Thursday, March 18, 2010


Glenn Beck is all mucused up over our secular Government offending God by its plan to hold the vote for health care reform on Sunday--a vote that may actually comfort the sick and help the most helpless among us.  This he, and some other cement head, believes would be an offense against God?

But of course we know from Beck's previous insufflations that he also believes social justice--what the Christian God preached--are code words for Nazism and Communism.

You've got to give Beckerhead credit, though, for his consistency in being a very silly ass.

"With this morning’s release of the Congressional Budget Office’s reconciliation package score, the House appears ready to vote on health care reform this Sunday. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) — speaking with Fox News host Glenn Beck on his radio show this morning — said the timing of the vote is unholy. He warned that Democrats intend to “take away the liberty that we have right from God” on “the Sabbath, during Lent.” Beck agreed, calling the Sunday vote an “affront to God,” and something “our founders would have never” done “[o]ut of respect for God”:

KING: They intend to vote on the Sabbath, during Lent, to take away the liberty that we have right from God. [...]

BECK: You couldn’t have said it better. Here is a group of people that have so perverted our faith and our hope and our charity, that is a — this is an affront to God. And I honestly, I don’t think anybody is like, “yes, and now what we’ll do is we’ll vote on the Sabbath.” But I think it’s absolutely appropriate that these people are trying to put the nail in the coffin on our country on a Sunday — something our founders would have never, ever, ever done. Out of respect for God.

On Palm Sunday in 2005, the Republican-controlled Senate passed a controversial bill to allow a federal court to intervene in the case of Terri Schiavo. The House passed the same bill shortly after midnight on Monday morning."
h/t ThinkProgress

Capt. Fogg has an excellent post up over at The Swash Zone about the appalling behavior of the "Christian values Right." [Jesus would be soooooooooo proud of these heartless thugs.]




  1. I recently read that he hasn't been all that active in his church - not for quite awhile. I know - what a surprise.

  2. Being just as qualified to speak for God as Beck or any of the right wing scum squad, I think God would be okay not resting on the Sabbath if it were to insure 31 million of His children.

  3. Bret Baier kicked the President's @$$ & swept the floor with it; you know it's true. He was finally knocked off his well-worn grooves & exposed for his utter lack of substance & integrity.

    Bret Baier, baby-faced reporter, is the courageous Lion of journalism, willing to do what the rest of the starry-eyed sycophants wouldn't. Finally.

  4. Bret Baier is an insignificant little Roger Ailes toady who has an even more insignificant audience.

    Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America, known all over the planet and will make history this weekend when he passes health care reform.

    Baier will be forgotten faster than a picosecond in US history because he accomplishes nothing except giving his listeners the illustion that he "scored points" by acting like a boorish lout.

    You are on the wrong side of history.

    But then, you are also a devout little Randian who worships at the feet of a narcissistic cult figure who wrote a bloated self-absorbed manifesto of minor, very minor importance.

  5. Alisa,

    A quote from your own blog"

    "Reason, the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by the senses, is man's basic tool of survival."

    Now, why not use a little reason when you post to liberal blogs...

    Oh, thats right! You want people to visit your blog so the hell with reason lets be as inflamatory as we can...

    Baier is no Mike Wallace...just a baby faced punk with an attitude....


    You visited Rand's blog? I didn't bother. This is the same blogger who used to go to The Swash Zone and annoy commenters there until (O)CT(O)PUS thoroughly whooped him/her.

  7. Sorry Shaw but jealousy is an ugly thing. Grow up. He is the man of the hour right now. Next week/month/year it will be someone else who has the right message. Remember its not about you. My bet is on Bret Baier after that tremendous interview. He really showed me maturity, intelligence and the right amount of forcefulness. Well done Mr. Baier

  8. The ability to talk over someone and then change the subject when they start to answer the question you just asked hardly qualifies someone as a great journalist. He's a hack just like the rest of them. President Obama has more class in his little finger than the whole lot of them. Jealousy????? THAT'S funny!

  9. Sorry, MMandI,

    You mistake contempt for jealousy.

    Why would anyone be "jealous" of an insignificant little worm like Baier?

    He will NOT be remembered by historians for anything; and in his 15 minutes of fame, he has the distinction of having acted like a sneering little self-satisfied lunkhead. Wow! What an accomplishment. Heh.

    Of course you and your friends exhalt him. You adore bullies and charlatans. Look at how famous you guys have made the idiot, Glenn Beck.

    BTW, whom do you think children will be learning about in history books long after Baier and you are dust?

    The little FOX News interviewer or President Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America?

    Come on now, take a guess and see if you can come up with the correct answer.

  10. There it is in a nutshell.
    I don't have to bother saying any thing else, or answering your STUPID questions.

    The fact that you called Baier an insignificant little worm ..
    Shows who you are and what you are made of.
    You are surely not made in America.

    And Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States will go down in History as the ASS-HOLE who brought America into Socialism. And he will go down in History as the worst President we ever had. Along with is Wife who couldn't find anything to make her proud here.
    But she sure was proud of Rev. Wright wasn't she! Another American, white hater.

  11. Me, Myself and I, came to this blog and posted a comment accusing me of being jealous because I did not like Brett Baier's treatment of Mr. Obama in the FOX News interview.

    My answer to MM&I is upthread, and then her answer comes after that.

    I popped over to her blog and this is what is posted above all her posts in blaring bold letters:

    Shaw Kenawe If you even think of commenting here... save your time!You are not wanted here and anything you post will be deleted.
    This blog is Communist and Socialist Free!

    This blogger accuses me of not being an American because I criticized Baier.

    Her blog is FILLED with anti-Obama posts. She hates the president and blogs about it.

    And yet she came here and got all haughty and hissy over my post and MY opinion of a two-bit interviewer on FOX.

    And questions my American citizenship.

    Seriously. Where do these people come from?

    I didn't think it was possible, but she out bachmanned Bachmann in loopiness.

  12. I've long held that folks who watch television (Fox News) don't bring a lot to the conversation.

    This thread reinforces that premise.

    Thank you Alisa. Thank you MMAI.

  13. @Shaw/Mr.(?) tao-
    You've proven yourselves to have entirely missed the point.

    Who cares is Mr. Baier is
    remembered past June? I don't! While you spend time denigrating Mr. Baier (kill the messenger, right?), & puffing up Mr. Hussein Obama, the rest of the country sees the 44th president for what he is - an arrogant, defensive, manipulative, narcissistic thug who was outed & bested by a punk journalist who (in your estimation) can't tell his @## from a hole in the ground. So, how good does your hero look when he can't take a little pressure from an amateur boorish lout? Wow.

    THAT's what we ALL now know. THAT's what we'll remember.

    p.s. I couldn't care less if you visit my blog or not. In fact, don't bother.

    Like Mr. Baier, recognition & making a name for myself is not my aim, or I would be use my birth name. (How's that for reason, Mr. tao?)

    (@MMI - watch now: they're going to turn the same vitriol toward me that they aimed @ Mr.'s Beck & Baier. Anyone who doesn't fall down & worship the Great Socialist gets the wrath...)

  14. @Arth. - I've long held that folks who watch television (Fox News) don't bring a lot to the conversation.

    Looks like we brought you into it.

    (You really should think better of yourself.)

  15. Oh Alisa,

    Let me save you from trying to figure out what my estimation is....

    Since your math is obviously flawed...

    I do believe that Bret Baier knows his asshole from a hole in the fact I have no doubt that he does...

    I also have no doubt that you too know where your asshole is and where the whole in the ground is....because your head is usually in one or the other...

    Its a beautiful day so why not go out and get a little sunshine it would so improve your disposition....

    Try to get some fresh air with that sunshine because you are becoming stale...

    Now go have a nice weekend and appreciate the fact that God gave you life...not that you have done much with it considering you are trying to pass yourself off as someone else...

    Oh, and please don't mess with Arthurstone...he is BRILLANT and can do so much with so little words....

  16. @Mr. tao - Predictable: 'blah, blah, blah it would so improve your disposition....'

    Ahem: It is not I who has resorted calling names. Stick to content Mr. tao, vs. lambasting your opponent. It doesn't become you.

    Arth? He may very well be brilliant; congratulations to him. I haven't noticed.

    @MMI - Didn't I tell you?

  17. Great job Alisa Rosenbaum, but don’t expect to get anywhere with this bunch of liberal Lony Tunes. Especially that Nut case Shaw, she’s going to cut you off and delete your posts as soon as she get told off enough.
    I watched that interview where that pantie waist Obama refused to answer the questions... and this blogger has the nerve to say that we need to respect this trash!? Well, I’m not going to!
    You liberals call it interrupting...we call it trying to cut through the crap.

    A majority of all art in the world is crap...but the BS behind it tries to make us think there is validity in the work...WE CALL IT PONTIFICATION...unfortunately, a lot of you go for it!...same difference.. The Looney Left Wing Nut Cases that post here are all a bunch of idiots. So don’t waste much time with them. They won't debate, they call you names and throw around insults, trust me, It won't be long before you are called a racist.
    I can't believe all you loser liberals are so obsessed with Fox News. It's very rewarding for me to know that Fox News upsets you all so much that you keep talking about it incessantly!
    Here's some bad news for you losers, Fox News is the most successful cable news network and it is going to be around A LONG, LONG TIME! Enjoy your torment!!!
    Bret Baier did a marvelous job of asking relevant questions, instead of the usual soft balls Obama gets from Anchors like Couric and Williams. Obama tried to bloviate and filibuster to run out the clock and Bret kept bringing him back to the unanswered questions. Great job, Bret! We are proud of you and we finally got to see this man and his slimy Chicago politics, up close and personal. He was testy, evasive, and on the ropes when he couldn't get his way. I doubt you will get another interview from this small, petty man, but rest assured, you pulled off the veil so we could see what was underneath. Nothing!
    The moonbats have hijacked the government, but it won’t be for to much longer.

  18. Alisa Rand Rosenbaum typed:

    "Looks like we brought you into it.

    (You really should think better of yourself.)"

    Actually I was referring to the conversation here at Progressive Eruption in general. Not just this thread.

    A conversation which, difficult as it is to believe, existed (albeit poorly) before your participation.

    Go figure.

  19. "Things That Piss Me Off":

    Did you tire of posting under your original name "Rude and Arrogant Ass?"

    Same with "Me Myself and I." She used to post under another blog named "I Love Life."

    These angry insecure cultists change their identities faster and more often han a cuttlefish on acid.

    They seem not to understand the insanity of "Me, Myself and I" coming here and complaining about what I post on my own blog. I NEVER visit her blog, where she posts her opinionated hatred of Obama. And then after her insulting comments here, she goes to her blog and warns me not to comment there!

    But why expect rational actions from such a crowd?

    Those are not the actions of a stable mind.

    And for the Ayn Rand poseur--can't you come up with your own persona? Are you so marinated in your adoration of Ayn Rand, that you are compelled to take her name as you blognym? You need to get a life of your own, IMHO, and stop worshipping a dead woman who wrote turgid prose that promotes institutional selfishness.

    So you're impressed with Brett Baier's insolence and third-rate "jouranimalism?" Well good for you. Everyone needs to admire something.

    As for you and "Me,Myself and I", and "Things That Piss Me Off"'s trashing of Mr. Obama, it doesn't amount to more than a pimple on the ass of a flea. If that much.

    Mr. Obama is doing just fine, thank you very much, and isn't bothered in the least by your opinion of him.

    He's admired by half the country and most of the world.

    While you three show up on blogs and whine about it.

  20. "TRUTH 101 said...
    Who is Bret Baier?"

    Another FOX a**hole. They seem to have an endless supply of them.

  21. Things That Piss Me Off typed:

    "A majority of all art in the world is crap...but the BS behind it tries to make us think there is validity in the work...WE CALL IT PONTIFICATION...unfortunately, a lot of you go for it!...same difference.."

    It's remarkable to find a thinker with similarly well conceived ideas on the subject of both politics AND art. One can find this level of expertise (but only rarely) in one or the other field. But to have such a depth of understanding in two vastly different arenas is impressive.

    The most interesting thing about Mr. Pissmeoff is the title of his blog. To his credit Thingsthat is more honest than most bloggers of his ilk. So many 'conservative' bloggers whose sites I visit (before being banned) fill their bandwidth with complaint after complaint after bitch after moan after kvetch about America going to hell in a hand basket thanks to Marxist/Leninist/Maoist/Democrats with only the strained bulwark of 'real Americans' to defend the nation.

    But they call it something else. American Digest. Rational Nation USA. Mike's America. Etc. Etc. All titles alluding to a 'love of country' and 'patriotism' and dedication to 'values' which, when push comes to shove don't actually reflect how quickly much of this crowd is eager to roll back existing, hard-won rights.

    Pissmeoff's gift is his ability to personalize the political. It isn't about right or wrong. It isn't about the common good. It isn't about fairness. It isn't really about rights or freedoms.

    It's about what pisses him off.

    A man of the times. And a healthy dose of reality for anyone paying attention. Self-centeredness as the cardinal virtue.

    I'm looking forward to his next comment on the arts/culture.


  22. Shaw Kenawe said...
    "Things That Piss Me Off":
    Did you tire of posting under your original name "Rude and Arrogant Ass?"
    Same with "Me Myself and I." She used to post under another blog named "I Love Life."

    WOW, now these something wrong with having 2 different blogs with 2 different names?
    Some people have even more than TWO!

    You really do sound like a dictator don't you!

  23. WOW, now these something wrong with having 2 different blogs with 2 different names?
    Some people have even more than TWO
    You really do sound like a dictator don't you!
    --Me, Myself, and I

    Klaatu barada nikto!

  24. Well, when Healthcare reform passes this weekend then this whole issue is moot because it will then be obvious that President Obama's sitting down for an interview with Bret Baier will have been nothing more than Obama running a victory lap around his opponent....

    Wave that flag high President Obama!

  25. CHAIRMAN TAO said...

    Well, when Healthcare reform passes this weekend then this whole issue is moot because it will then be obvious that President Obama's sitting down for an interview with Bret Baier will have been nothing more than Obama running a victory lap around his opponent....
    Wave that flag high President Obama!

    And Then We Could All Say, For the First Time in My Life, I Am Not Proud of Our Country!


  26. Me, Myself, and I,

    Could you explain to us all why you keep returning to my blog and comment section to leave your opinion when you have a notice on your blog that warn me I cannot do the same?

    Don't you realize how bizzare your behavior is? And irrational?

  27. I thought this was a post about Glen Beck? Why are all the comments about Baier?

    I saw the MSNBC coverage of the interview which showed interruption after interruption after interruption. Very rude and disrespectful.

    But that prompted me to go and watch a longer clip (I admit I didn't watch the whole thing b/c there was no new info and time is short). Journalistically, BB did a better job than anyone else - refused to accept obfuscation and pontification. (What is the use of a free press if they are merely used like a cheap whore by politicians who get away with using "interviews" as free advertising and don't honestly address the true and legitimate questions of the electorate?)

    So basically, BB WAS disrespectful and rude. But the journalism was definitely better than average.

    How will history view BB? It won't. He'll be forgotten as soon as he retires or is dead.

    Obama IS no doubt a historical figure for the ages. How will he be remembered? Good God people, who knows? He's only in the very beginning of year TWO!!! And honestly, it will depend on who writes the history - if any of you write it, it surely won't be objective, he'll either be the worst demon, non-citiizen who ever illegally stole an election and tried to overtake the republic in a secret, inside Communist plot or he'll be the greatest figure who ever graced the White House, who transformed government and never achieved legislative goals by the same old tactics of lying, bribing, and threatening as were the status quo prior to his landslide victory and unprecedented popularity with everyone in the republic!

    Jesus - the only comment here worth a damn is Truth 101's - "Who is BB?" Now that was funny.
