Friday, November 5, 2010



  1. This is the same video I gave to Linda on her blog to see if she would like to be the first conservative to debunk the wingnut lies. By what she said on my blog I guess she and her friends in wingnuttery choose to believe the Limbaughs, Hannity's and Becks of the world who truly hate our president. They are a lost cause.

    Great video!

  2. But, Sue, it's not a matter of chosing to believe Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck.

    It's like saying she choses to believe the people who say the moon is made of green cheese.

    They are willfully ignorant and choose to believe in falsehoods.

  3. The $200,000,000 a day figure comes from the advertising supplement of a free Indian newspaper that quotes an anonymous source who heard if from the brother of a cousin of a guy whose uncle Sanjay had lunch with the assistant undersecretary to the Register of Wills in the province of Buttfuckistan (that borders a province that borders a province that Obama will be visting on his tour) so it's 100% legitimate and verified.

  4. There is research to show that people will disregard information they don't want to believe. Would this research be applicable to teabaggers? You betcha!

  5. I see these lies in lots of things published or broadcast. People who agree with them are not checking the facts. They are beieving and repeating and forwarding all the lies to their sphere of influence lists without reading.

    The job of citizen is an important one for our country. That job is not done at the ballot box.

  6. S_D, LOL! Funny and sadly true.

    Liberality, It's also called being willfully ignorant.


    It's also known as cognitive dissonance. The uncomfortable feeling of holding conflicting ideas simultaneously.

  7. Shaw: I don’t watch Anderson Cooper a lot but when I do, I find him pretty fair. I also think that there is enough blame and criticism for the President already that we don’t have to invent stuff. I’m flabbergasted that NONE of them, Bachman, Limbaugh, Savage, Beck, O’Reilly, bothered to research this story! (Oh, and I stand corrected, I said I heard about the Navy ships from Hannity, it must’ve been Beck. After watching that video and hearing Beck again it sounded familiar.) Anyway, I have to give Cooper credit for bringing the facts to light but I’m really ticked that none of those that reported the error have come forward to apologize, well not that I’ve heard so far, and IMO, they owe the public at least that much!
