Sunday, April 10, 2011



  1. Sic transit 'Lonesome' Rhodes...

  2. “Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.”
    Dorothy Parker

    And old Beck never figured it out. Even watching the fat boy do verbal calisthenics was painful. Good riddance.

  3. Thanks Shaw. Hadn't seen that. It was pretty good except Stewart may be underplaying Beck's insanity a bit.

  4. Glenn Beck IS a holy prophet, as revealed by Jon Stewart! The sovereign Lord says Beck will lift up my banner to the peoples (Isaiah 49:22). Glenn Beck wasn’t cancelled; he got down off his horse to join the revolution. I guess we’ll just have to wait to find out what that means. Will Glenn Beck run for president? Will he join the Tea Party in an attempt to overthrow our Marxist government?

  5. "And old Beck never figured it out. Even watching the fat boy do verbal calisthenics was painful. Good riddance."

    At times he reminded me of that terrible fat Martin Short TV host character, Jiminy Glick.

  6. I saw a trailer for this. I'm not sure it was faked. Any idea?

    The look of the film was very professional. But the dialog was all terrible, as if it was something in an overly-dramatic credit card commercial. Bad ham actors.

    If the trailer was real, this movie's the next "Battlefield Earth".

  7. Rational Nation: "Momentary Infomercial break... non paid advertising."

    In other words, Blog Whoring again! After three (3) consecutive warnings about blog whoring, the Village Idiot returns with yet another attempt. Talk about having a learning impediment! That is why I call him the "Village Idiot."

  8. Octo: I'm fine if you take out my response to the thing about the movie, also.

  9. Dmarks,
    Your comment was made in good faith and I have no issue with you.

    My problem with RN is that he was forewarned several times about shameless self-promotion. He not only trolled this forum, but trolled the Zone as well (and how many other weblogs this week?). RN does not respect personal boundaries and seems to take delight in annoying people. This is an ethical failing on his part.

  10. I know, but my comment kept his advertising idea alive in a way. Which is why I have no problem if my comments to this are deleted (if my content is entirely related to the spamvert).

    By the way, go to and read his review of "Atlas Shrugged". He's strongly liberal, and makes his criticisms based on that known, but he also really slams it as a piece of moviemaking. Boardrooms and drinking is all it is.
