Saturday, February 12, 2011

CHARLES DARWIN, 12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882

Evolution Made Us All from Ben Hillman on Vimeo.

h/t Pharyngula

And here is a chart showing those countries with the lowest and highest numbers of people who accept Evolution as a fact:

h/t Green Eagle

Thank you Turkey! Otherwise the good ole USofA would be the bottom feeder.

For a technologically advanced country, how can the USA be so backward? We and radical Islamists share the ignorant ideology that Evolution is only a "theory." (Actually, one of our presidents, RWR, shared that belief as well. Oh, Dog!) And several Tea Party candidates proudly raised their hands in the last presidential campaign when asked how many DID NOT accept Evolution as fact.

That alone should disqualify any man or woman from holding public office. We should have some basic requirements for the leader of the free world, not the least of which should be intelligence.

Evolution is a fact. Period.

Anyone saying otherwise should not be considered fit to hold important political office.


  1. Interesting and depressing. I'm sure the religious right feels that this proves the U.S. is right.

  2. George W. Bush doesn't accept evolution either. Obama and McCain both do. Palin? I'm afraid to even wonder.

  3. Sarah Palin suggests in her memoir, "Going Rogue" that she doesn't believe in evolution.

    The New York Times reports in its review:

    Elsewhere in this volume she talks about creationism, saying she "didn't believe in the theory that human beings -- thinking, loving beings -- originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea" or from "monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees."

  4. This chart just shows you that a significant number of Americans believe what they are told without thinking about it. That's why the republicans have so many followers, while they cater to the top 1% or 2% of people only.

  5. A Christian theocracy is on the same level as an Islamic theocracy. What a surprise!

  6. Facts and data mean nothing to these closed minded zealots and those that pander to them.

    Viruses are constantly evolving into strains that can survive environmental changes and resistance to drugs. We can see it in real time.

    Sarah Palin evolved from a creature much like the now extinct Dodo Bird. Of course she would deny that because God is perfect and His creations would never become extinct. Would they?
