Sunday, June 23, 2013


To their heartbreaking dismay, disappointment, and horror, conservatives learned that President Barack Hussein Obama had nothing to do with the IRS actions involving 501c(3) organizations.  

The conservative blogs that I read when the story broke warned that even though there wasn't any evidence linking the White House to the IRS "scandal" at the moment, all we had to do is wait, because everyone knows that Mr. Obama is a corrupt, Commie, Soshalist, Kenyan Usurper not worthy of the office of the Presidency of the United States, and because MOOCHELLE!

The conservative noise machine literally fell over themselves trying to pin a scandal on Mr. Obama, and they were sure they had a juicy one in this.

Well, they were wrong.  Again.  Just like they were wrong about trying to make a "scandal" out of the Benghazi tragedy.  It must be frustrating to be wrong so often.  But never fear, the conservative noise machine, led by FAUX NOOZ will be ready to serve up another failed attempt to destroy Mr. Obama's presidency.

The Congressional conservatives may not be able to walk and chew gum at the same time when it comes to passing any jobs bill, but they sure are adept at churning up their base with promises of scandals and impeachment.

McConnell Admits to Disappointed Conservatives That Obama Did NOT Order IRS Tea Party Probes 

Addressing the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute this Friday, Mitch McConnell delivered a substantively different speech than he did a year ago, when he railed against the supposed anti-free speech administration of Barack Obama. 

To a room of undoubtedly disappointed conservatives, McConnell acknowledged that the recent much-ballyhooed actions of the IRS did not have any connections to the White House. “There might be some folks out there waiting for a hand-signed memo from President Obama to Lois Learner to turn up,” McConnell said. “Don’t hold your breath


  1. I for one am neither heartbroken, dismayed, or disappointed.

    It would be good though if the systemic issue were resolved.

  2. That is sad. Now how about the Dems push for an investigation of how the IRS scandal is Republican in nature... in that none of the Conservative groups should have been approved for 501c4 status? That such an investigation probably won't take place is even sadder.

  3. things are looking pretty good for the hawks and we're getting a coach born in boston!

    torts has been my favorite coach for years.

  4. A charm invests a face
    Imperfectly beheld.
    The president lurks in the fog
    For fear it be dispelled.

    But peers beyond the mist,
    And wishes, and denies,
    Lest interview annul a want
    That image satisfies.

    ~ with deepest apologies to Miss Dickinson

  5. Shaw, you would think that with this being the worst gov't scandal since Watergate, eclipsing even Iran-Contra where we did negotiate with terrorists, that something would have come of it.

    It makes the GOP look silly as they careen from one supposed scandal to another.

    Now I read today on one of favorite conservative blogs that they are theorizing that the Chinese did not extradite Snowden as a slap in the face to AG Eric Holder.

    What next in the scandal line?

  6. Not only is there no White House connection, documents now show that they also screened liberal groups. Looks like "fair and balanced" screening to me. Of course, the "fair and balanced" news network will probably not report that little fact.

  7. A Dorothy Parker once wrote about some obscure town:

    "There is no there there." And that explains this non-scandal that the conservatives hoped would destroy Mr. Obama's presidency.

  8. Dave,

    Bought and paid for press.
    Did Obama say to deny conservative 501c4, no. Since the IRS is under his control he has some responsibility, at least other presidents would.

    As a famous democrat said, it is a right wing conspiracy.

  9. Jerry, check out what the acting director was saying as late as yesterday.

  10. A White petition has been created to address the issue of the IRS allowing politicking organizations to be granted 501c4 status when the law says the designation should only be given to groups engaged EXCLUSIVELY in "social welfare". I strongly urge everyone who reads this to sign the petition AND repost the links on your blogs. At this moment 88,681 signatures are needed by 7/6/2013.

    I authored a post on my blog that explains the situation. Read it if you are unsure as to WHY you should sign the petition.

  11. Certainly inquiring minds will want to check out your incisive and "bipartisan" perspective DS.

  12. Some answers are still needed, tho:

  13. The Snow Job affair, I believe, is putting this manufactured scandal business into perspective. When a self-styled leaker with dubious motives and credentials plays into the gamesmanship of Vladimir Putin, the public is offended when legitimate security concerns are compromised. This makes the Republicans appear small and petty, and their Congressional Oversight investigation loses credibility.

  14. In the 60's liberals were all about living free and reducing government, government control and interference into peoples personal lives. Conservatives were about war and government interference and control.

    Now we change the name to progressives and they are all for government control and intrusion into everyone's personal lives. Conservatives are now about less government interference

    Is it the name change or cultural change that has caused the identity shift?

  15. Engaging in bipartisan discussion is something "Rational" believes in strongly. This I know because he banned from his blog because my beliefs are too far Left for him. That, and I wouldn't go along with his demand that I give a regular on his blog called dmarks the last word.

  16. DS, spin it as you will. I love great deadpan comedy.


    1. I have signed Sanders petition 7 times since I first found out about it. Our elected representatives have a hard enough time doing their job without uppity and ingrateful constituents criticize their every move.

      By having the IRS levy a special tax for those who say things about politics and government, this bad behavior will end and our democracy will function a lot better. I only wish the tax would apply to Faux Nooz instead of just nonprofits.

  17. Oh yeah Anon, tax people who speak out in opposition to politicians and government actions and activities.

    Now we know your real facist beliefs. Thanks for your candor.

  18. Thank you, "Rational", for giving me permission to continue telling the truth about you. You can rest assured I will do so.

    Anonymous2, how could you have signed the petition 7 times? I registered and signed the one time that is allowed. Are you making some kind of "voter fraud" joke?

    Anonymous1, I was not alive during the 60s, but am not in agreement with some of the commenters here who are going after Snowden and defending the NSA data-mining.
