Thursday, October 18, 2012

Does America Want a Boss or a President?

James Lipton summed it up pretty well last night on Hardball with Chris Matthews by posing the question:  "Does America Want a Boss or a President?"

I know I want a president. 

A country is NOT a business. 

Remember how well America did under our last MBA president? Now think about repeating that with Mr. Romney, because he's selling himself as a CEO-in-Chief.  A CEO of America who has so little faith and trust in this country that he stashes his money in foreign banks and not in the country he wants to lead.  A man who is so desperate to be the CEO-in-Chief, that he politicized, then lied, about the tragic killings in the attack on our consulate in Libya, and then lied about how President Obama reacted to the killings claiming it took Mr. Obama two weeks to call the killings an act of terror.

I know I don't want a president who would callously write off 47% of America because they won't vote for him.

This photo tells us all we need to know about CEO Willard Romney's allegiances and values:

What do you want? 

A president of all the people?  Or a guy who, as America's CEO, would take care of his Board of Directors rather than all of his employees?


  1. Give a corporation a tax cut and they will invest in technology, not hire more humans.

    SF's post today states education is only to fill job positions, so higher education is not necessary.
    SF says the best opportunity one can expect, is to be a hairdresser and that is sufficient to satisfy anyone.

    Forget the idea that education is for enlightenment, not just to get a job.

    I guess Romney thinks he can just order (as president) corporations to hire 12 million people, just as he thinks Obama has been negligent in giving that same order to corporations.

    I guess Romney thinks he can just order China to stop unfair practices. The fact that the Obama administration has filed official complaints against China's practices with the governing bodies that oversee trade practices, is according to Romney, the wrong way to go, Romney will just give an order.

    Republiscums have been saying government should be run like a business, for decades. Which only proves they have no clue what government is, and who it is servicing.

    Back to the false, arrogant, failed idea that America can just order (force) the rest of the World to act in America's best interest.

    Any businessman knows you cannot order your competition to do anything that will help your own company.

  2. I would settle for a president at this point. Any alternative the the Klown Kar Circus we have now.

  3. Romney say to employers, tell your employees how to vote.
    Recently, employers have told their employees to vote for Romney, or lose their jobs.
    Nice scare tactics.
    "I owe my soul to the company man."

  4. SF: "I would settle for a president at this point. Any alternative the the Klown Kar Circus we have now."

    Half the country says you're wrong.

  5. Steve: I guess Romney thinks he can just order China to stop unfair practices.

    He'd send Donald "you motherfuckers" Trump as special ambassador to China to lay it on the line with them.

    SF's post today states education is only to fill job positions, so higher education is not necessary.

    If that's the case, it's an example of the common fallacy of confusing education with vocational training. The latter is a worthy endeavor, but the two aren't the same. Education is supposed to teach the kind of critical-thinking skills that enable people to see through deceptions and understand the world rationally instead of through the fog of ancient superstitions.

    The thing about Romney-as-CEO-President is that he hasn't even been a real businessman like his father was, running a company that actually produced and sold goods. He ran a company that took over other countries, destroyed them while extracting their assets, and moved on. It's like the difference between being President and being chief of a marauding barbarian horde.

    he stashes his money in foreign banks and not in the country he wants to lead.

    I trust this point will be made in Obama ads as the election gets closer. I don't think we've ever previously had a President who had foreign bank accounts. And what is it about those tax returns that's so important to keep hidden?

  6. Infidel,

    I know you meant to write this:

    He ran a company that took over other COMPANIES, not countries. But in thinking about Romney and his values, I'd bet he'd would like to take over this country and run it into the ground while enriching his elite 1% cronies.

  7. "Education is supposed to teach the kind of critical-thinking skills that enable people to see through deceptions"

    Republiscums do rely on the uneducated voter.

    If Romney wins (that's a distinct possibility) it will be interesting to watch him order the rest of the world around and see his Math eliminate our debt.

    Is Romney ready to attack China when China tells him to go FK himself?

    Got news for Trump and Romney - you cannot "fire" another country.

    CEO's are used to a dictatorial management scheme, lets see how that works out dealing with countries around the world.

    Maybe Romney has a portfolio of Al Capone's he can hire to intimidate countries to follow his orders, or get his sons to go around punching out leaders.

  8. @ Shaw who said..."
    Half the country says you're wrong."

    The other half of the country agrees with Silver.

    So your point is?...

  9. @ Steve who said... "Republiscums do rely on the uneducated voter."

    And history has shown that democrats have done so as well.

    "”These Negroes, they‘re getting pretty uppity these days and that‘s a problem for us since they‘ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we‘ve got to do something about this, we‘ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.......I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.” LBJ, 1963

    Of course I'll be surprised if this gets posted.

  10. What a disconnect: business executives rank below lawyers
    in the polls .

  11. "Rational Nation USA said...
    @ Shaw who said..."
    Half the country says you're wrong."

    The other half of the country agrees with Silver.

    So your point is?..."

    Seriously? Do I really have to tell you?

    RN: "”These Negroes, they‘re getting pretty uppity these days and that‘s a problem for us since they‘ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we‘ve got to do something about this, we‘ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.......I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.” LBJ, 1963"

    So, RN, you feeling good about coming here and depositing LBJ's conservative southern racist opinion? What's YOUR point in infecting my blog with that sort of rot? Telling us that a conservative Democrat from the south held racist ideas? That's like saying water's wet. That was LBJ's opinion, not mine, not any liberal Democrat I know.

    What's the point of putting that here when it has nothing to do with my post?

    If you want to get into a pissing battle about politicians saying disgusting things, we can do that, but it's stupid and unproductive.

    But just so you know that Democrats aren't the only ones who say stupid things, Republican President Richard Nixon was caught on tape in a conversation with the "Reverend" Billy Graham who made disgusting anti-Sem
    itic remarks about Jews, referring to a Synagog of Satan.

  12. Hit a nerve did I? I must have learned well the progressive tactics then.

    It's all so predictable Shaw. So predictable.

    But thanks for posting my comment. It really has more to do with your post than you might think. But as you say, it just my opinion.

  13. Play the tit for tat game RN, you always lose.

    You think you are the only one who knew LBJ was a racist?
    This is your "gotcha" point?
    You had to go back 50 years to satisfy your need to spread messages of hate, your favorite thing to do?

    Go back to your blog and continue the lie that you are neutral between Obama and Romney. With a fellow Randian cult member on the ticket, we all know who you will vote for.

    Another comment by you that will go down like your "Jews went willingly to the gas chambers" comment.

    Proving again your attraction to pointing out the vulgar, being vulgar, and thinking that's the way to speak/debate with people. You and SF are two hate filled peas in a pod.

    Thanks for showing your character again, and proving me correct about you.

  14. Gee Shaw, I suppose it's partisanship all the way around. Thanks so much for confirming what we already knew.

    Oh, and fyi, I never cared for either Billy Graham or Richard Nixon .

    But in the world of progressive thought it's either your're for us or you're against us. Anyone who is not progressive enough is scum, dregs of the earth.

    Frankly it sickens me. I have found more hate and bigotry among progressives than I have ever seen among libertarians, or real conservatives for that matter.

    Philosophy, Who Needs It? Certainly progressives as well as conservatives. Unfortunately the evasion of the discipline is prevalent in both. Some recognize it, most don't.

  15. SK: Yes, thanks, I meant "companies".

    Steve: If we elect Romney we may all soon find out what's Mandarin for "you motherfuckers".

    RN: There you go again with the "both sides are the same" nonsense. There's a very strong statistical correlation between lower levels of educational attainment and holding conservative views (and voting Republican). Generally, as you move down through the graduate-degree, four-year degree, and high-school only levels, the proportion of Republican voters rises. Republicans are far more likely to hold views such as creationism, global-warming denialism, and rejection of Keynesian economics which reflect gross ignorance of basic science and lack of critical-thinking skills.

  16. RN: "Gee Shaw, I suppose it's partisanship all the way around. Thanks so much for confirming what we already knew.

    Oh, and fyi, I never cared for either Billy Graham or Richard Nixon ."

    RN, my reply to your comment about LBJ was never meant to suggest you cared for Billoy Graham or Nixon. It was to show you that LBJ wasn't the only president who was bigoted.

    I still have no idea of what motivated your to post that awful quote from LBJ.

    "But in the world of progressive thought it's either your're for us or you're against us."

    If you think it's only in the world of progressive thought, you're naive.

    I'm wondering if any of the progresives you've butted heads with online have sent you pornographic photos of women's genetalia, claiming it was me, or have copied your avatar and posted under your name on other blogs.

    That's what conservatives have done to me.

  17. Infidel,

    In the last presidential election, the demographic with the least amount of education--less than 4 years of high school--overwhelmingly voted for the McCain/Palin ticket. The demographic with the most post-graduate education overwhelmingly voted for Mr. Obama.

    I expect to hear that the Germans in 1930 were very well educated. But anyone who brings that to the discussion will obviously miss the fact that the underlying cause of what made those educated Germans follow Hitler's murderous regime was the result of centuries of virulent anti-Semitism encouraged by the Catholic and Protestant religions.

    Our Founding Fathers were brilliant and highly educated, but not soaked in religiosity--they were, for the most part Deists. The Constitution is an example of how the human mind can produce great ideas when religious prejudices are not the driving force behind human endeavor.

  18. There he goes again.
    RN the racist finds a 50 year old comment, he just can't resist printing on your blog "N" word and all.
    Haven't you gotten the clue about this bigot yet?
    Why even publish his garbage?
    It's much more offending than nude pictures.

  19. "The Constitution is an example of how the human mind can produce great ideas when religious prejudices are not the driving force behind human endeavor."

    Excellent line!

    I agree Infidel, you know RN is a life long Republiscum voter.

    Why don't you answer Shaw's question? Why come to her blog and post this racist garbage? Please give us your context for printing such garbage. I don't expect an answer, you never answered in what context, or why you wrote your Jew hate comment.

  20. We don't have to go back 50 years for Democrat racism. Remember Biden's surprise at how clean and articulate Obama was? Or how about his comments about Indian Americans?

    Or Harry Reid marveling the Mr. Obama didn't speak in a "negro dialect, unless he wanted to?"

    That is racism at its most fundamental and insidious.

    And Steve, since you pull Les's comments out of context, declaring he used the n-word when in fact he was providing a quote, you yourself need to watch it.

    How dare you use a slang term for a woman's breast?

    "Play the tit for tat game RN, you always lose."

    I disagree with Shaw and the other who contribute here almost always, but I respect them and I consider that their views are sincere.

    But I have no such respect for you. You are an asshat. Your continued posting at my blog where you are not wanted is pathetic.

    Do you have a job?

  21. SF said,

    "I disagree with Shaw and the other who contribute here almost always"

    It's her blog!

    The hate you and your minions have spewed at me (and Shaw) at your hate blog, speaks for itself.

    I don't expect you to understand, you are as hate filled as RN.

    Get back to your hate blog

  22. SF: "We don't have to go back 50 years for Democrat[sic] racism. Remember Biden's surprise at how clean and articulate Obama was?"

    Leave it to a GOPer to ignore Biden's explanation for the "clean" comment. He meant Mr. Obama had no skeletons in his closet, and calling people articulate isn't racist.

    The rest of your comment conviently leaves out all of the slurs and slanders directed at our firts bi-racial president by your side of the aisle.

    The Obama-as-African-witch-doctor with a bone through his nose, the watermelons on the WH lawn, and the Obamas-as-apes photos [which Radical Redneck has sent to my blog more than once, and which I have saved], and, of course, the nooses next to photos of the president, etc., all come from the GOPers.

    I wouldn't talk about the specks in other people's eyes when your side has logs jutting out from their pupils.

  23. Glad to see canine doo is still being deposited here at PE.

    Unchallenged and supported as usual.


  24. Shaw... "I'm wondering if any of the progressives you've butted heads with online have sent you pornographic photos of women's genitalia, claiming it was me, or have copied your avatar and posted under your name on other blogs.

    That's what conservatives have done to me."

    Well I have indeed had pornographic material posted to my comment section. It was again under Anon. Who knows, could have been a progressive could have been a conservative. Whichever. It was coward no-identity asshat WHO is a jerk. Whoever did that to you is an asshat jerk as well.

    As far as I know no one has stole my avatar, since I use my picture. I have had my blog attracted and my dashboard setting manipulated and my blog administrators authorization taken away. Took me awhile to straighten it out and since I had other authors and a co administrator I suspected it was a conservative. Since I took all authorization away I have had no problems. Still don't know who it was, don't care at this point.

    Infidel... "There you go again with the "both sides are the same" nonsense. There's a very strong statistical correlation between lower levels of educational attainment and holding conservative views (and voting Republican). Generally, as you move down through the graduate-degree, four-year degree, and high-school only levels, the proportion of Republican voters rises. Republicans are far more likely to hold views such as creationism, global-warming denialism, and rejection of Keynesian economics which reflect gross ignorance of basic science and lack of critical-thinking skills."

    Partisanship runs on both sides and you know it.

    So, individuals who hold conservative or libertarian views are to be considered less educated. Well, I wonder how some of the educated conservatives and libertarians feel about your comment. Hayek was no more a dummy than Keynes was. Keynesian economics is not the panacea progressives like to think it is in my considered opinion. Guess that makes me uneducated and stupid huh? That's the problem with progressives, typically they discount conservative or libertarian thought out of hand. Kind of reminds me of the Romney 47% bullsh*t comment.

    As to creationism, and all that socons hold near and dear. Well, they are entitled to their beliefs, even if they are wrong. In so long as long as they don't try to force their theology down anyone's throat.

    Global warming, well the jury is still out and there exists some science that supports the claim it is overstated. Having said this it is indeed relatively short sighted and foolish not to recognize we have an impact on our planet and it's environment. Therefore we should begin efforts to minimize those effects. Technology is the answer and in this regards Obama is correct.

    And for the Canine Doo Dropper... Continue to have your fun at my expense. I have thick, very thick skin that was developed over 35 years in business dealing with asshats like you. I am really impervious to your lying BS and false characterizations of me.

    General statement to all... There are many good well intentioned reasonable progressives. As there are conservatives and libertarians. I've had many a good discussion with both.

    I'll leave it at that.

    Shaw, you are a intelligent and well intentioned individual, it is why I started coming to your site.

    Good luck on your hopes for an Obama win. It will be close. Really, the country is going to be okay whichever way the election goes. We still have a House and a Senate. With any luck they will begin working together. It Is a two way street however. We'll just have to wait it out to see.

    Have a wonderful holiday season.

    So long...

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