Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

co-sponsored a federal personhood bill titled "The sanctity of Human Life Act of 2009, which gives a fertilized human ovum the exact same rights as a living, breathing, walking, talking human being:

"(1) the Congress declares that–
(A) the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being, and is the paramount and most fundamental right of a person; and

(B) the life of each human being begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent, irrespective of sex, health, function or disability, defect, stage of biological development, or condition of dependency, at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood; and
(2) the Congress affirms that the Congress, each State, the District of Columbia, and all United States territories have the authority to protect the lives of all human beings residing in its respective jurisdictions."

As I stated in a previous post, the bill would technically require every miscarriage a girl or woman suffered to be criminally investigated; since when a person dies unexpectedly, an autopsy is performed to determine the cause of death.  If a human zygote or embryo is given the same rights as a human being, the federal personhood bill would demand an investigation into the causes of a miscarriage.  Another federal agency would have to be created to investigate and determine the causes of the millions and millions of miscarriages that girls and women suffer each year.

Also, certain forms of birth control (the IUD) could be construed, under the bill, as murder weapons, since some forms of birth control prevent the implantation of fertilized human ova in the uterus:

"The bill declares that a human egg obtains “all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood” the moment it merges with a human sperm. Thus, a Blastocyst-American would not only enjoy the same constitutional status as a fully grown adult, it would also enjoy any “legal” attributes enjoyed by adults. Because every states’ law makes it a crime to kill a human adult, the likely effect of Ryan and Akin’s personhood bill would be to treat killing a fertilized egg as the same thing as homicide.

Such an interpretation would not simply ban abortion, it could turn many forms of birth control into the legal equivalent of a murder weapon. Many forms of contraception, including many birth control pills, function in part by inhibiting a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman’s uterus. Thus, Ryan and Akin’s personhood bill could render the act of using many forms of oral contraception the equivalent of a homicide crime."

Between Todd Akin's bizarre pronouncements on "legitimate rape," and his and Paul Ryan's sponsorship of the "Personhood" legislation, we have a very good idea of what a Republican takeover of the White House and Congress would look like for American women: 

Criminalization of birth control, repeal of Roe vs. Wade, and investigations into girls' and women's miscarriages.

This is the political party that wants government out of people's lives. 

Except it also wants government in the vaginas and wombs of American women.

Smartypants has a post up on this subject.  Go HERE to read it.

NOTE:  "Draft language for the 2012 Republican Party platform includes support for a constitutional ban on abortion without specifying exclusions in the cases of rape or incest, according to CNN."


  1. I have my own take on this "personhood" business. It's absurd to bestow "rights" on an entity which has no self-awareness, desires, or free will which would enable it to exercise those rights (or to deny rights to entities which do have such traits).

    Of course the tortured logic of "personhood" is just a pretext, and a painfully-thin one, for imposing a totalitarian agenda. It's so feeble I'm mildly surprised they even bother.

    That a party which aspires to such absolute control over citizens' personal reproductive biology has the colossal gall to lay claim to words like "liberty", is an Orwellian outrage against language itself.

  2. I find it offensive that Republicans push their religious beliefs on all Americans by making laws based in their beliefs that all Americans must follow.

  3. The Party of pro-life...until birth.

  4. what? skudrunner didn't come to shaw's blog and tell everyone he made his own business in a woman's womb?

  5. I have asked conservatives many times what an extremist on their side might look like. No one has ever had an answer and one person went so far as to say since they are not from the left, but the right, you can't be too right because the right is right...

    Until now... Now we know just what a conservative must do to be called out by his own party, and even Mitt Romney, even though he dispatched Mr Ryan to do the dirty work.

    I hope Akin stays in so he can lose big in the Show-Me state...

  6. Mitt Romney: Church-State Separation Taken Too Far By Some

  7. "The draft of the GOP's official 2012 platform calls for a federal ban on abortion with no exception for rape and incest survivors."

    It's not just a few Republiscums that believe this should be the law of the land. The whole Republiscum party believes it, and has made it part of their platform.

  8. "News Flash said...
    Mitt Romney: Church-State Separation Taken Too Far By Some"

    So in a severe conservative's view separation of church and state is taken too far by some, but he remains silent on the 2nd Amendment being "taken too far by some" when the NRA lobbies to put an automatic weapon and a magazine clip in every home?

  9. Ifidel753 said it well. Personhood should be about respecting the right of a human being to have autonomy over his or her own body.

    . . .

    "March is July, a little ahead of time."

    "No, March is the third month, July is the seventh. The position of the planets is different and so is the weather."

    "But you wouldn't have July if you didn't have March first."

    "That's true, but it doesn't make March July. March is March and July is July."

    . . .

    "A fertilized egg is a human being."

    "No, a fertilized egg is a fertilized egg. It might develop into a human being, but for the time being it's a fertilized egg."

    "But you couldn't have human beings without fertilized eggs."

    "That's true, but it doesn't make a fertilized egg a human being. A fertilized egg is a fertilized egg and a human being is a human being."

  10. I'm surprised the usual change-the-subject trolls haven't shown up to accuse Shaw of trying to draw attention away from Obama's socialist big-spending un-American blah blah blah -- but if they do, let's remember that it's not our side that chose to bring this up. They did. They put this crap in their platform of their own free will. They chose to make themselves the party of forced continuation of unwanted pregnancy -- going out of their way to include even rape victims. They made this an issue. And the rest of us are entitled to call them on it, and that would be the case even if Akin hadn't blunderingly swung the spotlight onto it.

  11. S.W.A., the reasoning behind protecting a fertilized ovum over the living, breathing, walking, talking female human is found in religion.

    Religious people believe at the moment of fertilization, the ovum becomes "ensouled."

    That is a religious concept, and has nothing to do with medical science.

    Most anti-choicers' opposition is fueled by religion prohibition.

    So the people who try to make abortions more and more difficult and even outlaw them are, for the most part, trying to impose their religious beliefs on everyone.

    If those people are truly concerned with the "sanctity of life," they should use their passion to fight poverty and ignorance--a better way to cut down on abortions.

  12. Infidel753,

    A society that can force a woman to carry a pregnancy against her will, even if it is a danger to her health, is the same as a society that forces a woman to abort a pregnancy against her will.

    The conservatives are blind to this simple truth.

  13. The Republican war on women has been in effect for a very long time, except now the creeps who want to keep women in the place, aren't shy about letting the country know about their misogyny.

    How could any woman support these creeps?

  14. The right to an abortion is the law. It is a hot button with the left who care more about a person convicted of murder than you do about the unborn. Abortion is a women's right to decide because she has to live with her decision.

    Infidel, you almost committed the unthinkable by almost bringing up the obama continuing recession and his war on job creation. That is something you need to avoid.

  15. Hey! If a corporation can be a person, why not an ovum?

  16. "[T]he results are pretty clear: the economy under Obama has performed much better than the British economy under Osborne, or Europe or Japan. The private sector has recovered at Reagan-like rates. It's the slashing of public sector jobs that has kept employment so subdued - but far less subdued than anywhere else in the developed world. If this is executive mismanagement, more, please.

    Then the notion that Obama "has consistently failed to address the crucial issue of long-term fiscal balance." What, then, was the Bowles-Simpson Commission about? Ryan didn't create it - he merely torpedoed it because it dared to raise revenues in order to cut the deficit! Obama actually created it and if the necessary majority in Congress had backed it, he would have gone a long way to sign it. Why not? It would give him credit for the biggest deal since 1993. And that's precisely why the GOP - spearheaded by Ryan - killed it."

  17. "A recent survey of executives around the world found that by a 2 to 1 margin, they believe President Obama be better for the global economy than Romney. That's because they know what we know--or more accurately--what we should know. That is, they see the carnage caused by austerity policies in Europe even as economists in the U.S. continue to credit the Obama stimulus program for boosting American employment and GDP growth. And looking ahead, the world's business leaders seem to understand that the draconian Romney-Ryan program could put the American recovery at risk.

    As Reuters reported last week, a Financial Times survey of business executives worldwide showed a clear edge for Barack Obama when it comes to helping the global economy prosper:

    Democrat Obama was chosen by 42.7 percent in the 1,700 respondent poll, compared with 20.5 percent for Romney. The rest said "neither".

    The result was different among respondents in the United States, where a slim majority thought Romney would be better for their businesses than Obama.

    Outside the U.S., the respondents doubtless realized that the American economy is significantly outperforming its counterparts in Europe where, the New York Times recently warned, "a lost decade looms."

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. It's nice to have a buffoon like Thersites to remind us what kind of idiots we are dealing with.

  21. Steve,

    Thersites is a very special sort of idiot.

  22. Steve, and to all my other commenters,

    Thersites is a cowardly little worm, trying to intimidate me, a woman who has strong opinions he doesn't like.

    I've been through this before with other conservative bloggers who attacked me. (It's always men, isn't it--and probably the sort who feel the need to prove their manhood that apparently is so inadequate and limp that they resort to harassing women on the internet.

    Like an infection, they evetually go away.

    All I do now is copy his comments, delete them, and then repost them over at his blog.

    1. I'm guessing you'll be doing a fair amount of copy, delete , and repost. And for some time.

  23. will dmarks say that WSJ/NBC are racist for reporting that Romney has zero support from the African-American voters?

    "A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Tuesday shows President Barack Obama holding a four point lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. But among African Americans, the poll shows an even stronger lead for Obama, as First Read reports:

    Looking inside the numbers, Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent), Latinos (by a 2-to-1 margin), voters under 35-years-old (52 percent to 41 percent) and women (51 percent to 41 percent).

    That's right: according to this poll, Romney has zero percent support among African Americans.

    "The numbers came from a statistically significant sample of more than 100 African-American voters out of 1,000 total voters in the poll," NBC News senior political editor Mark Murray told Lean Forward. "Given the sample size of these African-American respondents, the margin of error is well within the 95 percent-5 percent split with which Obama won this group in 2008. "

  24. Mitt To Donors: I Would Explain My Energy Plan But Reporters Are Here

  25. Harry Reid beats his wife daily. The liberal press approves!

  26. ...that's why there are never any press reports.

    A Ring of Gyges surrounds the DNC

  27. Thersites, and the purpose of these pointless ridiculous comments is?

    Perhaps to irritate? Or is it more likely to show ignorance and extreme childish behavior?

    Inquiring minds what to know.

  28. RN,

    No femal conservative has ever gone after me like this Thersites character, and other rabid conservatives I've dealt with in the past.

    Thersites is obsessed with me; there's not a lot to be done with a sicko like that.

    He'll eventually give up and attack some other woman--he doesn't have the cojones to do it to a man, mind you, bullying a woman is so much easier for these little mindless cowards. It makes their manhood feel large.

    1. Perhaps he will visit RN and attack me as being a "girly" man. Now that would be interesting and fun for me to resonse to.

  29. "A society that can force a woman to carry a pregnancy against her will, even if it is a danger to her health, is the same as a society that forces a woman to abort a pregnancy against her will.

    "The conservatives are blind to this simple truth."

    Here's another and perhaps more telling truth conservatives are blind to. It's one they had better think carefully about, especially if they pass a personhood law that bans contraceptives.

    A government with the power to force a woman to carry a pregnancy against her will, even if it is a danger to her health, has the power to force a man to have a vasectomy or castration after fathering one or two children -- or maybe before he fathers even one.

  30. S.W. Anderson,

    The conservatives who support this totalitarian abuse apparently haven't the brains to understand what you just wrote.
