Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just Because I Think He's Awesome.

This is my nephew.  

He's an army ranger, served in Afghanistan, speaks Japanese, Chinese, and studied and learned Pashtun at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California.

We keep in touch on facebook and when he's not visiting us here in New England. 

The other day, he posted his picture on his fb page and invited his friends who know photo shop to come up with a great background.  A friend put the eagle in the background; and when I saw it, I told my nephew the photo was good enough to be on the cover of TIME.  

And then VOILA! 

His friend posted this!   

All in good fun.  

And even if my nephew never makes it on the real cover of TIME, he'll always be an awesome guy to me!


  1. Seen on FT's blog, shaw:

    "This is satire, right? Because some things that he says in his comments on Shaw’s page just turns my stomach! His allegiance to he (Shaw) is disgusting and loathing and detestable. I find him to be strongly opposed to my values and therefor detest all that he stands for.
    However, I would love to hear the thoughts of my fellow Republicans on the subject.
    FT, frankly, I’m confused about just what you found to be so interesting in this guy as to devote an entire post to him.

    I detest liberal values which I think are next to none when it comes right down to it. You should know that.

    Yes, that’s my sediments exactly..
    Liberals want to destroy the very nature of American Life as we “Knew” it. And with Mr. Obama as our President they have just abput succeed in changing the American society and her values.
    For example, Liberals want to change the very structure of the American family through the introduction of homosexual marriage.
    What does the Left contribute to American society other than its unmitigated contempt?
    I don’t know about you, or your own college experiences. But from reading some of your comments I can tell exactly where you stand on this issue. And I can tell you that in the spectrum of my Son’s college expericance, in only his first year of college, he has already had these liberal professors saying stupid things in the classroom such as "Bush is a dumbass".
    Teaching in higher education typically attracts a certain type of person, and more often than not that person is liberal “crazy” professor who are Brainwashing our kids!."


  2. Yeah. I read that Anon over at FT's blog. Don't know who the person who wrote that is. But whomever it is, he/she visits my blog often, but is too scared to comment. Why do these jokers who detest liberals continue to read my blog and work themselves into such frothing rage? And then go to their conservative blogging pals and rant about what I write.

    That's some weirdly sick behavior.

    "I detest liberal values which I think are next to none when it comes right down to it. You should know that.

    Yes, that’s my sediments exactly.."

    Definition of sediments:

    sed·i·ment (sd-mnt)
    1. Material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; lees.

    Perfect definition of that person's ideas and opinions: The dregs, or better yet, refuse at the bottom of the barrel.

    He defined himself perfectly.

  3. shaw, don't let the asshats get you down...

  4. Gregg Blogg,

    You obviously cannot stay away from my awesome blog. And you are so obsessed with what I write that you need to answer me on someone else's blog?

    You haven't the cajones to come here and state your complaints, but rather you highjack another person's comment section to complain about me and my blog?

    True weenie behavior.

    BTW: I wear your hatred of me and my blog as a badge of the highest honor.

    Someone who would disrupt a perfectly beautiful blog post such as the one KP posted over at FT is not worthy of respect.

    That's plainly base, contemptible and revolting behavior.

    The dregs.

  5. Ms Shaw,

    Your nephew looks like a perfectly beautiful young man -- a near-perfect vision of The Classic American Ideal. No wonder you are so proud of him. I take that picture as a reassuring sign that the future is still in good hands -- all our partisan bickering, whining, hand-wringing, frothing at the mouth, and cynical vituperation notwithstanding.

    Please let us not allow this trollish, hyper-partisan nonsense that enters the arena repeatedly spoil our enjoyment of the many good things life always has to offer.

    I too find the gratuitous disrespect irritating too, but if we let our annoyance dominate, the trolls win the game, and the blog gets turned over to them.

    I am certain there are a lot of lonely, bored, frustrated, unimaginative folk out there filled with anxiety and dread who spend time trying to get someone's goat, because their lives are so empty they can't think of anything better to do with themselves.

    It's better to feel sorry for them than to give way to anger.

    I think Mary Matalin and James Carville -- political polar opposites -- have by making such an obvious success of their marriage, provided a good role model for the country.

    Did you know that Mary is good buddies with Rush Limbaugh -- just as Ann Coulter is very friendly with Bill Maher, believe it or not?

    Respect, affection, devotion, loyalty, a heightened sense of perspective and proportion plus good humor can -- and should -- supersede political differences.

    Too many have lost sight of the idea that determined love for our "neighbors" (fellow men and women) can heal -- or at least breach -- most-if-not-all of our divisions.

    I remember the days when President Eisenhower repeatedly addressed those who did not support his policies and initiatives as "The Loyal Opposition."

    Returning to that concept would do much to improve our future prospects.

  6. What a great picture! That is awesome.

  7. FT and KP, thank you for your kind remarks.
