Wednesday, February 23, 2011


To those who don't believe there are extremists in the GOP that would kill their fellow Americans for exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed rights, consider this:

Indiana Official On Wisconsin Protestors: ‘Use Live Ammunition’

"Jeffrey Cox is a deputy attorney general for the state of Indiana, and he has some strong views about the protests in Wisconsin. In response to a Mother Jones tweet this weekend reporting that riot police might be used to clear protestors from the capitol building in Madison, Cox tweeted back: “Use live ammunition."

Cox remained steadfast in his position that the protestors should be killed when confronted on Twitter by Mother Jones’ Adam Weinstein, writing that 'against thugs physically threatening legally-elected state legislators & governor? You’re damn right I advocate deadly force.' (There have been no reports that the protestors have physically threatened any elected officials)."

Why would any rational, law-abiding citizen, let alone a deputy attorney general, suggest this deadly force as a reaction to peaceful protesters exercising their rights?  Why would Cox suggest that Wisconsin kill Americans for that?  Is he channeling Ghdafi?   Where did this guy, who was elected by the people of Indiana, get the idea that murder is the appropriate reaction to peaceful assembly?  Who is this nutjob?  And why did he think that the GOP would be the political party that would welcome his insanity?

When the TPs ran their protest rallies, we saw the threatening signs, we saw the people who came locked and loaded, we saw how they promised Second Amendment remedies if they didn't get their way.

Now we see one of their own touting murder as a way to answer legal protests.

"Mother Jones contacted the Office of the Indiana Attorney General, and a spokesman told the magazine that Cox’s statements were “inflammatory” and that there would be “an immediate review” Cox’s online statements. 'We do not condone any comments that would threaten or imply violence or intimidation toward anyone,' he added."

h/t ThinkProgress

As someone posted in the comments on the ThinkProgress page:  "...notice how NOBODY on MSM is mentioning this? If it were a Democrat making these kinds of threats, Faux News and CNN would be all over it."


  1. Here is another one....

    Apparently David Koch has a direct line to the governor's office...

    ...and after he gets done destroying the unions then David Koch is going to reward the governor with a vacation!

    Oh, and we wonder what's wrong with our political system! Does your governor take your calls?

  2. I saw that TAO, but I wanted to wait to verify that it really happened.

    I just heard that the Gov.'s office verified the call.

    What is so scandalous about the call is the fact that the governor was so comfortable chatting about the plans to dismantle public sector unions all across the country with the billionaire who would profit the most by that happening.

    How blind are the working class people who continue to support the GOP?

  3. Shaw,

    Lets not get so down on the working class....

    The reality is neither party has done a thing for the working class/middle class for years. It should be of no surprise that a minority of our citizens want to dismantle government and unions; they believe that the government benefits everyone else but them and that unions do the same.

    The democrats have been throwing unions under the bus for quite sometime and you really cannot expect private sector workers wanting to get all excited on defending public sector unions when they themselves see their pay stagnating, their healthcare costs increasing, and they have no pension.

    When both parties have been sucking up Wall Street and other special interests for decades its really easy to understand the inability of working folks to get real excited about protesting and making demands....

    Its called alienation....

  4. I'm so beside myself with anger and hate I'm starting to get sick to my stomach. I want to say I'm speechless but that is the last thing any of us needs to be. If we don't scream it to the rooftops we lose...we can not lose this fight...

  5. //Sue//
    Try Maalox and beer... works for me....still trying to figger out the percentages though.

  6. Ironic. Our local tea baggers raised hell about being able to address the city council and shouted about free speech. But they're pissed because people that don't buy into their crap are excersing their rights to assemble and speak.

  7. There was a call, although not from Koch. Walker was punked pretty good, though. Read on:

  8. Verified: Governor Walker snorts Koch.

  9. K,

    Thanks for the link...

    We all have come to accept the fact that money buys influence but to actually see that it buys direct access and to be part of the conversation via the transcripts is just disgusting...

    I just got off the phone with my brother in law who is a real hardcore Tea Party supporter in Wisconsin and tonight, after the news of this call, even he says the governor has overreached!

    Trouble is the governor has himself in a corner and he is incapable of backing down...

  10. Speaking of STEALTH GESTAPO, have a look at the comment thread beneath this post by Green Eagle, or this later exchange – also at Green Eagle’s palce. There are some trolls slicker than others but far more untrustworthy because they are so slick. I refer to a troll named Heathen Republican; but I suppose TAO wouldn’t know much about Heathen Republican … or Silverfiddle either.

    I suppose blogging has become one more pinball machine sport for evening entertainment ... just a game far removed from real people and devoid of decorum, honesty and ethics. TILT.

  11. Apparently this promoter of "Second Amendment Solutions" has just lost his job as Deputy State AG of Indiana.

    He has however essentially called his firing another example of freedoms being taken away...

  12. The Indiana AG acted appropriately and swiftly. If Cox's job was unionized, he would have the union fighting for his "freedom of speech".

    Aren't you relieved the AG's office is not union?

  13. HFFT: You supposition is based on your fantasy, not fact.

  14. //Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, whose state Legislature is among those debating restrictions on collective bargaining, called public employee unions "the privileged elite" during a speech//

    Yeah, while the focus is now on Wisco... lets not forget IN !!!

    hey... just to be honest... I am not a member of a Union, acknowledge past Union abuses....and NEVER WANT TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY WITHOUT THEM!!! EVER!!

    There is a reason that they exist and without them... the abuses by corporate greed would return in a New York minute.

  15. okjimm,

    re: your comment. Have you read Sue's post at Hello.....?" Her story is heartbreaking and illustrative of how corporations will abuse their employees give the opportunity to do so.

  16. So to add on top of corporate abuses, we get union abuses. Between 30% and 40% of union members don't even want to be in unions, but they are forced to pay the unions money to go into political slush funds.
