Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boston Strong

Below is a good answer to the conservative trolls who've infested certain liberal blogs blubbering about the Boston attacks and making the childishly stupid claim that had Bostonians all been armed with AR-15s, the bombers would have been apprehended more quickly; and, as some of the more moronic trolls have claimed, would not have left Bostonians "cowering" in their homes.

The lockdown was for Boston, Watertown, and Cambridge, but it was in Watertown and Cambridge where the real danger existed, where the terrorists tossed IEDs at police officers, and where one officer was killed and another gravely wounded.  Boston proper was not in any danger during the manhunt, and we who live there followed the drama on teevee along with the rest of the country, hoping to see the surviving brother captured.  In fact that is what happened and immediately the second-guessing on how law enforcement should have acted began.

Susan Milligan at U.S. News and World Report has this to say about Bostonians and the surrounding towns of Watertown and Cambridge being armed with AR-15s:

"The country, for the most part, is standing with Boston, and the outpouring of support and financial assistance is a reminder of what is great about this country, our ability to keep a sense of community across a vast and diverse land. But the episode also exposed a fundamental and troubling divide over the role of government and of the individual. This is a fair and reasonable discussion, but when weapons are involved, it can be a dangerous one. 

The pushback was stated most offensively and insensitively by a state representative in Arkansas, Nate Bell. Last Friday morning – while Boston and Watertown's police, state police and the FBI were risking their lives to locate and capture the second bomber, who might well have been booby-trapped, Bell sent out this missive on Twitter: 

 'I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine?' 

The question is ridiculous, for starters. Bostonians – 'liberal' or not – were not 'cowering,' as Bell put it. They were very sensibly following the directive of government officials and police to stay indoors while the experts did their jobs. The fact that people did it is a testament to their respect for the better judgment of the authorities – certainly, they behaved better than the idiots who go out on the oceanfront during a hurricane, daring nature and first responders to stop them.

And what would an individual do with an AR-15? Go door-to-door, ferreting out a man who might well have another bomb on him? That's one way to wind up dead, perhaps taking a lot of other people with you. A single individual with a gun is no match for a suicide bomber. Trained teams of bomb squad technicians and well-protected professional law enforcement officers are a better bet. This, actually, is what the framers of the constitution had in mind when they wrote a Second Amendment referring to 'a well-regulated militia.' 

There is a suspicion of government – any kind of government – in the country that has reached disturbingly absolutist levels. This isn't just about whether the government should collect taxes for the purposes of paving roads (as opposed to having user fees fund it), or whether government has the obligation to provide for vulnerable and needy citizens. This is about a failure to recognize a basic truth: that we cannot do everything on our own, including personal defense. 

 Even the 'citizen' investigations done on the Internet turned out to produce the wrong suspects. But when civilians turned in their cell phone photos and videos to police, the experts figured it out. It took a whole, big village of Bay Staters to find and capture the alleged killers, and that doesn't make us weak. Inter-reliance sows our strength."

Trolls like "beamish" who, for reasons known only to himself, can't stop coming to this blog and talking about Bostonians pissing their pants (does the beamish troll have a urine fetish? It appears he's obsessed by other people's pee, just like a two-year old is.) Trolls like him apparently get a thrill up their legs by taunting and mocking--typical troll behavior.  

To those of you who care, here is information on the One Fund Boston set up for the victims of the April 15 bombing:

"Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino have announced the formation of The One Fund Boston, Inc. to help the people most affected by the tragic events that occurred in Boston on April 15, 2013."


  1. shaw...beamish troll is your thersites troll...one and the same...just sayin'...

  2. If everyone in Boston had an AR-15, there would be a lot more dead people in Boston.

  3. As usual, Jerry's right. The classic scenario is some heavily armed citizen hears a suspicious noise behind his house, grabs his semiautomatic rifle, quietly steps out the back door, sees a figure in silhouette, aims, fires, and kills a cop who had been alerted to a suspect in the neighborhood and thought he saw someone run behind that house.

    Combat should be left to those trained not just in how to shoot, but when and when not to shoot.

    There's truth in the old song, Fools Rush In.

  4. Seen on a conservative's blog:

    "Margie McGrath said...
    What it all boils down to my friend is.. once you lie down with liberal dogs you wind up waking up with fleas.

    We are all Americans.

    If you can't see how much Obama has all but destroyed America by stepping all over the constitution.[sic]

    One has to only look into his past to see who is responsible for his mindset then these Card carrying communists you obviously have so much admiration for want to make this a socialist country, and disregards our most sacred documents like our constitution, like its toilet paper, we ALL knew right from the very first day we heard his name that he and his sacred “First Lady” sat in a well known racist and anti-semiotic church for 20 yrs and claims he never heard anything negative from that dirtbag Rev wright.[sic]

    And I truly believe that what will eventually destroy America are these so called “progressives” who will never overcome their paranoia!

    Their inability to believe in this president and his socialist Marxist agenda will turn us into a 3rd world nation. The insanity level of the liberal/democratic party today is at an all time high.

    When the people can no longer have any trust in their governments then we have tyranny. Welcome to tyranny. Obama, is the great divider, the great manipulator, the great lair, who has taken our country and put it through a social meat grinder for his own purposes.

    American against American, Brother against Brother. America ever never been this divided since the Civil War. You can see it every day, in fact all you have to do is read these blogs."

    LOL! What eventually WILL destroy American are illiterates like Margie McGrath.


  5. Better to just send something to the fund. Far more constructive than picking up an AR.

    I went to a memorial for Krystle Campbell the other day. Better to remember the victims and go on with letting the city restore itself.
    I expect there were liberals and conservatives in the crowd.

  6. Beamish and Thersites are NOT the same individual. I know this for a fact.

    I'm glad to see that a fund for victims has been established. I do want to point out most donations so far have come from corporations -- including the "evil" Bain Capital.

  7. I do want to point out most donations so far have come from corporations -- including the "evil" Bain Capital.

    Donations to causes such as these are good for public relations. That they're attempting to buy some good will does not negate the fact that they're evil. They've made MUCH more destroying lives. A pittance spent helping people won't change my opinion of them.

  8. AOW, Bain doing a little image polishing by donating hardly makes up for the damage that company has done.

    I notice it is becoming more popular with z's denizens and some of yours posters to state that "Boston got what it deserved". That from professed Christians manifesting their witness.

    Yes, all because there is a video on youtube with the attendant of that storage yard on Webster between Inman and Union square said that the younger kid was bragging about his shows.

    Well, those of good will shall prevail. Boston strong. I do love my city.

  9. Here's what was posted on a conservative's blog (GeeeeeZ):

    Elmers Brother said...
    They had scholarships for college, taxpayer funded meals, $900 shoes, driving expensive cars etc etc.... apparently what they learned in tie heart of liberal Massachusetts is to not only hate America but they were supporters of Obama too.

    As sad as it is I think Boston reaped what it sowed.

    Leave it to the Christian right to say something as creepy and hate-filled as that.

    In addition to that disgusting statement I had the intellectually-challenged troll, beamish, come here and leave several nasty comments calling Bostonians pant-wetters who cowered under their beds--not to mention calling me a "Bitch" as well.

    Classy jackass, isn't he?

    So these Jesus-loving rightwingers crap all over Boston and now BLAME Boston for what happened?

    What kind of people are they? I've never encountered so much hatred and nastiness directed at an American city that was attacked.

    I don't know where their humanity is anymore.

    Do they possess any?

  10. PS. I love this city as well. I choose to live here and accept the good and the not so good.

  11. shaw...the righties have a skewed idea of what america is...they live in a bubble and have no idea what the real america is...don't worry...the rest of america supports boston and all its heroes...those asshats on the right can't take the fact...that liberal boston has so much support...from all over the country and the world...yes...they're hateful creatures...but we knew that...look at how...they treat our president...peace...to boston...

  12. Right-wing fundamentalists would probably call Jesus a socialist commie fascist if be was to appear today.

  13. Well, he would certainly be a collectivist. IMNHO.
