Friday, April 1, 2011


Speaking with the Scranton Times-Tribune on Tuesday, freshman lawmaker Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) expressed mixed opinions about the Obama administration’s actions in Libya. He told the paper that he “supports” the intervention, but wishes that the administration had consulted with Congress first.

Marino, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House subcommittee on issues related to African foreign policy, then posed an odd question:

“Where does it stop?” he said. “Do we go into Africa next? I don’t want to sound callous or cold, but this could go on indefinitely around the world.”


Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) will announce deep cuts to programs that help the developmentally disabled in his state. Scott will invoke his “emergency powers” to impose a 15 percent cut to the rates charged by group home workers and case workers that help the 30,000 Floridians with cerebral palsy, autism, and Down Syndrome.

Those who provide services to the developmentally disabled are already decrying the cuts. “This would be a catastrophe,” one advocate told the Miami Herald. “The system can’t take this. Eventually, we will have to cut jobs and reduce services.”

Scott says the cuts are necessary to address a $170 million deficit in the Agency for Persons with Disabilities — but at the same time, he is also proposing $1.5 billion in corporate tax cuts and $1.4 billion more in property tax cuts.

Even more galling, today — the same day his cuts are announced — Scott is scheduled to appear at a Special Olympics Torch Run with his wife and other state officials.

h/t ThinkProgress



"[Gingrich]...was asked by Greta Van Susteren of Fox News what he would do about Muammar Qaddafi attacking his opponents in Libya.

“Exercise a no-fly zone this evening,” he replied. “All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we're intervening…. All we have to do is suppress his air force, which we could do in minutes.”

"... he told Matt Lauer on NBC’s Today show: “I would not have intervened…. I would not have used American and European forces, bombing Arabs and that country."


"Fresh from her two-day "trip of a lifetime" to Israel to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palin told Van Susteren that America needs to "be even stronger in our commitment to help secure Israel."

Palin wants the U.S. to stop intervening in the Palestine-Israel conflict, saying that it should stay out of zoning issues.

"We need to stay out of skirmishes like that and look at the big picture and remind them of our support," said Palin.

When asked what she would do, Palin said she would take the "harder line" and push Palestinians to back off.

"Why aren't we putting our foot down with the other side and telling the Palestinians, 'If you're serious about peace, quit the shellacking and the shelling. Quit the bombing of innocent Israelis,'" said Palin."

And finally, Sarah Jones of Politicususa writes about how FAUX NOOZ continues to promote these fools and why we continue to laugh at them:

"The real question here is why does Fox keep pushing clowns and getting mad at everyone else when we laugh? Here’s a hint, boys. Try running someone who knows some American history, believes in science, knows what the Bush doctrine is, and doesn’t get an A for “can I call ya’ Joe” in her VP debate. Is it asking too much of you people for you to join us on the playing field instead of demanding handicaps because your game sucks?"


  1. Very good. The trouble is, April Fool's Day is 365 days of the year for them.

  2. "“Where does it stop?” he said. “Do we go into Africa next? I don’t want to sound callous or cold, but this could go on indefinitely around the world.”

    Umm I don't care what party says this stuff. Last week on a local radio program, I heard a Republican congressman from Michigan complaining about Libya saying we already have wars in two Arab countries.

    I don't think anyone who thinks Afghanistan is Arab has any right to opine on this stuff at all.
