Monday, September 10, 2012

Pizza Hug for Mr. Obama

Great hug, great photo!  Mr. Obama looks like he had a great time.

Kudos to the pizza man, Scott Van Duzer.  The US president visited his business, and Van Duzer behaved with good humor, respect, and enthusiasm. 

vis Andrew Sullivan's blog:

And about the big moment itself?
Everyone thinks it was scripted. Everyone thinks I asked the Secret Service. I didn’t ask the Secret Service anything. I didn’t know what I was going to do. You know what I mean? He just came in, and the way he came in was so genuine and warm. He came over to me like he had known me for 25 years. He said, "Where’s Scott?" He opened the door and I was standing right there. He gave me a big high five, and started talking about my biceps and muscles. He said, "If I eat your pizza, can I get some muscles like that?" We were just fooling around. He gave me this pat on the shoulder, and that’s when the big hug happened.

But the haters couldn't let a happy moment of good fun go without inserting their bile and rancor into it.

What small-minded, vile little insects.  All of them.


  1. I am surprised that Obama's security detail let this happen...unless it was preplanned?

  2. Yep. Schoolyard bullies grown up. The kind of people who kick puppies when nobody's looking.

    Glad to see Van Duzer is getting some support, and I bet the publicity will be good for his business in the last analysis. He says he's a Republican -- well, maybe this little belch of bile on the net will finally motivate him to make the jump to the good guys.

  3. I wonder if this was spontaneous or a planned photo op. In either case it doesn't affect the price of gas or create a job.

    A non story really.

  4. Some people still respect the President of the United States, even if they disagree with his politics.
    You won't find such civility among today's Republiscums.
    Romney is to busy meeting with Pat Robertson, to get his hate filled support.
    More gay bashing, more hate, more bigotry.
    Thank you ChickFlick supporters for pushing the anti-gay agenda. More haters.

  5. Censoring all comments that are of the non huggable type I see. I mean how dare one not get all squishy and giddy over a feel good photo op moment for the President.

    How demohuggable. As well as predictable.

  6. RN,

    Yeah. A non-story that was covered by all the media.

    I found it to be refresingly spontaneous and fun.

    Something we seldom see in campaigns.

  7. It's a great picture, and the video shows the man is sincere, but it wasn't spontaneous. No way the Secret Service would let something like that happen and just stand by, unless it was staged.

  8. I was wondering about the Secret Service myself.

    I find the photos of the President with little kids the best. This one is a "meh" moment for me, mostly because I believe it's staged and because I don't find grown men giving "bear" hugs all that impressive. The men in my life do hug, but not like that. So this is strictly a personal feeling on my part. However to denigrate the photo is ridiculous and just downright mean.

  9. RN, I don't know what you're talking about, re: your second comment.

    Spontaneous or not. It was a happy moment. Can we, as a nation, just let it go at that?

    I refer not to the comments here but to those who tried to denigrate Mr. Van Duzer's business by giving it bad reviews. All because he hugged the president.

    Hi Pam,

    Nice to see you here. I hope things are getting back to sanity for you. And speaking of hugs, a great big HUG to you, the kind that could lift you up!

  10. "I refer not to the comments here but to those who tried to denigrate Mr. Van Duzer's business by giving it bad reviews. All because he hugged the president."

    Irrational hate = bigotry and racism

  11. @ Shaw...

    RN, I don't know what you're talking about, re: your second comment.

    Spontaneous or not. It was a happy moment. Can we, as a nation, just let it go at that?

    I refer not to the comments here but to those who tried to denigrate Mr. Van Duzer's business by giving it bad reviews. All because he hugged the president.

    My second comment was made late last night. I assumed, and as so often happens when you assume you find out you were wrong. Sorry for having jumped the gun so to speak.

    As to Mr. Van Duzer's business being given bad reviews by a bunch of morons simply and only because he hugged the President, well, their actions speak for themselves and reasonable people will just ignore their crap.

    I still say it is a non story, other than it got some "good" press for the President.

  12. I would bet it happened something like this. Secret Service guys approach the owner about the president visiting his store and he says that would be great, I want to give him a big hug when he comes in the store, so they were probably prepared for a hug, and the president may or may not have known beforehand. Either way, I think it was a sincere gesture of affection. I'd give Obama a hug, too. I like him on a personal level and think that he is doing a great job.
