Monday, August 6, 2012



FBI Issues Statement On Wisconsin Shooting
“The FBI is working closely with the Oak Creek Police Department and other local and federal agencies to investigate today’s shooting incident. This remains an active investigation in its early stages. While the FBI is investigating whether this matter might be an act of domestic terrorism, no motive has been determined at this time. We know our community has been deeply impacted by this incident, and our thoughts are with those affected and particularly with the officer who was wounded in the line of duty to protect others.”

According to Philadelphia Sikh Society’s vice president, Harvinder Kauer Kocher, since 9/11, she has noticed reports of acts of violence, intimidation, and in some cases, murder of members of the Sikh community.

“Whoever is wearing a turban in America is 99 percent Sikh,” Kocher said. “Not Muslim.”
Since the attacks, she said, the PSS has attempted to gain more exposure for understanding and welcoming for the Sikh community in the Philadelphia area and throughout the United States.
Locally, such measures have included participation in the annual Philadelphia Interfaith Walk for Peace and Reconciliation, which last took place April 29.

However, Kocher said, more needs to be done by the government and media.

"We are a very small community," Kocher said. "We need the government’s help, and talk on [television] about the suffering."

She suggested that the United States government should have increased gun control laws, and that the media should produce more coverage on the Sikh community for more understanding.

"Why do we have to have a tragedy happen to get good from it?" Kocher said. "And, by good, I mean the media letting people see that we are Sikhs."



The gunman who opened fire in a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., and killed six people has been identified as Army veteran Wade Michael Page.

Page, 40, opened fire outside the temple before entering around 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning and killed six people. He served in the Army from April 1992 through October 1998.

Page was shot and killed in an exchange of gunfire with a police officer who sustained "eight or nine" gunshot wounds, authorities confirmed. Officials are treating it as a case of domestic terrorism.

Though police have not given any details on the motive of the shooter, but Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Special Agent Thomas Ahern said Page had tattoos that suggested he had ties to white supremacists.

"It is being investigated. And what his tattoos signified is being investigated. They are all pieces of a possible puzzle to learn what was his motive in carrying out such a horrific act," Ahern said.

While in the Army Wade served as a sergeant, and later as a specialist based in Ft. Bliss in Texas and at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina. Wade's job was as a Hawk missile system repairman, and he then became a psychological operations specialist, defense official confirmed to ABC news.

And this:

Wade Michael Page, the 40-year-old Army veteran who allegedly killed seven on Sunday at a Sikh Temple in suburban Milwaukee, was a member of white-power hardcore band End Apathy, according to The Southern Poverty Law Center.

Some biographical details match: Page was born in Colorado and was stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina; in an interview with the band's label, the Wade Page of End Apathy says that he's lived in North Carolina and Colorado. --Gawker

Homeland Security was correct when it issued its warning about an increase in violence against minority groups:

"A second fire in less than five weeks occurred at a mosque in Joplin, Missouri early Monday morning. The cause of the latest inferno is still unknown, but Monday’s flames were much more devastating than those that occurred July 4, in an incident that authorities later determined was an act of arson.

Video shot by local television news station KSNF on Monday captured massive flames engulfing the building.

Firefighters were called to the scene at the Islamic Center of Joplin around 3:30 a.m., according to KSNF.

The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office told TPM it was too early to release any information about the latest fire. A call to the FBI was not immediately returned.

The FBI was involved with the investigation of the July fire, which was also set at approximately 3:30 a.m. The fire was contained on the roof, and extinguished by the Jasper County Fire Department. On July 16, the FBI announced that surveillance video showed “an unidentified white male walking up to the building and throwing an ignited object onto the roof.” --TPM muckraker


  1. .

    Every person in USA should be allowed to own any and all forms of fire-arms! Any and all forms of fire-arms should be kept in a secure fire-arms facility under absolute positive control of the police. The owners of any and all forms of fire-arms should be allowed to have access to the fire-arms while being escorted by police persons.


    What is this 'liberal media' of which you speak? Does it exist in the fantasy land of your mind? Does it include Murdoch Media/Fox Networks?

    Ema Nymton

  2. Ema, I deleted that jerk's comment because I don't allow 6-year olds to talk baby talk here.

  3. The SPLC says the shooter is/was a member of a skinhead band.

  4. Leslie,

    Remember these points from the Homeland Security report in 2011:

    Anti-immigration: “Rightwing extremist groups’ frustration over a perceived lack of government action on illegal immigration has the potential to incite individuals or small groups toward violence. If such violence were to occur, it likely would be isolated, small-scale, and directed at specific immigration-related targets.”

    Recruiting returning vets: “Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.”

  5. "...a sharp increase in the number of conservative Republicans who are certain President Obama is a Muslim, and it is due in no small part to the escalation of lies from right-wing talking heads. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and the Fox News crowd have made a concerted effort to impugn the President as not American, a foreigner, and a Muslim. The right-wing assault on Muslims is not unlike Adolf Hitler’s propaganda against the Jews in Nazi Germany that eventually convinced Germans to turn in their neighbors for imprisonment and slaughter. Fox News and their ilk have utilized the same tactics to impugn President Obama and Muslims, and add to that the ambiguous statements of evangelical Christian leaders questioning the “kind of Christianity” the President adheres to, and it is no wonder frightened racists develop an abnormal fear of Muslims. Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Willard Romney has made questioning the President’s understanding of what it means to be American a crucial aspect of his campaign, and the fallacious accusations that President Obama travelled to the Middle East to apologize and appease the Muslim world creates more suspicion, fear, and hatred of Muslims by associating them with the foreign President."

  6. The same people who call a woman a murderer for taking the "pill", are unmoved by thousands of useless deaths caused by guns. As the killings continue they continue to claim guns have no responsibility.
    These same people foster hate and then can't understand the actions of these kind of hate filled killers. They couldn't line up fast enough at a chicken joint, to scream their hate for those different than themselves.
    They question the birthright of the first black president, call his wife the "first Wookie" and have a priority of denying the vote to minorities. Their priority is counting Commies in the Congress.
    Killers like this guy and Tim Mcvey are proud to define themselves as being part of the right that defend 'American values" and the right is proud to give them any killing machine they want, and call that patriotism.
    Their leading voice spouts hate and racism for 25 years on national airwaves, and they wonder where all this violence is coming from.
    They promote war, train killers, and then let them loose on society without proper medical care, to expensive.
    It's the last gasp of a dying political culture, white supremacy, and they will not go quietly into the night.
    I'm tired of covering for these bigots, by hearing about their rights to promote free speech of violence, hate, and murder.
    So you bigots have a nice lunch at the chicken joint, while you talk about "these" people destroying America.

  7. ...if it don't fit the "narrative", ignore it!

  8. How many of these mass killer have been non-white?

  9. .... the horror played all night on Milwalky TV. It all seems so obscene. The senseless acts and then the unending coverage.... almost to the point we forget that real people were involved.

    As Pogo (Walt Kelly) said.." We have met the enemy and it is us"

  10. So what is the answer? How do we address stuff like this? Are such acts random? If so, they cannot be prevented. If they are not random, but predictable, how do we prevent them?

    These are serious questions not meant to provoke.

  11. They seek not answers, SF... merely justifications.

  12. Prepare America for the descent into a existence controlled by a police state. Refer to the Patriot Act and those on the left that think like Ema.

    Silver, your observations are spot on and instructive.

  13. Pat Robertson Blames Atheists And Those Who Hate God For Wisconsin Temple Shooting

  14. Ohh. since I'm an atheist I must be responsible too.

  15. "So what is the answer? How do we address stuff like this? Are such acts random? If so, they cannot be prevented. If they are not random, but predictable, how do we prevent them?

    These are serious questions not meant to provoke."

    I don't think there is one answer to this carnage, nor is there one way to address it.

    This is significant:

    Mass Shooting Incidents in America (1984-2012)

    Mass shootings are a unique feature of American life which have occurred consistently throughout history in every region of the country. The increased lethality of such incidents is made possible by the use of large capacity ammunition magazines (defined as more than 10-rounds) which enable a shooter to rapidly fire off as many as 100-rounds without having to reload the firearm. Designed for military use to kill greater numbers of people more effectively, large capacity ammunition magazines have facilitated some of the worst mass murders ever committed in the United States. As these incidents occur in every region of the country, restricting civilian access to these weapons is not a state specific problem. The federal government needs to take action to protect all Americans by reinstating the ban on large capacity ammunition magazines.

    And here.

    And this.

    If as many people were dying of some disease, say swine flu, or eboli, as die of gun massacres each year, we would DEMAND something be done about it.

    To throw up our hands and declare nothing can be done is defeatist, and not a solution.

    We can start by reinstituting the ban on ammo magazine capacity weapons.

    And yes if that's a restriction on the 2nd Amendment, so be it.

    We accept restrictions on our 1st Amendment rights, there's absolutely no reason we can't do the same for the 2nd Amendment.

  16. I think SF answered his own question when he answered my comment on taxing and regulating medical devices:

    "So we can ping pong quotes back and forth all day, but basic economics, as well as historical data, tell us that taxing and regulating something results in less of it, and higher prices for it.

    BINGO! Answer to automatic weapons control!

  17. "large capacity ammunition magazines (defined as more than 10-rounds) which enable a shooter to rapidly fire off as many as 100-rounds without having to reload the firearm."

    If you have a 10 round clip how is it possible to fire 100 rounds without reloading?
    It is my understanding that this was committed using a 9mm pistol so the large magazine was not a factor.

    Mass shootings get the press but street violence accounts for far more deaths. Instead of outlawing guns why not outlaw insanity.

    There is always uproar when an insane individual kills several people but just a yawn when 300 people have been killed in Chicago so far this year.

  18. A good case to outlaw all guns Skud, thanks

  19. "Stanley Kowalski said...
    Maybe we should register immigrants."

    No doubt the person who wrote the above is ignorant.

    Special Registration Procedures require:

    · Being registered upon arrival to and departure from the United States;

    · Being interviewed at an INS office if remaining in the United States for more than 30 days and/or for more than one year;

    · Notifying the INS within ten days of any changes regarding place of residence, employment or
    education institution.

  20. Shaw: Automatic weapons are already outlawed for all except those with a federal permit.

    The Aurora shooter's high capacity drum magazine jammed, as they are wont to do.

    Take away the guns, and haters like the nazi skinhead will use bombs or arson.

    Someone armed at the Sikh temple could have stopped the POS a lot earlier.

  21. This is where we are as a country, and Silverfiddle sees nothing shocking or demented in stating this:

    "Someone armed at the Sikh temple could have stopped the POS a lot earlier."

    Take Your Guns To Church!

    Amazingly, that's considered a solution.

    The NRA has convinced governors and state legislatures to allow guns in schools, in bars, theaters, hospitals, in national parks, anywhere any human activity occurs, and yet the carnage from mass shootings has not decreased.

    Telling people to arm themselves is a dumb idea.

    While automatic bullets are flying and chaos is everywhere, how would anyone know who's the shooter and who's the counter shooter?

    A man at the Arizona shooting stated he was armed at the time Loughner started his slaughter, but he did not draw his weapon because, he said, people would have thought he was part of the shooting spree. And how the hell would the police, or anyone, know who the perp is and who the defender is?

    We now have a situation in this country where we can bring deadly weapons anywhere we want, and we are NOT safer.

    The slaughter, brought us by the venal pigs of the NRA, will continue.

    My solution is to put restrictions on the 2nd Amendment.

    We've done it to the 1st Amendment--Free Speech and Religion--and the Republic still stands.

  22. "guns in schools, in bars, theaters, hospitals, in national parks"

    Most States restrict carrying guns into bars and schools in most cases. I will have to look but I don't think most churches restrict concealed carry.

    Proving who the bad guy is does present a problem but if everyone was armed it may take some of the uncertainty away.

    The first amendment seems to be in tact unless you call Obama incompetent then you are a racist. Slimy Reid can slander and lie with his "Word Is Out" with no proof and that is fine with the left.

  23. "Proving who the bad guy is does present a problem but if everyone was armed it may take some of the uncertainty away."

    This is, of course, an insane idea.

    "The first amendment seems to be in tact unless you call Obama incompetent then you are a racist."

    We limit free speech. Or didn't you know that. And we limit religious freedom.

    "Slimy Reid can slander and lie with his "Word Is Out" with no proof and that is fine with the left."

    Why should we believe Romney?

    He has given us absolutely NO PROOF to counter what Reid has suggested . NADA. Maybe it is Romney who's lying. He has the ability to refute what Reid says and make a fool of him, yet Romney doesn't.

    I wonder why.

    BTW, John McCain, who actually DID see 23 years of Romney' s tax returns has not called Senator Reid a liar--yet.

    I wonder why.

  24. Spare us, skudrunner, your outrage about what Reid is doing.

    Conveniently forgot what the right did to the Clintons when Vince Foster died, did you?

    This is politics. What Reid is doing is far, far tamer than what the rightwingers did when Vince Foster died--accused the Clintons of MURDER! And even launched a Congressional hearing into it, even though the police confirmed it was a suicide.


    Not exactly the same kind of "dirty" politics.

  25. "Proving who the bad guy is does present a problem but if everyone was armed it may take some of the uncertainty away."

    Absolutely. Just as in the good old days of the "wild wild west."

    While I am an advocate of the right to posses and bear arms which is protected by the 2'nd amendment I really do not think it wise to return to the "good old days" of the OK Corral.

  26. RN

    Unfortunately many states are passing open carry laws. I can just see a bunch of nitwits with their six guns strapped on their leg. Concealed carry I agree with but open carry is just leading to trouble.

    Slimy Reid and his band of leftists already have Romney's tax return and guess what, he paid a lot of taxes and gave a lot to charity. He is going to obey the law and it does not require 10 years of returns.
    Why give the democrats more ammo if you don't have to. Did you notice that Obama never presented his transcripts or Birth certificate, why, because he didn't have to. Of course Slimy and Madam Polosi have never released their tax returns but they are democrats so they are exempt.

    When you say legal tax evader how can that be. That does seem to be an oxymoron maybe a better phrase stayed within the tax codes therefore legal.

    I put a lot of faith in the "I didn't have sex with that women" president to tell the truth.

    Word is slimy beats all of his wife's but I can't divulge my sources. See how stupid that sounds and I am not Senate majority leader.

  27. This whole issue is not about me," Reid said in his home state of Nevada on Monday. "Mitt Romney's the first presidential candidate since his dad ran not to release his income tax returns. He's released one income tax return, and that points toward the Bahamas, Switzerland and a few other foreign countries. This whole controversy will end very quickly if he releases his income tax returns, like everybody else has done."

    Romney has released his tax return from 2010 and an estimate from 2011. He has vowed to release his full 2011 return once it's completed, but he will not release past years', as previous presidential candidates have done.

    Meanwhile, Reid chief of staff David Krone insisted Monday, again, that he knows who Reid's source is -- and that the source is credible.

    "I know who this person is, and if I thought this person was not credible, I would say something to Sen. Reid. I would try to shut it down. This person is credible," Krone said.

    "This person has asked Reid to protect the confidentiality of this person, but it's real," he continued. "This person told him this. This person said it to Sen. Reid."

    Give 'im hell Harry!

    Willard, if you can't stand the heat, put your tax returns in the kitchen!

    Or something like that.

  28. Other than divert attention away from the incompetent incumbent disaster as a president, what does it matter what Ronmey paid in taxes as long as it was legal. We know what following a failure for almost four years is like lets see what following a successful leader does.

    Obama told Slimy what to say and Slimy marches in lock step when BHO speaks. I will admit it was a smart move to just lie with no specifics, "the source is credible"

    When was the last time you saw your bankers, brokers or neighbors tax return. I am sure Mitt just furnished his tax returns to all his investors. What is amazing is that some of the left actually believe Slimy's lies but most know this is a desperate move to keep attention away from the Obama recession.

    Slimy is the leader of a senate who cannot pass a budget, refuses to push investigation of the federal reserve and will not put to a vote any republican jobs bills, if they get defeated so be it. He is afraid the public will see what an obstructionist he is.

  29. Skud said,

    "Why give the democrats more ammo"

    What ammo? What is he hiding?

    Obama has given his birth certificate.
    Hawaii has released Obama's birth certificate MANY times. But Republiscums would rather believe all the elected officials in Hawaii are lying.
    How do we know Romney's taxes are legal, if we do not see them?
    Romney's father started the tradition of releasing tax forms. It is not a law, just a tradition.
    Republiscums just voted down a jobs bill. I guess you missed it.

  30. Steve,

    Senator Reid's tactic is working. That is all.

  31. When wil Harry Reid stop beating his wife? Has anybody asked him?

  32. This isn't about Harry Reid. It's about Willard Romney and why, why, why won't he release his tax returns.

    And. It. Is. Working.

  33. You are correct Shaw it is working. Anything to divert attention away from the Obama recession.

    Steve, sorry but that was lame about how do we know his taxes are legal. I think the IRS can determine if they are legal or not besides I doubt Slimy Reid could read a tax form.

    I fear Mitt will release his tax forms showing he paid millions in taxes, contributed millions to charity and everything above board. This will make Slimy cheer that he won and Obama will have to devise something to divert attention from the incompetent incumbent and his recession.

    Obama can solve all the economic woes by taxing the rich and raising taxes on middle class and small business but I bet he already thought of that.

  34. Romney = Staples = Success. He was a businessman who actually accomplished something with private money and his own.

    Obama = Solyndra = Failure. From the person who has no accomplishments has always lived off the taxpayer, and has never held a non public sector job, what would you expect.

    The reason the left and Slimy want Mitts tax return is to show what a success he was and create more envy from those living off the taxpayer.

  35. Skudrunner, we get it. "Slimey."

    You sound like Sarah Palin and her "lamestream media." We get it.

    And running a country is NOTHING like running a business.

    In a business the CEO makes all the decisions.

    We've had businessmen as presidents:

    George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover.

  36. I agree but Romney ran a small state and had a very good record even though he was handicapped with the state legislature being 85% democrat. He could actually work with the other side, something Obama can't do. Obama hasn't even met with his own members but he doesn't need to. He doesn't need congress because he has executive privilege. In his long three plus years he has used that power 25 times vs GWB 6 in eight years.

    Can't blame Obama because he has never had a job in the private sector. That is why he uttered his famous "you didn't build it" speech because in his case he got to where he is by someone else telling him how to perform.

    Romney has made a lot of money, good for him because he made it not have it handed to him. What difference does it make how much he makes, how he spends it as long as it is legal. The ONLY reason the left is after his tax records is to divert attention from the horrible job Obama has done and widen the class envy.

  37. skudrunner: "Can't blame Obama because he has never had a job in the private sector. That is why he uttered his famous "you didn't build it" speech because in his case he got to where he is by someone else telling him how to perform.

    Romney has made a lot of money, good for him because he made it not have it handed to him. What difference does it make how much he makes, how he spends it as long as it is legal. The ONLY reason the left is after his tax records is to divert attention from the horrible job Obama has done and widen the class envy."

    You're forgetting, skudrunner, that Mitt Romney has said raising taxes is GOOD. He likes raising taxes and firing people, and he doesn't think America is special.

    You're going to vote for THAT guy?

  38. And you may want to read and understand this:

    There is a legal doctrine that applies to Romney’s current behavior, as Indiana attorney John Sullivan points out – and it doesn’t place the burden of proof on Reid:

    "At law, if a person in control of evidence refuses to produce the evidence, then the jury is instructed that there is a presumption that the evidence would be against the party failing to produce. It is called the 'Missing Evidence' instruction."

    The missing evidence is in Romney’s grasp, yet he insists that he will never produce it. Does anyone need instruction from a judge to make the correct inference?

  39. There is no crime so there is no reason to produce the "evidence".
    It's been said that Reid beats his wives, does he need to product "evidence" to refute that, not until one of them makes a formal complaint.

    Obama can't run on his record so the only thing he can do is slander his opponent, which he has a history of doing. He gets Slimy to do his dirty work and then, after a few days, has Wimpy say this is Slimy's doing. Smart move and typical Obama.

    As for raising taxes, I am not against it but raise taxes on everyone so it will have some impact. Raising taxes on the "rich" is another diversion that means nothing and will accomplish nothing, but it does sound good.

  40. Skud said,

    "Romney has made a lot of money, good for him because he made it not have it handed to him. What difference does it make how much he makes, how he spends it as long as it is legal."

    I suggest you research who Romney got the money from to start Bain Capital.
    It was a bunch of Central American businessmen who got their money from:

    "Romney could also have thanked investors from two other wealthy and powerful Central American clans -- the de Sola and Salaverria families, who the Los Angeles Times and Boston Globe have reported were founding investors in Bain Capital.

    While they were on the lookout for investments in the United States, members of some of these prominent families -- including the Salaverria, Poma, de Sola and DueƱas clans -- were also at the time financing, either directly or through political parties, death squads in El Salvador. The ruling classes were deploying the death squads to beat back left-wing guerrillas and reformers during El Salvador's civil war."

    "By 1984, the media had thoroughly exposed connections between the death squads and the Salvadoran oligarchy, including the families that invested with Romney. The sitting U.S. ambassador to El Salvador charged that several families, including at least one that invested with Bain, were living in Miami and directly funding death squads."

    You have no clue who it is you are supporting, or maybe you do and like most Republiscums do not care.

  41. skudrunner: "There is no crime so there is no reason to produce the evidence'."

    You completely and utterly missed the point of my comment @9:14 AM.


    It explains why you support Romney.

  42. "At law, if a person in control of evidence refuses to produce the evidence, then the jury is instructed that there is a presumption that the evidence would be against the party failing to produce. It is called the 'Missing Evidence' instruction."

    i9 assume you are referring to this. Evidence of what and what jury?

    The left will do anything to divert attention away from Obama. Divert retirement from management to fund union pensions, become involved in a superpac when it is against the law, get Slimy to utter some total lie. Anything to distract from the record of the incompetent incumbent.

  43. When will Barack Obama release his college records? Why did he attend Columbia as a foreign student?

  44. Stanley,

    You have to accept the fact that liberals want to give away free stuff, as long as it is paid for with someone else s money.

    When was the last time you saw a limousine liberal offer up their own money, except bill maher who didn't give to the poor but gave to the millionaire incompetent incumbent so he could give away someone else money.

    Don't teach responsibility and achievement teach how to milk the system for all you can get, as long as it is someone else paying. This trickle up poverty that BHO teaches is working just look at the rising unemployment along with rising food stamp recipients, Go Barry you are doing a hell of a job.

  45. "You have to accept the fact that liberals want to give away free stuff..."

    Conservatives accept the fact that gazillionaires get tax deductions of $77,000 for their pet horses.

    That's free stuff too, but IOKIYAR!

    Your assertions, skudrunner, are jealous whining.

  46. .

    "... but IOKIYAR!

    Your assertions, skudrunner, are jealous whining."

    Another HOME RUN SK, another home run.

    Ema Nymton

  47. As you stated, tax deduction, which is legal according to the IRS and didn't take any taxpayers money to fund the horse.

    Since the supreme leader is all for raising taxes why hasn't he worked for tax reform. He had two years of a majority, appointed a panel to study it and did not do a thing. You must be aware that the republicans want to eliminate a lot of the deductions the "rich" have thereby raising taxes on the "rich" but the incompetent incumbent does not feel that is punishment enough for being successful.

    Of course you know that he traded non-union workers pensions in the auto bailout debacle so he could boost union pensions, that probably will not get much of a headline in the MSM.
