Jah So" ran off to after I deleted his comments at my place...

  6. Shaw,
    good post.acorn's vulnerable cause they work with the poor for a living wage, against predatory lending.Registering people to vote.

    all things which seem for whatever reason to piss off the beck/fox crowd.

    Oh yeah and the whiteboy with a hoodie.

  7. Pam,

    Don't tell me I'm attracting your deleted trolls?

    I'm glad I'm here to help out.


  8. Yes, IToldJahSo, it makes me very happy...

    It proves once again exactly how low Republicans will stoop to win...

    It shows that the concept of 'Investigative Journalism' was actually just a front to cover up the fact that James O'Keefe is nothing more than a crook hell bent on making a point regardless of the law...

    It also means that all those lawsuits that ACORN has started probably are now going to get to be very serious...

    How far will you and your kind go to destroy democracy?

    We now know you will break the law....and its fun to watch as all the big name mouthpieces run as far as they can as fast as they can from James O'Keefe now that he has been caught...

    Just a few months ago he was being feted as a freedom fighter...

    At best he was nothing but a prankster...at worst it looks like he could end up being a convicted felon...

    Can't wait to see how a couple of white boys hold out in jail with a bunch of ACCORN supporters and Black Panther members...

    I am sure they will be singing "RESPECT" real fast and in a very high pitch...

  9. Oso: So, tell me, what is the monetary value of a living wage?

  10. Its $150,000 a year for a family of four Dmarks....

  11. dmarks,
    are you asking what it should be,and if so why not just say that?

  12. Dmarks loves science fiction....

    So he writes things in a funny way....

    I had a business partner who liked to debate the minimum wage...

    One time he decided to inform me that he had studied it and he had determined that he could live on the minimum wage.

    I told him in his case it would be easy considering that the company bought his house, bought his car, and that he lived on his company credit card for all his personal expenditures...

    So, if he got, on top of all of that a weekly wage of 40 hours at minimum wage he could live quite nicely...

    Now go back and calculate it based on the fact that you have to pay rent, you have to buy a car, and you have to feed yourself with that damn check....

    He was also great at going on and on about small cars, electric cars, and how smart they are to own....

    Then he would go out and buy a Hummer, or a Jaquar, or a Lincoln....

    One time about his Jaquar...where taking it in to service would set you back $2100 a visit...

    he figured it out that since he owned the car for 11 years and had 150,000 miles on it that he had really gotten a deal....

    I told him the damn thing cost 60,000 new, and service alone was 6,000 a year or another 66,000.

    I had a Nissan van that cost 27,000 was 11 years old too and had a little over 150,000 and service run about 400 a year....

    One thing he was good at was he owned a multi million dollar business and he paid no corporate income taxes since 1995....

    couldn't balance a check book but boy could he screw the IRS....

  13. Tao,
    your Nissan sounds like my old VW.A good investment that has paid off for the past 30+ years. People had been telling me for years I should get rid of that old thing.
    The car is probably tired of this old thing driving it around all these years!

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  15. Oso asked: "dmarks,
    are you asking what it should be,and if so why not just say that?"

    I did. Or should I have used the word "bucks"?

  16. The accusations against ACORN always were a crock. If this society wasn't so racist, they never even would have been taken seriously.

  17. Tao: Some can live on the minimum wage, and some can't. So, do you end up paying everyone the same high amount? The (1) guy or gal living frugally just out of college getting the $150,000 a year amount arbitrarily made up for a (2) family of 4?

    And the (3) family of 6 or 7.... well that $150,000 probably isn't enough.

    Then it becomes clear that the "living wage" amounts are one-size-fits-few?

    For the (1) situation, it is government forcing business to be a welfare agency, mostly giving out unearned money to someone. For (3), it's not enough to live on.

  18. Libhom: You'd be injecting race into a situation where it didn't exist (like Limbaugh's outrageous comments about Obama and Haiti). However, that's not quite true, as Tolljaw had already played the race card here.

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  20. Barack Hussain ObamaJanuary 27, 2010 at 6:31 AM

    Let's NOT jump to conclusions.

  21. To the commenter who posed as Barack Hussein Obama:

    Reporting what happened with regard to James O'Keefe is NOT jumping to conclusions.

    I had another commenter on another blog confuse a news report with my "opinion."

    They're not the same thing.

  22. "Government forcing business to be a welfare agency..."

    Oh no, we couldn't let that happen could we could we Dmarks?

    I mean low wages creates so much economic growth and thus welfare aka the living wage, causes economic growth to stop.

    I mean look at China and India...low wages no regulations and look at how their economies are growing!!!

    We could have growth like that if we did away with the minimum wage!

    Oh, but then you would have to find people with enough money to consume what we would produce....

    I mean the only reason China is willing to buy all our bonds is because our consumerism is driving their growth!

    What kind of growth would China and India enjoy if all of the sudden we quit buying?

    Well, we have quit buying because the credit that we were using to maintain a standard of living that our wages could no longer justify has disappeared.

    Either restore the credit, pay real wages, or accept the fact that the economic growth that we enjoyed over the last decade is gone forever....

    As folks are making less than what they did in 1997 we will have to fall below that level of economic activity before we can even think about growing.

    If you actually look at it free trade is nothing more than welfare for corporations....

    Dell made computers in the United States then they move to Ireland to capture lower wages now they are moving to Eastern Europe to capture even lower wages....

    Since they left manufacturing in the United States they have struggled to remain profitable and successful...

    Kind of makes you wonder if focussing on labor costs and trying to capture the lowest costs that you can to remain profitable for shareholders isn't some sort of kiss of death for a company.

    Drug companies have moved manufacturing off shore and yet they use the FDA to limit Americans from purchasing cheaper drugs overseas and they use patent protection to protect themselves from generic drug companies...

    Then they talk the government into proposing a prescription drug program where they sell the government drugs but with no competitive pricing...

    Talk about UNEARNED money....

    How about all of those fancy accounting tricks to avoid paying taxes....

    Talk about UNEARNED money....

    Wonder exactly how successful Ford would have been if he had not had the brillant idea of finding a way to pay his employees enough to allow them to buy Ford cars....

    What if Ford had just stuck to the concept of building cars that only the rich could afford....

    Consumers make up two thirds of all economic activity and yet everyone wants to concern themselves with FREEING corporations to make a profit....

    But if consumers are not buying then there is not profit to be made, except through gifts from the government....

    Gifts = Welfare.

    Unearned money, thats a good one....

  23. Nice laundry list of government corruption. But where does that fit into small businesses who become welfare agencies with unearned mandates when they are forced to give away money on top of earned wages.... to people only some of which are poor? In many cases, this is really welfare for the rich.

    Unearned, that is exactly it. Any money that a business is forced to give to a worker above what the worker actually earned.

  24. "Dell made computers in the United States then they move to Ireland to capture lower wages now they are moving to Eastern Europe to capture even lower wages...."

    That is not welfare for anyone, let alone corporations. The best workers are earning the jobs, that's all.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. My first reaction to O’Keefe’s arrest was “oh how stupid of him.” Upon further reflection, I have changed my mind. I think O’Keefe is a patriot and was probably onto something that We, The People should know about involving Sen. Landrieu.

    Since the media no longer investigates corruption among the liberal elite, the burden falls to brave souls like O’Keefe.

    The American Left praises and honors such real criminals and murderers as Castro, Che, Mao and Mumia Abu Jamal. Surely I’m not going to throw O’Keefe under the bus until I know all of the facts. And if he was in the pursuit of truth, then I think his actions were justified.

    James O’Keefe is no less a patriot than Ted Kennedy is a murderer.

    BTW, I heard that Obama to deliver shortest SOTU speech ever.

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  28. Re: Skippy @12:53

    It just doesn't get any stupider than that, does it?

    This troll condones lawlessness so long as it's conservative lawlessnes--because everyone knows when conservatives break laws they're being patriots.

    In this regard, Skippy goes beyond stupid and plunges into the abyss of imbecility.

    I'll leave Skippy's moronic comment up for a little while so we can understand how deranged certain conservative trolls are.

  29. Skippy said: "The American Left praises and honors such real criminals and murderers as Castro, Che, Mao and Mumia Abu Jamal."

    Unlike some, I differentiate among different groups on the Left. Precious few liberals and progressives I've ever known admire Mao/etc.

    Your generalization is as true as someone saying "The American right praises and honors such real criminals and murderers as Adolf Hitler and Mussolini".

    "James O’Keefe is no less a patriot than Ted Kennedy is a murderer."

    Ted's dead. I for one am not spitting on his grave. What's the point?

    Although I admire O'Keefe some for exposing ACORN as a child-rape procurement ring, I don't think this excuses him in any way for felonious trespass.

  30. Dmarks,

    Get off this crap about cheap workers getting the job because they are the best...

    I make shirts in the USA and I had a subcontractor supply me 150,000 shirts from Honduras....

    The difference in price is 2.25 a shirt....and they both are made of cotton grown in the United States so the difference is soley labor, transportation, and management efficiencies.

    After going through a few thousand shirts I KNOW that cheap is just that...ITS CHEAP.

    You get what you pay for.....and that is what you get when you go with cheap labor....

  31. "Although I admire O'Keefe some for exposing ACORN as a child-rape procurement ring, I don't think this excuses him in any way for felonious trespass."

    Dmarks, where is the proof that ACORN was a child rape procurement ring??

    Come on, cough it up!

    By the way, how could skippy know that the SOTU was short? It hasen't happened yet....

    Hmm...does he work inside the White HOuse?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. dmarks reached a new low:

    dmarks reached a new low:

    'Although I admire O'Keefe some for exposing ACORN as a child-rape procurement ring..'


    As is so often the case some of our conservative friends continue their all-out assault on the English language and on plain old common sense. Thus we are left with a tortured definitions of 'admire' and 'child-rape'.

    Presumably typed with a straight face the post is astonishing in its wrong-headed simplicity. ACORN reduced to an utter fantasy.

  34. Tao: If they do the same job for less, they are better. Only if it is the same job, of course.

    "You get what you pay for.....and that is what you get when you go with cheap labor."

    Yes, what what you pay for is a better deal. No one should get ripped of by overpaying for something.

    As for ACORN, they were caught here


    There's the proof on CNN.

    To ACORN's credit, they did fire these workers after they were caught, even though the ACORN leaders dissembled about it.

  35. Arthur: Check the CNN article. Not Fox, CNN. No quotes needed around child rape. That's common sense and an accurate use of the language. No matter how you try to spin it. Nothing "low" about it: just sticking to the facts.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. dmarks,

    I assume by what you posted here that you would condone referring to the Catholic Church as a child rape organization.

    Do you do so in front of your Catholic friends?

  38. Shaw: Unfortanately, yes. They are a lot worse about it than ACORN. And like ACORN, there has been too much dissembling and diversion.

    One in 25 priests has been caught in this scandal. That's quite huge and systemic. Yes, I have discussed it with Catholics too, and they are quite dismayed about the whole thing.

  39. dmarks,

    That video does NOT show that ACORN was running a child rape ring...

    What it shows is some stupid white kid coming in and talking really stupid shit and a couple of employees of ACORN playing along...

    Realistically it is more proof of ENTRAPMENT than it is of anything else...

    Once again Dmarks, wheres the proof that ..."for exposing ACORN as a child-rape procurement ring"

    If Super Fly walked into my office and talked stupid shit and if I was in the mood, I would definitely play along and have myself some fun...

    That would not proove that I was running a child-rape procurement ring....

  40. Tao: I see your point. Calling them a "ring" for their involvement in this is exaggeration. Especially when in the scale of things it is insignificant compared to the Catholic scandal.

    (Not sure about the Superfly and white kid stuff: I don't care about the race of anyone involved)

  41. Our 'conservative' & 'libertarian' friends so often stumble on the field of equivalence.

    Oh well such is to be expected in a world where Van Jones is considered no different than a mass murderer.

    The CNN link doesn't prove ACORN is a child-rape procurement ring (there's a tortured phrase) anymore than (picked one of an endless list of examples) the Randy Cunningham episode 'proves' the GOP has a party plank soliciting prostitutes.


  42. Arthur: "Oh well such is to be expected in a world where Van Jones is considered no different than a mass murderer."

    No. He's just a nutjob who claimed the 1st or 2nd worst mass-murderer in all history as a hero. Like with David Duke, neither actually killed anyone, but both show extremely poor judgement, to say the least. Jones is history, anyway. When our President found out about him, he sacked him.

  43. Actually our President caved into the innuendo, rants and smears from the right.

    Nor surprising in a right-center Democrat much more a corporatist than a Socialist.

    Of course the Jones episode once again underscored the endless conservative proclivity for exaggeration and hysteria.


  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. "Actually our President caved into the innuendo, rants and smears from the right."

    Check into Jones' history. Jones' Mao problem was cold hard fact. No smear, exaggeration, or hysteria about that.

    Since when is Maoism part of the liberal or progressive mainstream?

    And not sure who the center-right President is you are referring to. Not Barack Obama. Measured from the political center, he is to the left of it.

  46. By any reasonable metric President Obama is a slightly to the right of center Democrat. A corporatist. His health care initiatives are more conservative than Nixon's and his commitment to American empire should gladden the hearts of American exceptionalism everywhere. I think it's useful to take a slightly longer view of the political spectrum and not depend, as far too many do, on talk radio, CNN and other mass media outlets to define a history they seem completely ignorant of.

    If Van Jones is to be considered a enthusiast for Maoist mass murder then certainly any Constitutional 'originalist' could be considered, using the same argument, to be pro-slavery.


  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. TRUTH, you know how I feel about you, but to be fair, I have to delete the personal attack on dmarks.

    You're not banned.

    I do not agree with dmarks on this issue. And I understand your strong feelings.

    But please-- Pam and I are trying to keep our commenters from making personal attacks.

  49. Arthur: Your reasonable metric is from the strong/hard left (by your own specific examples of policies) not the center. But enough of that... Obama's Obama, and we can probably agree to agree at least that he is no extremist, and somewhere around the center if you look at the whole wide political spectrum.

    "If Van Jones is to be considered a enthusiast for Maoist mass murder then certainly any Constitutional 'originalist' could be considered, using the same argument, to be pro-slavery."

    Your "originalist" is rejecting a chunk of the existing Constitution, at least including the amendment that ended slavery. Well, I'd probably consider someone who flat out tosses out so many important parts of the Constitution (ending slavery, entire bill of rights, women's vote) to be unqualified for any high position of authority, too. Fit to scrub toilets alongside Jones.

    Shaw: I could imagine I'd be able to take whatever Truth said.

  50. Based on the cleverness of James and his legal team I think he planned this too the letter of the law and will reveal something regarding misdeeds. Mizz Landrieu is a Louisiana politician…..not a stretch to imagine.

    Had he been a Black Panther this would not be of interest to Eric Holder.

    If O Keefe committed a crime he should be punished the same way
    T Kennedy, Conyers, McKinney, Geithner, Seibelius, Richardson, Clinton, Jefferson, P Kennedy, Patterson, Feinstein, were……
    ooops Oh I forgot, THEY WERN'T punished... never mind.

  51. Oh Dmarks,

    You have some white kid show up at your office dressed like a black guy from a 70's movie and he asks for assistance and information to set up a prostitution ring using kids...

    So, a couple of ladies, neither of which are attorneys or CPA's, rattle on and on....

    Lets see, if they knew anything about what they were talking about do you really believe they would be working in the office of a not for profit?

    If there was any EVIDENCE that ACORN was in any way involved in child rape then there would have been a criminal investigation...

    They had nothing to do with child rape and you know it....

    It was all media hyped for a 'gotcha moment' and all of little James efforts were only used to spin crap and discredit an organization that represents PEOPLE (you know the ones you cannot stand) and cause the President embarrassment...

    Now you and your buddies want us to believe that James has some damning evidence that the government arrested him to keep him from sharing...

    Keep dreaming and keep believing...I am sure that you think Watergate was for the good of the country...

  52. Tao: "Now you and your buddies want us to believe that James has some damning evidence that the government arrested him to keep him from sharing..."

    That must be someone else. My view on it is throw the book at him if and whenever he trespasses, does identity theft, or anything like that. Regardless of what he may or may not find in his ventures.

  53. I have to apologize Dmarks,

    I confused you with Glenn Beck...

    That was his point on his radio show today..

    He also claimed that this political operative uncovered PROOF that ACORN ran a 'child rape prostitution ring"

  54. MY THOUGHTS typed:

    "I think he planned this too the letter of the law and will reveal something regarding misdeeds"

    Breaking and entering a US Senator's office is NOT planning to the "letter of the law." It's a felony. On federal property. O'Keefe won't be able to reveal anything, since he got nothing but handcuff and a frog march.

    It is amazing to read the conservatives falling over themselves to excuse O'Keefe's behavior.

  55. 31 Republicans wanted him honored by the House, The Cato Institute awarded him something, and he got himself a job with someother conservative think tank and he was hired to speak to the Nevada GOP...

    Another throw a way hero of the right....

    Joe the Plumber, Carrie Prejean and now Jame O'Keefe...

    Nothing like 'taking one' for the party!

  56. shaw,

    in answer to @ My Thoughts:

    "Josh Marshall is trying to make sense of the bizarre O'Keefe story at the top of Memeorandum this morning:

    [F]or the moment, as crazy as it may seem, I'm working on the assumption that O'Keefe really thought he'd get away with a major felony if he got recordings that would sound good enough on Fox and Drudge. Indeed, his very limited public statements still suggest he's thinking in terms of a justification defense. I still have a hard time believing that myself. But it's the only explanation I can square with the facts as we currently know them.

    Conservatives have become used to the idea that their ideology allows them to break the law. Because their ideology is above the law. Just ask Cheney."

  57. A Friend from SoCal said...

    Conservatives have become used to the idea that their ideology allows them to break the law. Because their ideology is above the law. Just ask Cheney."


  58. dmarks typed:

    'Fit to scrub toilets alongside Jones.'

    Ah yes another false equivalence between an avowed racist and a community organizer with a mild flirtation with radical politics who since has worked diligently within the system.

    I like that. Throw in a David Duke disavowal or two. Deny the racism of the Founding Fathers which continues to haunt this nation until this very day and voila:

    A pure, conservative American worldview.

    Bye the bye. Our conservative friends should be tickled to death. The 'leftist' President Obama is reportedly set to put a freeze on discretionary spending.

    Except for 'defense'.

  59. LMAO...

    We blame Bush on the conservatives too...

    Feel better?

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  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I took issue with your denigration of American Workers Dmarks. My advice to you involved an act Ms. Kenawe found innappropriate for her family friendly site.

  63. I heard today that O’Keefe wanted to “investigate” and prove that Landrieu’s office wasn’t answering the telephone. It’s been alleged that she’s avoiding calls from her constituents since the “Louisiana Purchase”.

    Even IF that’s the truth it still doesn’t excuse O’Keefe’s actions. Wire-tapping, or whatever he was doing, in a Federal building is a felony. It just makes me wonder if he let all his “fame and glory” go to his head and now thinks he's "untouchable". That’s too bad. He’s a young kid and this could ruin his life. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  64. Pamela: Right. You don't see us excusing him from any illegal actions.

    Truth: I did not denigrate American workers. After all, so much "outsourcing" is really insourcing: workers inside the US doing a better job and earning jobs that other American workers don't do as well (i.e. rustbelt jobs moving to the South).

    Beyond that, I don't have any racial or other bias against Honduran or other workers as compared to those in the US. Looking at things without racial or nationalistic bias is not "denigrating" US workers as a whole.

  65. You're being disingnuous Dmarks. All American Workers do a good job. Your interest is only that some are forced to do it cheaper because of right to scab laws.

    You don't want workers. You want serfs.

  66. But wait.

    There's more.

    US clothing companies set third world countries against one another as well in the endless race to squeeze every cent out of workers engaged in the garment industry.

    A typical sweatshirt (see ITOLDJAH) retailing for $25 in Walmart or at Abercrombie Fitch is commonly produced for approximately $2.45 (labor, fabric, zippers, buttons) or so including shipping. Manufacturers move between Cambodia, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam the Solomons, etc. in order to save a few pennies.

    They save a little more not using American labor but paying living wages in any nation producing garments for the good old US of A wouldn't add materially to our final cost of goods.

    I read once that the cost of manufacturing Nike's Air Jordan line of sportswear is considerably less than the licensing fees paid to Jordan himself. Is this a great country or what?

    I'll try and find the actual quote and I'll try and find an article I read in the past couple of months discussing manufacturing costs vs. living wages.

    Interesting stuff.
