Saturday, July 6, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Deck gardening:  lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, flowers:


  1. Lovely flowers. There's still nothing else that can quite match the colors of flowers.

  2. Seriously, RN? You grow butterflies? Or rather buy the caterpillars and watch them metamorphose into butterflies? Pictures? And exotic fish. A different sort of living garden. Very nice.

  3. I have a special love for container gardens.
    ____ Something about clustering pots
    Of varying sizes to best advantage --
    ____ and portability -- adds great appeal.

    I also love raffishly untidy herbaceous borders.
    ____ Formal parterres fascinate,
    ________ but frankly make me nervous,

    Yet long-established espaliered fruit trees
    ____ on ancient stone, brick or stuccoed walls
    ________ make a notable exception.

    Courtyard gardens
    ____ in old European monasteries
    ________ and collegiate quadrangles
    ____________ at Oxford and Cambridge
    Have about them an unmistakable aura
    ____ of eternal renewal, and of
    ________ Eternity, itself.

    Growing things beautifully
    ____ indicates -- to me --
    ________ a love and a reverence
    ____________ for Life.

    ~ FT

  4. Looks better than mine. Great post. A sure sign of a well-rounded individual to have commented in this one.
