Monday, June 25, 2012

No Evidence President Obama or Anyone at the White House Involved -- Darrell Issa

WASHINGTON -- House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) contradicted House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Sunday, saying that Congress has found no evidence that President Barack Obama or anyone at the White House had participated in a cover-up involving the Fast and Furious scandal.

On Thursday, Boehner said that the Obama administration's decision to invoke executive privilege to prevent the release of some documents about the program Issa had requested was "an admission that White House officials were involved in the decision that misled the Congress and covered up the truth."

During an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," host Chris Wallace asked Issa whether he had "any evidence" that the White House had been involved with the matter.

"No, we don't," Issa said.

The Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms apparently allowed some gun sales in Arizona to known Mexican criminals. Two of the guns involved were found at the scene of a firefight in which U.S. Customs Agent Brian Terry was killed.

In February 2011, DOJ sent a letter to Congress denying such sales, but retracted that claim in December. It is not clear if either Attorney General Eric Holder or President Barack Obama were aware of the program, and Issa acknowledged Sunday that he has not found evidence Holder was involved.

"I did not say that Eric Holder always knew," Issa said.

But the investigation has devolved into a bizarre, complex conspiracy theory, which Issa and other congressional Republicans have suggested the Obama administration hatched in order to impose new gun control regulations. By inciting gun violence in Mexico, the theory goes, the administration hoped to spark a controversy that would build public support for gun control.

In April, Issa presented the case at a National Rifle Association conference.


This report from The Huffington Post and the following, supplied by Dave Miller, will disappoint those who were hoping this issue would destroy Mr. Obama's presidency.


  1. shaw...found this over at the "false facts" blog:

    "Darth BaconJune 23, 2012 7:15 AM
    Demo-Nazies? Are you talking about Shaw!"

    you drive them nuts even when you're not commenting on their!...they must read you every day.

    darrell issa is hardly the one to be investigating anyone...with his background...but i'm glad he had to admit in front of the nation that the potus isn't involved in any coverup of this f&f...

  2. ana,

    DB is a re-tread.

    He is the same blogger who shut down his blog months ago, and then appeared with 10 or more other personas on conservative blogs. All you have to do is read the prose, it's full of the same tortured grammar, sloppy misspellings, and factless rants.

    IOW, typical of that sort of blogger.

    Thanks for the heads-up, I won't bother to go there, since I've already had my daily laugh today from reading Newsbusters.

  3. This needs to be turned over to a special prosecutor or an independent council, something, anything to drain the politics from it.

  4. Trying to Sift Through the LiesJune 25, 2012 at 10:17 AM

    "In February 2011, DOJ sent a letter to Congress denying such sales, but retracted that claim in December"

    Is this what started Issa to investigate?

    Partisanship and distrust being what it is, seems Issa jumped to conclusions.

    The actions Holder and the president have taken point to protecting sources, personnel, documents, and the process, as they should. What Boehner says, is a false allegation, given their actions.

    Issa twist that to infer some cover-up, but now admits he has no evidence that the president, or Holder were involved, or even knew of the program.

    My guess; they did not know about the sales and that's why they had to retract their letters.

    The vote is this week, I guess. Given Republican majority, no surprise, they will find Holder in contempt.

    Republicans could care less, if it's true, or not. Republicans started the ridiculous cry of "worse than Watergate" and have gotten the uproar they were seeking. This will die due to lack of evidence, but the damage is done.

    By the way; was it determined that American guns actually killed the agent (that can be determined)? All I heard, is that the guns were found near his body.

  5. "By the way; was it determined that American guns actually killed the agent (that can be determined)? All I heard, is that the guns were found near his body."

    Yes, the guns were found near his body, but there was no forensic evidence from bullets to prove those guns actually killed the agent.

    I'm surprised at the intensity of feeling over the agents death. Of course it's tragic and heartbreaking, but these same gun advocates don't seem to have the same intensity of feeling when children at churches or schools get shot by crazy people who can easily obtain guns. The same people who have fought the three-day waiting period and background checks on gun buyers are now enraged by a border agent's death.

    Of course this is politically motivated. Has everyone forgotten Issa's stupid crowing when he took over the committee when he declared he'd be investigating the POTUS 24/7?

    That's not something a sober, temperate committee leader would ever say.

    Issa betrayed his motives that day.

  6. This action by Issa is just a diversion to distract Holders from doing his job. He needs to go back to suing counties and states for trying to enforce the law and Issa needs to just back off.

    Of course this is politically motivated,what isn't?

    I am sure Obama will release all of the documents pertaining to this because one of his campaign promises was an open and transparent administration. Just waiting for that to kick in anytime now.

  7. "I'm surprised at the intensity of feeling over the agents death......"

    It doesn't seem to move them, that 30,000 people die every year in America, from gun shots.

    That's an outrageous number, and certainly evidence for limitations on the second amendment.

  8. "but these same gun advocates don't seem to have the same intensity of feeling when children at churches or schools get shot. The same people who have fought the three-day waiting period and background checks"

    I haven't read many accounts where a drive by shooter had a CC permit or a firearm purchased legally. It is not so much about background checks but about a knee jerk program that accomplishes little, adds cost and solves few of the issues.
