Saturday, May 18, 2013


It's been quite a week.

The Keystone Cops of politics, the Republican Party, outdid itself with its yawping hysteria, shouting Impeach! Impeach! INPEACH! and threatening more Congressional hearings into why President Obama ordered a marine to hold his umbrella during a rainy press conference with the Prime Minister of Turkey.  INPEACH!

We found out that Republican operatives  deliberately and with malice altered White House emails in order to make the Benghazi response look like a cover-up.  Benghazi, the GOP's leaden egg from a  demented goose, is seen by the wingers as more terribly awful, and sinister than Watergate!  Abu Ghraibgate!  Plamegate! Enrongate!  and Munching Babiesgate! (I made that last one up.)

We heard from the Department of Fainting Couches and Pearl Clutchers' chairwoman, "Peggums" Noonan, that Benghazi is "worse than Watergate!"  A statement so bizarre, so utterly outside the realm of sanity that we truly fear for the little lady's mental stability and suggest that the cause of her "colorful" ramblings  may be the result of conversations she's had with the pink elephants and purple unicorns.

Big Dick Cheney (R-War Criminal) sneeringly hissed on FAUX NOOZ that l'affaire Benghazi is the worst he's seen in his career! 

His interview with a FAUX NOOZ interview person went something like this:

"Ahh, but the Benghazis that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the Benghazi DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled my arse out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect the evul Obummer..." 

Unhappy with the non-scandal that Benghazi has become, our foaming-at-the-mouth opposition party has sunk its very long canines into another SCANDOOL!: l'affaire IRS.  As they cackle with delight, rubbing their sharp little claws together while vision of INPEACHES! dance in their heads, we wait for more information to emerge--first from the Bush appointee who ran the agency until November of 2012.  What did he know and when did it know it!  And then we'll sort out all the political skullduggery, (which is part of every scandal-sniffer's job), from the facts.  

So far all we know is that the GOP's biggest embarrassment, and the country's leading idiot Representative, Michele Bachmann) (R-Monkey Donuts) is claiming that Obummer will come after you, drag you from your homes and churches and rip out your tongues unless you give up your guns, your children, your kittehs and a whole shyte-list of other horrors that the squirrels in her very special head are telling her.

Meanwhile, over at the clown-car cable news outlet, FAUX NOOZ, we have their gazillionth outrage over, wait for it... 


Keep those SCANDOOLS coming, FAUX and FIENDS, the country lives to hear you call out the Kenyan Socialist on his Commie plans to turn America into his private empire so that he can take YOUR MONEY and send his wife and daughters to Mexico, steal all their chihuahas, plant them in Mrs. Obama's White House vegetable garden, and take away our guns!

Little Tweeting Sarah:

Sarah Palin ✔ @SarahPalinUSA Scandalous Hat Trick Mr. President, when it rains it pours, but most Americans hold their own umbrellas. Today in... 8:26 PM - 16 May 2013

Dear Sarah,  FAIL!  


  1. I rather enjoy the comedic relief actually. Kind of breaks up the stresses of a normal day. I mean watching the two "opposing sides" circling their wagons for the "big kill." How much more fun can it get?

    Meanwhile the same ole BS issues Don't get anywhere near resolved, But given politics is not about honesty and integrity but rather about party, power, and control we should not be surprised.

    Stocking up on popcorn and preparing to enjoy the show.

  2. HA! I am a 'real man'..... I don't own an umbrella! So there... Sarh Palin! Besides....I like singing in the rain. Used to dance in the rain,too, but I fell once and got my Benghazi all bent out of shape.

  3. RN, didn't you read the latest about how the GOP think tank, The Heritage Foundation urged the GOP leaders to keep finding issues and make them into scandals so that the GOP's internal fighting doesn't get the headlines?

    The GOP LIED about the White House emails in order to make the tragedy into a cover-up.

    Doesn't that show everyone what the GOP is really up to? Lies, deception, and encouraging pols to find a scandal under every bed to distract, distract, and get nothing done so that Mr. Obama's presidency can fail.

    They lost the presidential election TWICE, but still believe it is they who the American people chose to lead this country.

    They've been lying through their teeth about the president coming to get their guns, they've lied about a cover-up in the Benghazi scandal, and we'll soon see what hay they'll make out of the IRS debacle and the the DoJ story.

    1. Stayed tuned, the narrative is being refined as I type this response.

      rEpublicans and dEmocrats are both liars and bunglers. That is what politicians, especially career politicians do best.

  4. Jaysus, okjimm! We don't care that you don't have an umbrella, but we do care when you get you Benghazi bent outta shape.

    Stay out of trouble, and I promise not to cast aspersions on your asparagas!

  5. The umbrella thing is just an old tradition . The old
    brass won't touch it (nor will they
    do anything about sexual harassment). Common sense for
    Marines assigned to White House duty- if the C-in-C wants an umbrella held to protect from rain
    it is "Aye, sir". If the loony
    wing of the GOP keeps coming up with no-substance issues, only
    their loony no-substance followers
    will take them seriously.

  6. Back when I had some pull in my neck of the woods, one of my campaign tactics was to take anything our opponent said and twist it into a despicable thing to be reviled by any sane voter.

    Got some elections won for my guys but got ignored away. Good to see the republicans, of which I am one now since my new boss came on board, are using my old strategy.

    This also means I can get along with Dmarks and Silverfiddle. I will still offend Les though.

    1. AT 101 - "I will still offend Les though."

      It's a game isn't it Truth. LMAO nonetheless.

  7. "rEpublicans and dEmocrats are both liars and bunglers. That is what politicians, especially career politicians do best."

    How on earth could you support any Libertarian for any public office, since they would, by definition, be politicians as soon as they are elected. Gary Johnson was a governor--a very big politician in a state.

    Also, IIRC, Ron Paul was a US Representative for a very long time. IOW, a career politician.

    Be careful with your "they're all liars and bunglers" cynicism, because that leaves you out in the cold.

    1. Shaw, I think you should declare in 2015 you are running for the "Big Chair." I will even work on your campaign. Maybe Truth would as well. A good slogan would be HONESTY ABOVE POLITICS!

      Whadda you think. ;:)

    2. We've all been out in the cold from time to time Shaw. Haven't we?

  8. FYI...Regulation MCO P1020.34F of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations chapter 3, rules out any use or carrying of an umbrella while a Marine is in uniform.

    Not sure if it applies in the case of the umbrella use in the Rose Garden, but the above is the regulation.

  9. I'm not sure, but I think that those soldiers of the past holding umbrellas were US Army, governed by a different set of regulations.

  10. "FYI...Regulation MCO P1020.34F of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations chapter 3, rules out any use or carrying of an umbrella while a Marine is in uniform."

    Does the regulation say anything about using an umbrella to keep the POTUS dry while reading a speech? It appears that the "umbrella rule" applies to marines using umbrellas, not their CiC.

    Still and all, what does this say about how ridiculous the media have become when they made a brouhaha over a marine holding an umbrella over the president's head?

    Seriously, we've become nothing more than a nation of GOTCHAS!

    And it was the rightwing media who promoted this silliness.

  11. RN, maybe you missed my point.

    You are the one who claims lying and bungling is what all politicians, especially career politician, do.

    I merely pointed out that as a supporter of Libertarian candidates, you also support liars and bunglers, since people like Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are both politicians (Johnson) and career politicians (Ron Paul).

    So the Libertarian Party is no better than the D.s and the R.s, by your own words.

    That leaves YOU out in the cold, not I, since I try to do what I can with my vote to change that political culture.

    1. Lighten up Shaw, you see no humor at all in this? Of course I got your point. I've spent 43 years never missing my right to cast my vote. I have, over the years voted dEmocratic, rEpublican, libertarian, and once I think for a socialist because the other two clowns were so bad. Working just like you trying to change things.

      And here we are... Might as well enjoy it as we make.the best of it my friend.

  12. Hope my last comment wasn' eaten by blogger, Google has grown too big, but it's free.

  13. It's a game for me Les. And of course I'd work for Shaw if she ran for something.

    Great irony regarding elections. A republican running for treasurer saw me at the golf course and we discussed some things he was doing. I gave him the best campaign idea I'd had since 2006. He of course ignored as the dems around here have been doing since then and got hell kicked out of him. I felt vindicated despite being ignored. In a way, it felt like home in the local democratic party.

    1. I can't help but smile. When I was Vice Chairman of my town's rEpublican Commitee I gave a bit of advice on how a paticilar candidate might improve his chances of winning an election by mirroring a successful dEMocratic candidate campaign strategy in a prior election. I was blasted, my advice was ignored, he lost, and I became the black sheep on the commitee.
