Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Night Poetry


Enter a young girl, neck 
arched against black loam. 

History moves in quick strokes, 
in light-bending pools. 

Deneb in the Cross falls down
upon the beating wings.  Rapid 

breath leaps at animal stroke and shudder.
A village sleeps, only orphan dogs 

hear the scaled note, high then descending.
Tear of  cotton, thin scent of fennel 

in the bruised swale.



  1. Hmm, I'll have to think about this one. It's intriguingly open to interpretation.

  2. Hint: Leda and the swan.

    I was reading a lot of W.B. Yeats when I wrote this one.

    Apologies to him.

    Deneb is a star in constellation Cygnus.

    Cygnus = swan

    But it can mean whatever you want it to mean.

  3. Oh, I forgot, the Cygnus constellation in which Deneb is found, is in the Northern Cross

  4. ____________ Nameless ____________

    I waited and kept trying, but I never
    Achieved the thing I’d hoped I might achieve.
    My standards kept me frustrated –– forever
    Stymied –– so I can’t myself deceive ––

    Or foolishly encourage vain ambition ––
    Deny innate inferiority ––
    Elude the ghastly clutches of Perdition ––
    Professing Greatness is in store for me.

    Realizing one has limitations
    Exfoliates, denudes, and bares the soul.
    Stopping all pretentious imitations
    Strips us of the hope our life’s been whole.

    Elation, when derived from mere illusion,
    Denies fulfillment –– amplifies contusion.

    ~ FreeThinke

  5. Oh, I forgot, the Cygnus constellation in which Deneb is found, is in the Northern Cross

    Right next to Lyra and my star. Thanks for the hints -- I think I get it now.

  6. You might have called your poem Reaching for the Stars. ;-)
