Saturday, August 10, 2013


This is just a small sample of what passes as "political discussion" on conservative blogs:

Radical Redneck August 10, 2013 at 8:24:00 AM EDT 
News Flash! Michelle Obama snubbed from Vanity Fair's best dressed list. Moochie Obama dresses like a pig. She probably has body odor too. I wouldn't let her in my house, so why should Vanity Fair?


Reply Anonymous August 10, 2013 at 8:36:00 AM EDT It's not Moochies looks I care about, it's her attitude that turns my stomach. But what did you expect when Omar the tent maker is her designer!

Yeah.  Some tent!  But we know the people who write that trash are disassociated from reality and are too soaked in bigotry to even know they're bigots.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Obama is intelligent and beautiful.  And they're not. 


Reply Ron Russell August 10, 2013 at 8:58:00 AM EDT People like Zippy and the Moocher are never happy, no matter how much power, money and celebrity vacations, golf rounds , White House parties...etc they have. They always want more. It's pathetic!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...  August 9, 2013 at 1:37 PM   "What I stated was not 'whining,' rather it was fact. And I posted no link because anyone of average intelligence and who reads or listens to news at least once a month knows what I stated was true. 

 Do I need statistics to say this country is deeper into sexual morality than every before? Same-sex fake marriage is now the top perversion movement. Abortion is rampant, hookups rather than marriage is the norm, pornography is available like no time in history, sex indoctrination is taught in kindergarten - 'just use a condom' -- etc. 

And you need stats to show this?!?!? Violent crime is lower because more people are carrying firearms. DUH. The connection has been proven empirically too often. The deficits are shrinking?!?!? 

What sort of bizarre math comes up with this. No time in history has this country been the trillions of dollars in debt as it is now. Your 'evidence' is nothing but gov't propaganda. How about coming into the real world."

Kid said... TS/WS, That IS fascism 101. using the IRS to negatively impact political opponents is: 1) a million more times serious than the idiotic 'watergate' non-event. 2) just s jump to the right of full blown NAZI storm trooper tactics. But the libtards love it don't they? August 8, 2013 at 7:56 PM

Average American said... "America has forgotten how to fight a damned war! 

All this politically correct bullshit, nation building, rules of engagement, putting in an 'elected government' as soon as possible--all these things are STUPID!! 

The right answer is to go in, KICK ASS, WE run the place until the heathens are really ready to do it themselves, and then WE install their first government. 

When we KNOW that we have the right leaders in place, THEN let them dip their frigging little pinkies in blue ink, NOT UNTIL! And don't be afraid of these third world pukes. Last and MOST important, let the military do what we pay them for. 

Keep the frigging politicians OUT of it! AND KEEP THE NEWS MEDIA W A Y AWAY!!!!!!!"  August 7, 2013 at 9:12 PM

Just Saying It Like It Is.July 23, 2013 at 2:11 PM "The President of the United States is doing more harm than good, I don’t care what that Progressive screw-ball says on her blog.. . 

What bothers me the most is the ignorance of those who follow her like lost sheep in the night not seeing the implications of Obama’s statements. Nobody wants to discuss facts nor reality just false propaganda. 

What these leftist progressive idiots either fail to see or ignore the facts behind Obama's insidious statement, is the fact hath this will being out more and more racial tension and even lead to serious implications 

These scummy Progressives make me sick with their hypocrisy and lies, especially that Progressive, hatful, lying blogging whore Even that douchbag illiterate Rachel Jeantel is not that naive or ignorant! 

First time on your site thanks for your brutal honesty.. Can't understand what those leftie bottom feeders dislike you so much.....LOL..."

Now go wash your eyes with bleach and be thankful you're not one of them.


  1. LOL! GOP bloggers have been throwing tantrums since November 9, 2008!!!1


  2. Michelle Obama is HOT!

    Its nice to have a REAL Woman in the White House as First Lady! Rather than the typical frumpy hausfrau's of the right!

    1. Neither Nancy Reagan or Laura Bush were frumpy hausfrau's. Hillary Clinton and Barbara Bush were.

      Yeah tao Michelle Obama ain't too shabby. Neither was Jackie Kennedy.

  3. Among the many non-delights
    Found in the blogosphere
    The intellectual termites
    Are certainly most queer.

    The time they spend is worthless
    In seeding comments sections
    With waspish, witless, mirthless
    Phrases filled with misconceptions!

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. Mirror, mirror on the wall,
    Who is the vilest of us all?
    The mirror sighed, and then replied,
    "Because I cannot impart lies,
    The face you see now qualifies."

    ~ FreeThinke

  5. Contrarian antagonists
    ____ care rarely for what’s true.
    They’re far more eager to denounce,
    –––– so here is what they do.
    Their purpose is to denigrate,
    -––––– belittle and defame.
    Their wish is to humiliate
    –––– in hopes of fixing blame.
    The truth too easily is lost
    –––– in battles of this kind.
    Hectoring and badgering
    ––––– abuse the human mind.
    Instead of curiosity
    ––––– we often find expression
    Of little but indulgence
    ––––– of a passion for aggression.
    When avidness appears
    ––––– to open Vitriol’s loose spigot,
    The one who twists and turns the tap
    –––– is apt to be a bigot.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. Radical Redneck left the same comment on my blog. Tao is correct, Michelle is hot... so what's up with RR's lie? Her skin being black doesn't make her fat, or badly dressed, or have body odor. Facts that you can see with your own eyes don't even matter to these people.

    1. Is her skin black? What is black in the color spectrum. It is by definition the abscence of all color.

      Perhaps mocha, chocolate, brown, or some other descriptive word?

      At any rate RR is oblviouly blind, or... I'll leave that up to RR to determine for himself.

  7. Michelle's looking slinky in that pic. Any idea on the designer?

    Shaw, you missed the one that suggests we should raze the White House.

  8. I found it, Ducky:

    JonBergAugust 10, 2013 at 3:08:00 PM EDT
    I've read comments to the effect that the White House should be razed, if and when [they] ever vacate. I wouldn't have a problem with that!

    Those bigoted day-dreams by these low-intelligence, low-information voters feed into their envy.

    After all, none of them, but especially the brain-deficient JonBerg, will ever be as smart, successful, glamorous, wealthy, powerful, important, admired, and well-loved, as the Obamas are.

    The bitchiness from these envy-sickened asshats is actually hilarious.

    Losers always make deliriously malignant projections about successful people because people like JonBerg have done so little with their flabby, insignificant lives.

    Most important, though, is the fact that the Obamas don't even know people like JonBerg exist. Meanwhile, he eats his malevolent little heart out being envious of the fabulous Obamas!

  9. Seems we had more respect for women 200 years ago, than today. A first lady has to hot and sexy. I'll take Mrs. Roosevelt, Mrs. Madison, or even Mrs. Jackson any day. Give me a woman of power and brains not a trophy wife.

  10. "Give me a woman of power and brains..."

    that would be the present first lady, michelle obama...

  11. shaw...the cons are reacting to your take-down of their bigotry...from dmarks, who fancies himself a fine upstanding...citizen:

    dmarksAugust 11, 2013 at 9:19:00 AM EDT
    And to add more... .while someone bashing Obama for being black is clearly over the line, it is a healthy "good citizen" thing for an American to criticize the President. The idea that this is a bad idea to do so belongs in ancient Egypt or North Korea.

    I can't find any evidence of anything really productive in Obama resume. Real work. Can't find much in the "community organizer" area: an instance where people divide the community by amplifying the illegitimate "concerns" of lazy and greedy people. And as a Senator? He was too lazy to do his job.

    Not much in Obama's resume?

    His is a fine...example of their galloping...idiocy.

    and dmarks name leads all the rest.

    1. No idiocy there, Lol Anon. Obama's thin resume pre-President, and voting "present" instead of doing his job is a matter of public record.

  12. Anon 9:10

    Brains, no power

  13. Brains but no power?


    Let her talk about broccoli and see the cons bellow like stuck pigs about it. She has power over them. Power to make their heads explode!


  14. Their jealousy and hatred for the First Family is eating away at them like a cancer.

  15. And they'll so unwilling to believe their own eyes, Malcolm, that they claim that photo of the FLOTUS is photo shopped! They don't want reality to intrude on their bigotry.

  16. ...that JonBerg creep like the idea of razing the WH after the first black family leaves?...does AOW and her fiends give racist-of-the-week awards to the people...who comment there?...J.B...a loser in any decent person's book...f.em!
