Friday, July 9, 2010


Federal Judge In Boston Rules Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

BOSTON — The federal law banning gay marriage is unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state to define the institution and therefore denies married gay couples some federal benefits, a federal judge ruled Thursday in Boston.

U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro ruled in favor of gay couples’ rights in two separate challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA, a 1996 law that the Obama administration has argued for repealing. The rulings apply to Massachusetts but could have broader implications if they’re upheld on appeal.

The state had argued the law denied benefits such as Medicaid to gay married couples in Massachusetts, where same-sex unions have been legal since 2004.

Tauro agreed and said the act forces Massachusetts to discriminate against its own citizens in order to be eligible for federal funding in federal-state partnerships.

The act “plainly encroaches” upon the right of the state to determine marriage, Tauro said in his ruling on a lawsuit filed by state Attorney General Martha Coakley. In a ruling in a separate case filed by Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, Tauro ruled the act violates the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

“Congress undertook this classification for the one purpose that lies entirely outside of legislative bounds, to disadvantage a group of which it disapproves. And such a classification the Constitution clearly will not permit,” Tauro wrote.


The Justice Department had argued the federal government had the right to set eligibility requirements for federal benefits — including requiring that those benefits go only to couples in marriages between a man and a woman.

Opponents of gay marriage said they were certain the rulings would be overturned on appeal.

Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, called Tauro’s ruling “judicial activism” and said Tauro was a “rogue judge.” Gay marriage advocates will keep pushing their agenda in the courts, she said, but noted voters consistently have rejected gay marriage at the ballot box, including in a recent California vote.

“We can’t allow the lowest common denominator states, like Massachusetts, to set standards for the country,” Lafferty said.

Lowest common denominator states like Massachusetts?  Well Massachusetts does have the lowest divorce rate, but after Washington DC, it has the highest number of graduate degree holders in the country.
"Andrea Sheldon Lafferty is the Executive Director of the Traditional Values Coalition, working from the group's offices in Washington, D.C. She is also the daughter of the organization's chairman, Lou Sheldon.

Like her father and the TVC, she is opposed to LGBT rights. She has argued that, among other things, the majority of Americans oppose the "inappropriate, immoral, and invalid" legalization of same-sex marriage.

A majority of Americans DO NOT OPPOSE gay marriaages. 
She's a liar.

TVC is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Her father, Lou Sheldon, was an associate of Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist jailed for influence peddling. Sheldon worked with Abramoff to lobby members of the US Congress to kill the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act. Abramoff directed his client, eLottery, to direct $25,000 in payments to Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition.

The TVC has also been linked to the Mariana Islands worker abuse scandal. The organization was used by Abramoff to pay for the trip of at least one member of Congress to visit the island, then-Congressman Bob Schaffer. The Denver Post reported that the TVC paid the $13,000 travel bill for the trip, organized by Abramoff's lobbying firm.[1]

Abramoff's lobbying team would prepare questions and "factual backup" for friendly lawmakers. Trips to the island for congressmen and staff would be a key tool to "build permanent friends," the memo said.

The congressional junkets to the Mariana Islands were designed to build support in Congress among Republican lawmakers to block labor and immigration reforms at the islands, which had been found to harbor worker abuse and forced abortions among immigrant workers. The trips involved hotel stays and parasailing trips."

 It appears that Lafferty needs to look in her own backyard for a "low common denominator."  Incredible hypocrite and hate-monger.  She will fail in her miserable crusade to deny Americans their equal rights.


  1. This should be interesting if the feds appeal. The Prop. 8 trial in California showed that, in terms of actual legal or logical arguments, the opposition doesn't have a case.

    I've noticed a lot of references to that "lowest common denominator states" comment. I predict an insincere apology for it in less than a week -- after which it will still stick to her.

  2. It's sad in this day (2010) that we have to fight so hard for people's rights, but it has always been that way in this country. All minorities have had to go through the same fight, of course women were not a minority, but had to go through the same fight.

  3. Still much to be done on a very basic level- the GOP platform in Montana wants to criminalize homosexuality.

    We're working on it.

  4. A very interesting piece. I just love it when these reactionaries call the court "activitist." Maybe that's why Andrea and her TVC want to get it before the "activist" SCOTUS.

  5. It is always interesting that because they are noisy they consider themselves the majority.
    And rather than berate her for that "lowest common denominator" comment, I think someone should badger her to define her exact meaning; my bet is, she has no idea what she means by that.
    I have no idea what she means by that. It doesn't make any sense. She probably got that line from Sarah "say it isn't so, Joe" Palin!

  6. Hopefully this will stand. Tauro makes a damned good argument.

    Screw Lafferty and the TVC. Now there's a "least common denominator" if I've ever seen one.

    I'd love to hear what the retarded ultra righters Coulter and her cohort Hannity have to say about this one :-)

  7. How do gay unions help society? They have a higher rate of sexually transmitted disease,anal sex is dangerous and is a high risk activity and most gays are created by rape from another gay. So what benifit does this have for society again?

  8. Chris,

    I don't know where you got your information--it's usually a good idea to include a link to any information of the kiind you posted here, otherwise we have to take what you wrote as made-up, prejudicial, and highly unreliable.

    ScienceDaily, which backs up its claims, reports this:

    High Rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Older Swingers
    ScienceDaily (June 28, 2010) —

    Swingers -- straight couples who regularly swap sexual partners at organised gatherings and clubs and indulge in group sex -- have rates of sexually transmitted infections comparable with those of recognised high risk groups, reveals research published ahead of print in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections.

    Swingers were among those with the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections, along with young people and gay men -- groups recognised as being at high risk."

    Why you chose to come here and single out only gays as a group that engages in high-risk sex is curious, since straights engage in it as well heterosexual young people.

    After you wrote this:

    "...most gays are created by rape from another gay..."

    I realized you're either someone doing a paradoy of an ignorant anti-gay person or a really embarrassingly uninformed person who's swallowed a load of bunk.

    I don't appreciate anyone coming here and spreading lies about our gay brothers and sisters. It's not amusing.

    Ignorance is what drives the engine of hatred and fear, and it appears you're using high-test.

    As to your question of what gay people contribute; again, you show how uninformed you are.

    I have gay members of my family.

    They probably contribute more to society just by getting up in the morning than you and others who slander them do in a lifetime.

  9. "most gays are created by rape"

    Uhhh, what? That is the most asinine thing I've ever heard? I'd really like to see proof for that one and I don't mean a piece of crap from some know nothing like Beck or jackass like Pat Robertson.

    Out of curiosity, what have you done for society besides breed?

    Like Shaw, I have gay relatives and have had gay friends all my life. One is the son and grandson of Presbyterian ministers and is very devout and very active in his church. Another is active in dance, music and theatre and does what he can to ensure that children who are sick or poor can have a couple of hours of relief through fantasy. Finally, but by no means last is one who works with abused and mentally challenged children at a local barn.

    Now, what is it you said you do to contribute to society besides spread hate and lies?

  10. tnlib,

    That gay rape statement by the "Chris" commenter was a first for me. Never heard that one.

    Why was I not surprised to link to his name and then his blog and find out he's a conservative?

    They really are irrelevant. Thank Darwin for the young people who reject the vicious slander people like Chris [who BTW probably loves his Jesus] spread about gays.

    His kind will not win.

  11. Whenever you hear some sort of hateful slander against a minority group, you can depend on the fact that it comes primarily from the Right.

    Thanks Chris for proving the point.
