Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day to All My Irish Family and Friends!

And from the incomparable Flann O'Brien/Brian O'Nolan, one of my favorite Irish writers:


 Brian O'Nolan/Flann O'Brien, Myles na gCopaleen



  1. Have a happy "Day-o-the-Green". And hoist a Guinness to O'Bama, for driving the bugs out of the woodwork.

  2. Indeed, indeed. I hoisted a Guinness or two (who's counting?)to liberty and freedom from tyranny.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day! Oh, for those who don't know my youngest son is a Patrick. Very proud of the lad to be sure. Even though he's a bit too progressive my my liking. But such is the ups and downs of a life amongst us tribal humans.

    The wise understand...

  3. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to beer.

    But I do wear green on St. Paddy's.
