Monday, July 26, 2010

GOPer: Tea Partiers Who Question President Obama's birth "DUMBASSES"

Well you got that one right Ken Buck!  You stated privately what all rational people already know.  Now grow some courage and say it publicly, then, perhaps, you can get the wackos in the Tea Party movement to see themselves for what you've labeled them:"Dumbasses"

"" Tea Party-backed Senate candidate in Colorado was caught on tape Friday referring to 'birthers' who question President Obama's citizenship as "dumbasses." Republican Ken Buck, who has harnessed Tea Party support to become the front-runner for the GOP Senate nomination, made the comment unsolicited to a Democratic staffer after an event in Pueblo, Colorado.

He was unaware that the conversation was being recorded.

"Will you tell those dumbasses at the Tea Party to stop asking questions about birth certificates while I'm on the camera," Buck said to the staffer. "God, what am I supposed to do?" 

Buck told the Denver Post he regretted the language he used, but maintained that he has become frustrated by so-called 'birthers' who question the validity of Obama's birth certificate.
Buck said he considers 'birthers' to be a distraction.
"After 16 months of being on the campaign trail, I was tired and frustrated that I can't get that message through that we are going to go off a cliff if we don't start dealing with this debt," Buck said.


"He's a self-proclaimed Tea Partier who trashes tea partiers when he thinks no one is looking," a Norton spokesman said in a statement.

This is the second time in a week that Buck has been caught on camera making controversial statements. Last week, video surfaced of Buck jokingly telling a questioner at an event that they should vote for him because "he doesn't wear high heels."


  1. Sounds like a typical republican to me.

  2. After some of the stuff Republicans and fundies have been caught doing over the last couple of years, I wouldn't be too sure about him not wearing high heels, either.

  3. New Senator Brown questioned if Obama's parents were even married. Of course calling President Obama a bastard.

  4. Don't ya know anyone can get a matchbook Live Birth Cert from Hawaii? I got mine yesterday!

  5. I question Senator Brown's intelligence. It appears Massachusetts voters voted for a dimwit.

  6. "he doesn't wear high heels."

    There seems to be something Freudian about that statement :-)

  7. I know you're fighting a losing battle Jim but please try not to repeat every reactionary talking point which reinforces your own tiny world view.

    President Obama is every bit as American as you.

    P****s you off doesn't it?

  8. Jim: yes and everyone has a their birth announcement in a 1961 Hawaiian newspaper. I never hear the birthers explain that! Screw the birth certificate - how do you explain a newspaper announcement???? Assclowns, the whole lot of them.
