Thursday, January 20, 2011


This is a positive story about a man who has worked to improve people's lives and who, after many years of doing so, has been recognized for his efforts.

My friend, Jim Wilde, was honored recently for his work with the private, non-profit Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership, which assists low and moderate-income people in becoming home owners:

From The Lowell-Sun article:
"The Lowell-based MVHP is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes home ownership for low- and moderate-income earners by offering home-ownership classes and down-payment assistance.

Those who work with Wilde said his successful leadership of the MVHP is due to his organizational skills, good work ethic and passion."


"Maria Lopez, project coordinator at MVHP, has worked with Wilde for more than 10 years and said she admires him.

"He demands from us a good work ethic, but he does it in a way that's different," said Lopez. "He never loses his temper, he's always smiling and happy, but we know we have to do our work."

She said his passion is evident when he makes special accommodations for clients who participate in the program."

"Wilde joined the MVHP 18 years ago when the focus of the partnership was working with affordable-housing developers. Wilde had the idea to shift the focus to helping people become strong homeowners through training and education, said Omoyeni [Robert Omoyeni, president of the MVHP board].

The Project Genesis training program for first-time homebuyers was created 18 years ago. Since then, more than 12,000 families have participated. Omoyeni said that of the last 500 families who have participated, not one has had to foreclose on a home, which speaks to the program's success.

"That's probably one of the biggest reasons why the MMBA have chosen Jim to be the recipient of this year's prestigious award," said Omoyeni."
Jim's work is a testament to the idea that people who are treated with dignity, who are given correct information and guidance on how to navigate banking and mortgage issues can and do succeed in becoming responsible home owners.
I am proud of Jim and proud to be his friend.  We've known each other for 30 years, and I can attest to all the things his co-workers have said about him.  He really, really is that wonderful.

This story reminds me of another man who quietly works for and dedicates himself to helping those in need.  Our blogging buddy, Dave Miller.  Another hero, IMHO.

Jim and Dave are the kind of people who make this country "a more perfect union." 

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