Tuesday, June 28, 2011



 "I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?" -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, calling for a new McCarthyism, Oct. 2008

"If we took away the minimum wage -- if conceivably it was gone -- we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level." Michele Bachmann, Jan. 2005

"Something that I think sometimes people don’t like to hear is that secular people can be sometimes even more dogmatic in beliefs than people who are not secular. ... In some ways, to believe in evolution is almost like a following; a cult following — if you don’t believe in evolution, you’re considered completely backward. That seems to me very indicative of bias as well." - Michele Bachmann quoted in the Stillwater Gazette, September 29, 2003.

 "I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, on the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that happened when Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president, April 28, 2009

"There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, Oct. 2006

 "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas." -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009, In 2008, a Stanford scientist revealed “direct links” between increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and “increases in human mortality” — globally, he found that as many as “20,000 air-pollution-related deaths per year per degree Celsius may be due to this greenhouse gas.

"That's why people need to continue to go to the town halls, continue to melt the phone lines of their liberal members of Congress, and let them know, under no certain circumstances will I give the government control over my body and my health care decisions." -Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), a pro-lifer who completely missed the irony of using the same slogan as the pro-choice movement in arguing against health care reform

"Does that mean that someone's 13-year-old daughter could walk into a sex clinic, have a pregnancy test done, be taken away to the local Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, have their abortion, be back and go home on the school bus? That night, mom and dad are never the wiser." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, on health care reform's potential to dupe parents, October 2009

BACHMANN SUGGESTED GAY SINGER SHOULD REPENT AFTER GETTING CANCER: Bachmann saw Melissa Etheridge’s cancer as a teachable moment: “Unfortunately she is now suffering from breast cancer, so keep her in your prayers,” she said in November 2004. “This may be an opportunity for her now to be open to some spiritual things, now that she is suffering with that physical disease. She is a lesbian.”

"This is a ticking time bomb and there is a very real threat that an Activist Judge Strike down DOMA this year"--Sen Michele Bachmann, Interview with Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries.

"I look at the Scripture and I read it and I take it for what it is. I give more credence in the Scripture as being kind of a timeless word of God to mankind, and I take it for what it is. And I don't think I give as much credence to my own mind, because I see myself as being very limited and very flawed, and lacking in knowledge, and wisdom and understanding. So, I just take the Bible for what it is, I guess, and recognize that I am not a scientist, not trained to be a scientist. I'm not a deep thinker on all of this. I wish I was. I wish I was more knowledgeable, but I'm not a scientist." - Michele Bachmann interviewing with Todd Fiel at KKMS as quoted in the Stillwater Gazette, September 29, 2003.

BACHMANN CLAIMED THAT GLENN BECK COULD SOLVE THE DEBT CRISIS: During a February trip to South Carolina, Bachmann told a South Carolina audience, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this [the national debt].”

From Matt Taibi's article in Rolling Stone:

"...Michele entered one of the most ridiculous learning institutions in the Western Hemisphere, a sort of highway rest area with legal accreditation called the O.W. Coburn School of Law; Michele was a member of its inaugural class in 1979.

Originally a division of Oral Roberts University, this august academy, dedicated to the teaching of "the law from a biblical worldview," has gone through no fewer than three names — including the Christian Broadcasting Network School of Law. Those familiar with the darker chapters in George W. Bush's presidency might recognize the school's current name, the Regent University School of Law. Yes, this was the tiny educational outhouse that, despite being the 136th-ranked law school in the country, where 60 percent of graduates flunked the bar, produced a flood of entrants into the Bush Justice Department."

F     L     A     K     E     ?

"Anyone wanting to understand how President Bachmann might behave should pay close attention to what happened at New Heights. Because the school took government money, like other charter schools, it had to maintain a separation of church and state, and Bachmann was reportedly careful to keep God out of the initial outlines of the school's curriculum. But before long, parents began to complain that Bachmann and her cronies were trying to bombard the students with Christian dogma — advocating the inclusion of something called the "12 Biblical Principles" into the curriculum, pushing the teaching of creationism and banning the showing of the Disney movie Aladdin because it promoted witchcraft.

"One member of Michele's entourage talked about how he had visions, and that God spoke to him directly," recalled Denise Stephens, a parent who was opposed to the religious curriculum at New Heights. "He told us that as Christians we had to lay our lives down for it. I remember getting in the car with my husband afterward and telling him, 'This is a cult.'"

Under pressure from parents, Bachmann resigned from New Heights. But the experience left her with a hang-up about the role of the state in public education. She was soon mobilizing against an educational-standards program called Profile of Learning, an early precursor to No Child Left Behind. Under the program, state educators and local businesses teamed up to craft a curriculum that would help young people prepare for the work force — but Bachmann saw through their devious scheme. "She thought it was a socialist plot to turn our children into little worker-automatons," says Bill Prendergast, a Stillwater resident who wrote for the town's newspaper and has documented every step of Bachmann's career."   --Matt Taibi, Rolling Stone

No, I don't think she's a flake.  I think she's a religious fanatic who hasn't the ability to separate her right-wing religious fantasies from reality.  And anyone who would utter these words:  
"God Told Me to Run for President..."*
is a dangerous homophobic nut, and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.
*That, and the moronic quote on Glenn Beck.


  1. Good work Shaw! That religious flake is so dangerous to our freedoms. They talk about our lost freedoms under Democratic leadership but in reality it is the wingnuts who want to force their beliefs on the whole country. They have a plan, those religious fanatic teabaggers, It's to turn our country back to God and use those FEMA camps if you don't comply! LOL! Not funny tho, it's scary!

  2. The Rolling Stone article should be required reading for anyone who votes. This woman is not only a flake, she really is very, very dangerous. All of us need to dedicate ourselves to exposing her for what she is. Excellent post, Shaw.

  3. you could be facing the middle ages with people like this.

    a 21st century spanish inquisition or would it be an american inquisition?

  4. Sadly the folks that need to be educated about this fraudster don't read this blog....

    She like Glenn Beck, who was bragging about being attacked with his family,


    Are just feeding the anger.....

    There whole schtik, and that is what it is, is to feed the belief that they are being perscectured.

    It just drives up their ratings and makes them popular with the fringe.

    Actually, Sue 23 foster kids in one home would actually be a FEMA camp!


  5. Does this mean that all hetrosexual women should just forget about breast exams? Someone should inquire if Mrs. B gets mammograms?

  6. According to a recent poll, Michele Bachmann's favorability is at 65% and her unfavorability is at 12%. I have a feeling those numbers will almost flip flop the more people learn about her. Keep up the excellent work Shaw!

  7. Sue,

    From the moment Bachmann said she thought Mr. Obama and members of Congress were anti-America and in need of investigation, I knew what Bachmann was about: Narrow-minded religionist know-nothingness. And she has, over the years, proved my assessment correct.


    I intend to post on Bachmann each time she spouts off on some wild nonsense. She's under the microscope now that she's declared her run for the presidency.


    There seems to be a limitless supply of reactionary candidates in the GOP. Bachmann is only one of many, but she's among the most extreme.


    The Taibi article in RS suggested that the more Bachmann is criticized by the MSM, the more she gains in strength. I'm not sure that's true. She'll always have her supporters, but mainstream Americans will not be taken in by her and her extreme ideas.


    As the mother of 28 children (not really. Most of those foster children were in her home for a matter of days or weeks, according to newspaper reports and researchers to checked the validity of her statements. She's exaggerated, as most politicians do.) I would assume she would support women's health. But Bachmann always surprises us with her nutty statements.


    That 65% approval is among conservatives, not the general public. It is amazing how she's taken the guidance that Ed Rollins, who is handling her campaign, has given her--tone down her nuttier pronouncements. She's still an extremist religionist who would impose her brand of Christianity on the rest of us--very Talibanish, IYAM.

  8. the other anonymousJune 29, 2011 at 8:55 AM

    As Bill Maher said, Bachmann is appealing to voters who think Palin is too intellectual.

  9. Shaw: Yeah, I forgot that the 65% was among GOP voters. As crazy as the GOP has gotten over the past few years, her favorability among them may go even higher with each nutty comment she makes.

  10. Yes, Malcolm, her appeal may very well increase with each nutty thing she says.

    She is now the darling of the GNP:

    Grand Nutty Party

  11. Perhaps the voters who know her best are those in her state of Minnesota:
    A recent poll there put
    Senator Amy Klobuchar (D)
    beating Bachmann by 57-37.

  12. GNP... I like that. I forgot to mention the disastrous interviews Michele Bachmann gave on "Face the Nation" and "GMA" this week. She is raising the art of not answering questions to a whole new level.

    Also, let's see if she will be able to explain this away to her Tea Party supporters:


    Most of them are hypocrites like she is so they probably won't care.

  13. From ThinkProgress:

    "When trying to figure out where presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) gets her stringent, anti-gay views, you only have to look as far as her husband. Dr. Marcus Bachmann, who has described himself as his wife’s “strategist,” runs a Christian-based counseling center in Minnesota that has been rumored to offer reparative treatment for those looking to “ungay” themselves.

    Just last summer, Dr. Bachmann explained his position on homosexuality while offering theoretical advice to parents concerned that one of their children was gay.

    BACHMANN: We have to understand: barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. Just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn’t mean that we are supposed to go down that road. That’s what is called the sinful nature. We have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps…

    And let’s face it: what is our culture, what is our public education system doing today? They are giving full, wide-open doors to children, not only giving encouragement to think it but to encourage action steps. That’s why when we understand what truly is the percentage of homosexuals in this country, it is small. But by these open doors, I can see and we are experiencing, that it is starting to increase.

  14. i disagree shaw...bachmann is a flake...and a homophobic bigot...but don't worry...she will never, never, never be preznit...and the half-wit half-term governor of alaska will not either...never...never...never...obama is fearless...

  15. @Shaw

    It looks like the Republicans are going to go after Michele Bachmann's husband themselves. they're worried about her because they think that he's Gay. When he said "barbarians" some of the gay activist on Daily Kos laugh at it. Some feel that barbarian isn't as bad as some of the other things they're called. She's going to be done in by their own bigotry.

  16. what a fantastic find - can't wait to see what you two come up with!
