Sunday, December 2, 2012

Something for Sunday


  1. A great quote
    I doubt your right wing readers will comprehend the two together make a good approach to living with each other.

  2. The reality is that even the most libertarian follower of Ayn Rand must acknowledge one basic altruistic concern and that is to ensure that capitalism succeeds.

    Capitalism cannot succeed when only 1% of the population of a country enjoy 70% of the benefits of the system.

    If we truly are concerned about what legacy we leave our children and grandchildren then we need to ensure that we leave them an economic system that benefits everyone.

    The right has got to figure out how to differntiate between self absorbed and self actualization.

  3. Every society wants to leave their children better off than they are. I doubt that MLK was referring to a career in welfare when he was marching toward the promise land. We can use Greece as a good example.

    The 1% receive 70% of the benefits is bull just like people making 250k don't pay their fair share of taxes.

    The left has got to figure out that everything is not free and we all must work together not just single out a class and attack them.
    The current administration needs to balance the revenue and spending demands and the other side needs to admit a revenue increase is necessary.

  4. Thank God for you, Skudrunner!

    "I doubt if MLK, Jr. was referring to a career in welfare when he was marching [his people] toward the promised land."

    May be he was and maybe he wasn't, but it's a brilliant observation either way.

    The emphasis shifted long ago from an express desire for JUSTICE toward a highly vocal demand for VENGEANCE -- a very different thing.

    And THAT is what poisoned the wellsprings of modern day liberalism
    , and why the modern Conservative Renaissance developed and is perceived as such a curse and a dire threat by liberals who wish always to portray themselves as holding "the moral high ground."

    Truth cannot remain hidden forever. As Chaucer said, "Murder will out."

    Truth is always painful to those devoted to twisting it -- or flat out ignoring it -- to suit the aims of a bullying POWER agenda.

    ~ FreeThinke

  5. skudrunner: "I doubt that MLK was referring to a career in welfare when he was marching toward the promise land."

    skudrunner and FT,

    Greece has nothing to do with the subject. We will never be Greece. For you not to get that is remarkable.

    But we can always depend on certain people to come here and discuss "welfare" vis-a-vis a "career" without ever mentioning corporate welfare.

    What Dr. King is speaking about in this quote is something many conservatives don't get: We are a combination of socialism and capitalism. And there's something good and something bad in each system.

    BTW, the people who called Mr. Obama a socialist were woefully ill informed. Apparently they don't know the meaning of socialism.


    Social justice is hardly vengence. But apparently it is to some who wish to keep certain groups from enjoying their Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

  6. "Truth is always painful to those devoted to twisting it -- or flat out ignoring it -- to suit the aims of a bullying POWER agenda."

    That sword cuts both ways FT.

  7. I agree with "taospeaks" but point out that for only a short time in the 20th century has America had an economic system that truly worked well for more than the top 10%.

  8. "That sword cuts both ways FT."

    What would make you imagine that I would think it does not, Anonymous?

    The TRUTH is he TRUTH. It is not a PARTISAN matter.

  9. Ms. Shaw, your responses demonstrate ever more clearly that you and I inhabit two entirely different [parallel?] Universes -- at least when it comes to "politics.''

    I don't want to be drawn into one of those silly exchanges where each "side" says, "YOU LIE! YOU LIE!" to the other -- or endless variations on that theme. Such exercises profit no one. Besides, I wouldn't accuse you of "lying" in any case. I believe that you sincerely believe what you say.

    Could we not just agree that our perceptions of reality differ greatly, and let it go at that?

    I have no idea of what MLK, Jr. really meant, and I doubt if anyone who did not know him intimately does either. Like virtually all famous leaders from time immemorial he's been transformed more into an ICON, and is no longer capable of being regarded as a mere MAN in the Popular Mind.

    Overexposure in the enemedia greatly accelerates this process of distortion and misrepresentation and rarely to good effect.

    All the best,


  10. Ms, Shaw

    MLK spoke for equality for all. It is unfortunate no black leader has stepped forward to replace him.

    He spoke of people given an opportunity in life to better themselves. The liberal agenda is not to provide opportunity but to make people dependent on the government. The promised land was not government welfare and since you references quotes by MLK you need to do justice to his beliefs.

  11. PS: Instead of calling it "Corporate Welfare" -- and obfuscatory term -- I much prefer call it CRONY CAPITALISM or CORPORATISM -- the "marriage" or amalgamation, if you will, of Big Business with Big Government's Overweening Power.

    I have said for a very long time that this is a threatening phenomenon.

    How it came about and what it might mean for our future would be something worth discussing. HINT: It has little to do with the traditional Left v. Right paradigm. We've moved beyond that into the threatening concept of INTERNATIONALISM which at its heart implies ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

    And yes, "Virginia," the threat of losing our sovereignty is very real, indeed. Plans for it have been in the works for over a century.

    We do, indeed, have a "common enemy," let us unite against it, while resistance may still be possible.

    ~ FreeThinke

  12. Alan West perhaps skudrunner?

  13. "Plans for it have been in the works for over a century."

    not a very successful plan.

  14. "Plans for it have been in the works for over a century."

    They are gaining steam. Don't you agree?

  15. " I much prefer call it CRONY CAPITALISM..."

    FT, isn't this an oxymoron of sorts?

    "... or CORPORATISM -- the "marriage" or amalgamation, if you will, of Big Business with Big Government..."

    With the minor modifications I'm done with that.

  16. skudrunner: "MLK spoke for equality for all. It is unfortunate no black leader has stepped forward to replace him."

    Actually, many Democratic leaders have stepped forward to promote equality for all. They are the leaders who were in favor of overturning DADT and in favor of marriage equality for all consenting adults. Those leaders were all Democrats, led by President obama.

    The people who were against equality were all the candidates who ran for the GOP nomination and leaders of the GOP Tea Party.

    The GOP was on the wrong side of history on equality.

  17. skudrunner,

    Facts are facts and if you want to know where the 70% number comes from you can find it here:

  18. Excellent quote from Dr. King. Our problem is that, since before the Golden Age of robber barons, Republicans want no part of that reconciliation. Quite the opposite.

    The result is that the two parties end up like a married couple's whose disagreements are conducted with one of the spouses never discussing the issue at hand, but instead putting fingers in ears and shouting over and over, "I want a divorce!"

  19. "Vanity of Vanities. All is vanity ..."

    --------> Katharine Heartburn

  20. "The emphasis shifted long ago from an express desire for JUSTICE toward a highly vocal demand for VENGEANCE -- a very different thing."

    Col. Potter had a fitting word for that kind of nonsense: "horsepucky."
