Monday, August 1, 2011


From TPM Reader RW ...
"Let me get this straight. The President kept revenues on the table, did not touch the sunset provisions in the Bush tax cuts, ensured that military cuts keep the GOP honest, protected Medicare by adding in only provider cuts in the trigger, made the reduction apparently enough to stave off a debt downgrade, got the debt ceiling raised, wounded Boehner by demonstrating to the world that he is controlled by the Tea Party caucus, took out the requirement that a BBA be passed and sent to the states and got the extension through 2012? What exactly is wrong with this deal?"

1 comment:

  1. Depends on your perspective. For me the devil lies in the details. Which have yet to be published.

    I'm betting the cuts won't materialize to the level advertised, spending will go on pretty much unabated, and we'll see tax increases that won't be limited just to the top 1-2%.

    But we avoided default, that's a good thing.

    Now everybody can go back to what they really like, especially the President... campaigning.
