Monday, April 12, 2010

This video is not a parody of a nincompoop, it is an actual nincompoop, Victoria Jackson, a Tea Partier. And they just love her!

No this is not a joke.  She's real, and she's stupid, but in a very funny way.  I  mean who else could say with sincere ignorance and determined imbecility that even if Mr. Obama were born in the United States, he's still not American?"  But that is just one part of her clownish performance, and the Tea Partiers lap up everything this unfortunate has-been pronounces from her confused and crude little brain.

h/t Crooks and Liars


  1. Wow! Any chance of Victoria running with Palin in 2012? As Sarah so eloquently remarked when asked her thoughts about a Palin-Bachmann ticket: "Now that sounds kinda cool."

  2. A true classic. I saw here over at swash the first time and it was hilarious. This is even better.

    But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Many people are indeed concerned about the deficit and the direction of our country, even if they are not real good at expressing it.

    That does not bode well for the Dems, who if the polls are to be believed, are in for a massive smackdown later this year.

    If that is true, 2011 and beyond will be rough for Obama and he may regret not moving more forcefully to enact his promises/agenda earlier in his term.

    We shall see.

  3. She is the mouthpiece for the teabagger crowd and shows their mentality when they applaud for something so stupid as this woman. I'm sorry Dave, these people DO NOT know what they are protesting, they are brainless morons who are blindly following orders from Fox noise! If I was a betting woman I would say the rethugs will NOT take any where near a majority in the November elections. They have dug their hole and I hope they bury themselves for a good long time!

  4. I wonder where the tea party people's conceerns were when GWB paid for the Iraq war by borrowing us into deficits?

    yes, it's true people have concerns, but it appears their conceerns only show up when a Democrat is in office.

    It was during GWB's administration that the financial collapse happened, and the first bail out occurred.

    Mr. Obama averted a real disaster with his policies, but too many people don't understand that you don't avert an economic disaster by cutting services and spending.

    Both parties' Congressional leadership have not done well by the American people.

  5. The really sad thing is that our government runs the way it does because it benefits someone...

    Everyone wants to complain about our government not being representative; but the reality is someone is being represented or they wouldn't get re elected as much as they do...

    As soon as we learn that it isn't government that we should be protesting against but rather the business interests that benefit from government programs and pay dearly for the influence they have then nothing will change...

    That means even if the Tea Bag folks totally dominate and get all their candidates in and even if Sarah Palin wins the Presidency in 2012...nothing changes...

    Obama went from being a wild eyed liberal in the election to a moderate conservative once in office...

  6. Forgive my frankness Shaw Kenawe.

    When an idiot has a hard on the ugliest woman on earth still looks good if she's willing.. The tea baggers are like the idiot with the hard on. As long as she says idiotic crap, she looks good.

  7. I love this comment from youtube...

    "I'm not sure whose the most stupid here. Victoria Jackson, who clearly has mental health issues. Or the clowns standing there listening to her drivel."

    Ain't it the truth??LOL. Look at those people, they are mesmerized and begging for a leader to show them the way. So, lets see, they have Bachmann, Palin, Limpy, Hannity, Beck, and now Miss Vickie. Wow, how lucky can ya get!

    This has to be the most embarrassing excuse for a movement I have ever witnessed...Do ya think any of them have dropped out because they were embarrassed??

  8. On the bright side, she makes Sarah Palin look intelligent. Well, not so dumb maybe.

  9. No Anonymous, not really....

  10. Hot Daum! I didn't know Minnie Mouse was a political activist.

    Idiots breed idiots and there's a crowd of parents that must be damned proud of all those idiots standing there listening to that moron.
