Friday, March 26, 2010



The governor who quite campaigned for long-serving Republican Senator John McCain and losing candidate in the last election for president and who is in danger of losing his senate seat to JD Hayworth, a friend of Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist who is in jail after pleading guilty to fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials.

McCain has to depend on the endorsement of the other half of his losing ticket, who at this point is more popular than he is.  Palin quit her job as Alaska's governor to make millions of dollars in the entertainment industry.  She's now a celebrity right up there with the likes of David Letterman.  You go Sarah.  LOL!


  1. It was a hideous speech, she is so friggin cocky I can't stand her!
    I feel sorry for the old guy cuz she is definitely the reason his crowds are a little larger then if he campaigned by himself, BUT Hayworth is not someone I would choose over McCain IF I had to choose.
    So, anyway, losers they are, they make a pitiful pair...

  2. Hayworth and "Keating Five" McCain can argue over who is more corrupt.

  3. Is she wearing leather? Don't those zippers look like chains?

    There is some serious issues on parade here....

    I believe this is the conservatives costume for SUPERWOMAN...

  4. Wow.

    If there's Senator more prone to groveling than McCain I can't summon its name.

    This is truly cringe-making.

    "Oh yes please! Leave the entire tray of s**t sandwiches with me."


  5. I wonder if Libhom would have pointed out the Keating 5 at all if the story had been about one of the four liberal members of that group, instead of being about the lone conservative.

  6. she is cringe-worthy. I truly cannot listen to her for more than a few seconds.

  7. OH, DMARKS...

    Maybe Libhom mentioned it because McCain is the last one still serving?

  8. John Glenn was one of the four Dems involved in the Keating 5 affair, I'm sorry to say. The Dems were censured and McCain was merely criticized for using "bad judgement." Duh - what a surprise.

  9. Needless to say, the way the tea party protests and the nihilistic libertarians are behaving in the past week or so has been outrageous. After Healthcare was passed, many Democrats were faced with death threats, disgusting taunts, and attacks on their campaign offices.

    Now, none of you can't tell me that the Republican party does not directly represent them. They have had tea party conventions with influential leaders speaking on their behalf. One example was when, during the passing of the healthcare act one tea party protester broke into the House of Representatives. The Republican congressmen reacted to this by cheering. How dare they encourage such criminal activity? Another was when the Republican shouted "baby killer" to Stupak (ironically, a pro-lifer). This perfectly represented the pathological stupidity and the denialism of the Party. Another fact that anyone's wil
    How can anyone get so angry at a universal healthcare that's intended to help everyone? How can anyone vote for a party like this? I thought the LDP of Japan (the right-wing party of Japanese politics) were crazy, but not in this pathological level.

    Their violence, stupidity, hate, and ignorance lately inspired me to make this thread. It makes me upset that they claim to be the most devout Christians, when they're clearly missing the point of what Christ taught: love thy neighbor as thyself.
    Is it safe to say that the Republicans perfectly represent the decline of ethics in America?

  10. *** sound of bell ringing ***

    Chairman Tao wins for getting the correct answer!

  11. How anyone thinks she has the capacity to be president is beyond me.

    Just watching her "debate" gives enough insight into the breadth of her knowledge, or lack thereof. The apologists (O'Reilly, etc.) have mentioned that she can learn on the job...well all presidents learn while in office, and it's been stated (by past presidents) that no one is truly prepared for the demands of the job, but...the learning curve that she would face would be insurmountable.

    If she looked average, were older, and were heavier then she'd have far less supporters.

  12. More sexist basing of Palin in the above comment. But that's nothing new.

  13. I'm so excited! I was just banned from a rightwing blog! Not only that, I made the person angry enough to enable comment moderation. All of this for pointing out that his hate speech was giving aid and comfort to people who want to kill police officers in Michigan. The blog author is of course a police officer. He's singing in Sarah's background chior. You know, all the usual stuff. Obama is a Marxist, the new Hitler, Illegal Aliens are taking our jobs and our country away from us (read: whites). I think I'm going to completely just swear off right wing blogs because it used to be that you could have a conversation with them when W was in office but now they have all assumed a bunker mentality. There's no talking to them anymore. They are no in such a mode that they will say ANYTHING true or the wildest fabrication it doesn't matter. I just pray Obama has excellent security in case one of these Hate-riots with a gun get within a mile of him. They have gone absolutely insane.

  14. "Sex Basing",...nothing new but totally true.

  15. I'm still trying to figure out how Obama can be Hitler and a Marxist at the same time- Hitler sent thousands of Marxists to death camps, just in case any one or two Righties who might be reading this just had an "eureka" moment.

    But back to the original topic...

    Isn't sad how far John McCain has fallen in stature in the eyes of people in the center and the Left? At one time progressives like Mario Cuomo would have McCain on his radio show, always looking for common ground and that which unites rather than divides.

    The Republican Party has moved so far to the right that McCain has to play this game...he was the one who opposed "Washington insiders" and "career politicians", yet that's what he has become. The fact that he had to bring Sarah Palin to campaign for him shows that he'll do anything to appeal to the wingnut faction of the GOP, that sadly holds all of the cards now.

    Its very disturbing to watch this man, who most believed to be principled- even by those on the Left, throw out his legacy towards the end of his career.

  16. Hugh Jee From Jersey said...
    I'm still trying to figure out how Obama can be Hitler and a Marxist at the same time- Hitler sent thousands of Marxists to death camps, just in case any one or two Righties who might be reading this just had an "eureka" moment.

    Ya want a "eureka" moment, I'll give ya one...
    It’s really very simple, you serve a purpose and when you are not useful any longer.... You are done. The brown shirts came for you. Hitler used them the same way that your Drar Leader is using you. I’m sure you are familiar with the terminology "USEFUL IDIOT" ? Well think about it. Excellent question by the way.
    I think we are about done here.

  17. Another "cookoo for cocoa puffs". What the heck is "Drar"?

  18. 'Sexist basing' indeed.

    Look at a fans take on her Palinness:

    She definitely has the wanker vote.

  19. malcontent comes to shaw's blog and implies one of her commenters is a "useful idiot" then tells us all that we're done here?

    malcontent really does have "boundry" problems doesn't he.

    shaw, where are you?

  20. Hugh said: "Obama can be Hitler and a Marxist at the same time- Hitler sent thousands of Marxists to death camps"

    Pretty good point.... those two branches of the socialist camp find themselves to be bitter enemies. Like Black Spy vs White Spy, or the Bloods and Crips. Despite that they pretty much do the same thing when they get into power.

    Tim: "Drar Leader"... isn't that an action figure from some 1980s cartoon... he led the Drar warriors or something like that.

  21. Let's not forget just how adept the enlightened West could be at murder & enslavement.
