Friday, October 12, 2012

Good Going, Joe!

Joan Walsh at Salon:

"Joe Biden wiped the floor with Paul Ryan at Thursday night’s debate, but we might have to spend a day debating whether he laughed too much while doing it.

On Medicare, on taxes, on abortion, on middle class opportunity and on foreign policy, Biden made Ryan look like he was trying out for the college debate team, and on substance, he pinned him to his and Mitt Romney’s least popular policies."
Please read this analysis on "severely conservative" Mr. Romney and the conservatives by d r i f t g l a s s.  Visit his blog, the link is on my bloglist. [vis dailykos]:

 driftglass writes, Liberal Media Continue to be Stunned That Conservatives Act Like Conservatives:

Don't me wrong: I appreciate the careful documentation the Many Lies of Team Romney during this election season. But I look at those efforts less as the drafting of a bill of particulars against the GOP, and more like Josephus gathering up an armful of books from burning Jerusalem and documenting the great city's demise from a perspective in the ruins.Why?

Because for the Conservative 47% of the active electorate, the day Willard sewed up the Republican primary was the day it stopped mattering to them what lies Willard shits down their throat. Willard has calculated (correctly) that their bottomless, mindless, berserker hatred for the Kenyan Usurper means he can get away with saying and doing literally anything and then completely reversing himself hours later and so unless he transforms himself into a Scary Democrat Negro (hence my graphic), he has the base locked down.

Willard has calculated (correctly) that the average "undecided" voter is an idiot who is barely aware that Barack Obama is President, much less who said what when. Lies? Truth? All the "undecided" knows for sure is that people on both side should stop being so mean!

Willard has calculated (correctly) that most of American media is a joke run by hacks with the moral compasses of Tijuana donkey show pimps, who are congenitally unable to call a liar a liars, and who get paid on commission based on each time they say "Both Sides Do It" when a Republican shits the bed in public.

Pointing to each morning's fresh lies from Team Romney, or the Republican Congress, or Boss Limbaugh and his legions of imitators or just random Conservative idiots with spluttering apoplexy has become the the bread and butter of Liberal teevee, radio and print. And good on them (us) for providing that service.
It does, however, beg the question, "Who the Hell are they talking to?" Because there is no referee in this fight, kids.

There is no umpire, here: no impartial judge; no jury of 12 good men and true.
For us, the playing field will never be level and we must stop playing as if it were, because there is no cavalry coming to rescue us but us.

And most importantly, remember that however long the odds or however discouraging a given day might be, we are a hardy and tenacious stock, and our clear understanding of who we are and where we came from gives us a secret weapon that no movement based on a contempt for reality and a tissue of lies can match.

Off for the weekend.  Be back Sunday afternoon. 


  1. I think Biden did a good job on substance. Had he dropped the smirking monkey act he probably would have outright won the debate.


    You're always good for a laugh.


    Severely deluded.

  3. I perfer the Biden "smirk" to the Ryan "deer caught in headlights" look.

  4. was biden coached to call netanyahoo bibi? it seemed a little ludicrous to be using a pet nickname for a war monger.

  5. Silver, isn't substance what counts? That's what I keep hearing from conservatives anyways?

    If what you say is true, and Biden did not "win" simply because of his smirk, what must conservatives be thinking of Ryan this morning?

  6. << There is no umpire, here: no impartial judge >>

    Driftglass does his best to umpire in the article. Not impartially, but he does call it like he sees it. Makes me wonder how BOTH the far left and right can claim:

    1) the press is against them

    2 the other side's base is uneducated and bigoted.

    Think about that for a minute. You have 20% of the likely voters who reside on the far sides (~ 10% each) believeing the press and the other side's base are delusional.

    One has to wonder if it isn't the far left and right that are both missing some truth that is staring them in the face.

    Having raised children who are now adults I have seen this before. But they were children!

  7. A particularly partisan opinion, but, partisanship after all is what the oligarchs running the show from behind the curtains delight in. Keeps em in power.

    Now, having said this the debate is likely to have little affect on the race. Gaffe Man Biden, while not totally honest (Benghazi) was gaffe free. Had he toned down the glare of his pearly whites and smirk just a bit he would have looked more "Vice Presidential" in the debate setting.

    Ryan struggled to hold his own against a clearly relaxed Biden. Again fact check points out the inconsistencies and incorrect statements the Romney/Ryan campaign is fairly criticized for.

    In reality the next to Presidential debates are critical for the Romney/Ryan Team. Look for the O Man to come on strong and aggressive. It remains to be seen if Romney can repeat twice his first debate performance. If he does the Oval Office might have a new tenement come January 2013.

  8. Of course the taxpayer as always will be paying for his occupancy of "The Peoples House."

  9. He denied the Bengazi Embassy requested more protection even though the State Dept confirmed it the day before.

    He made the statement that Iran hasn't progressed with a nuclear weapon and if they did, they have no way to deliver it. Ever hear of a car or suitcase.

    He raised Obama's "punish the rich" from 250k to one million.

    He put the Obama walk back machine in high gear trying to spin all the things Biden said.

    Yes I would say Biden had a great night.

  10. Amen. Amen. Amen. Why is it that when Romney lies and acts like a friggin' bully he's being "Presidential" but when Biden sticks to facts, using smiles and a few theatrics, he's being raked across the coals? Have a good weekend.,b=facebook

  11. Dave: Yes. Substance matters, and on substance Biden may actually have edged out Ryan, but his interrupting, smirking and overall weirdness distracted, and it wasn't presidential.
