Monday, July 30, 2012

Romney's Love Affair With Socialized Medicine

We all know that as governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Romney passed "The Massachusetts health care insurance reform law, St. 2006, c.58, informally referred to as Romneycare, enacted in 2006, mandates that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a state-government-regulated minimum level of healthcare insurance coverage and provides free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL). The bill aims to cover 95% of the state's 500,000 uninsured within a three year period. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 and major revisions related to health care industry price controls were introduced in the Massachusetts legislature in May 2012 with expectation that some version of these controls will pass by July 2012.

Among its many effects, the law and its amendments established an independent public authority, the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, also known as the Health Connector. Among other roles, the Connector acts as an insurance broker to offer private insurance plans to residents. The reform legislation also included tax penalties on residents for failing to obtain an insurance plan and tax penalties on employers for failing to offer an insurance plan to employees. In 2007 Massachusetts tax filers who failed to enroll in a health insurance plan which was deemed affordable for them lost the $219 personal exemption on their income tax. Beginning in 2008, the penalty became pegged to 50% of the lowest monthly premium for insurance available from the Connector Authority."

Visiting Israel over the past few days, Mr. Romney praised Israel's national health care plan [OMG! Socialism!] which has been in effect since 1948:

Romney Praises Israel's Socialized Health Care System

No to ObamaCare, but Israel's mandate is working, Romney says.

[Mr Romney] "marveled at how little Israel spends on health care relative to the United States.
"When our health care costs are completely out of control. Do you realize what health care spending is as a percentage of the GDP in Israel? 8 percent. You spend 8 percent of GDP on health care. And you’re a pretty healthy nation," Romney told donors at a fundraiser at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, speaking of a health care system that is compulsory for Israelis and funded by the government. "We spend 18 percent of our GDP on health care. 10 percentage points more. That gap, that 10 percent cost, let me compare that with the size of our military. Our military budget is 4 percent. Our gap with Israel is 10 points of GDP. We have to find ways, not just to provide health care to more people, but to find ways to finally manage our health care costs."

Romney has explained that he opposes ObamaCare because what worked in Massachusetts may not work for other states. Highlighting the success of the Israeli system — in a country that enjoys one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world — could complicate matters for Romney at home.

Rights of the Insured under the National Health Insurance Law

-—Every Israeli citizen is entitled to health care services under the National Health Insurance Law.

—Every resident has a right to register as a member of an HMO of his/her choice, free of any preconditions or limitations stemming from his/her age or the state of his/her health.

—Every resident has a right to receive, via the HMO of which he or she is a member, all of the services included in the medical services basket, subject to medical discretion, and at a reasonable quality level, within a reasonable period of time and at a reasonable distance from his/her home.

—Each member has a right to receive the health services while preserving the member’s dignity, privacy and medical confidentiality.

—Every Israeli resident has the right to transfer from one HMO to another.

—Each member has a right to select the service providers, such as doctors, caregivers, therapists, hospitals and institutes, from within a list of service providers who have entered into an agreement with the HMO to which the member belongs, and within the arrangements in place for the selection of the service providers, and which the HMO publishes from time to time.

—Each member has a right to know which hospitals and institutes, and other service providers, are included in the agreement with the HMO, and what are the selection processes at the HMO.

—Each member has a right to see and to receive a copy of the HMO regulations.

—Each resident has a right to receive from the HMO complete information concerning the payment arrangements in place in the HMO for health services as well as the HMO’s plans offered for additional health services (CIP).

—Each member has a right to complain with the Public Inquiries commissioner at the medical institute that treated the member, to the person in charge of investigating member complaints at the HMO of which s/he is a member, or to the complaints commissioner for the national health insurance law in the Ministry of Health.

—Each member has a right to file suit at the district labor court."


"Israel has universal health care that is mandated, heavily subsidized, and substantially controlled by the government. And Mitt Romney thinks the United States has a thing or two to learn from Israel on that front."  --dailykos

Romney praises socialized medicine!

Mr. Romney was positively enthralled with how well and efficiently Israel's socialized medicine program works.

This is the same guy who vows to overturn the ACA as soon as he's elected president [even though he can't.]

But what's a few more contradictions and flip-flops in an already bungled foreign policy tour?



  1. Romney and Obama are on the same page when it come to healthcare coverage. Listen up GOP. You are running a liberal, socialist, commie. LOL. I think the Democrats are going to win no matter who is elected. The GOP is dead in the water and sinking fast!

  2. .

    OMitt Rmoney, on both sides of every issue.

    It is hilarious that the "Any One But Obama" crowd are absolutely behind OMitt in every way. OMitt is lying to the other guys and is now on our side. It is the media's fault that the people don't like OMitt.

    Ema Nymton

  3. Socialized medicine is one thing that is not part of Obamacare. A tax on the middle class and small business is.

    Socialized medicine means everyone participates. Obamacare means if you are a union, big business, poor or a politician you are exempt. If you work for a small business and are middle class you will pay up.

    But I can't complain because I own a small business and as everyone knows.

    "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
