Thursday, August 15, 2013


Guess who's gnawing their knuckles over the Obama vacay?

Give up?

Okay.  I'll tell you.


The GOPers!


You're surprised?

In between wetting their pants over the fact that President Obama won the White House a second time and the fact that Mrs. Obama, known to them as "Mooochie," or some other idiocy their little rodentian minds can think up, the GOOPers spend their very limited intellectual moments bellowing about the OBAMA VACATIONS!  Because only this First Family has ever taken vacations and because they're Kenyan usurpers who shouldn't be spending god-fearing Christian, liberty loving, tax-payers' money on such Marxist frivolities as VACATIONS! and because MOOOOOOOOCHIE! 

Poor demented, Obama-deranged banshees, ululating into the wind about the president and his family taking vacations while the rest of us actually live our lives and, oh, yeah, take our summer vacations with our families.

They're to be pitied more than mocked.  But, y'know, mocking is good too.  And something they so richly deserve.

"Every time President Obama and his family take a vacation, the hypocrites on the right whine and complain about it. They typically gripe about how much it costs taxpayers, or how terrible it looks in light of all the people struggling economically in this country. 

 Here are some of the complaints this time, as President Obama and his family enjoy an 8-day vacation at Martha’s Vinyard. Utah Republican Rep. Chris Stewart: 

'Most of the people in my district could never afford to visit Martha’s Vineyard, and those who could would feel uncomfortable vacationing in a place that has a reputation for being for the elite.' 

Maryland Republican Party chairman Diana Waterman: 

'When there are so many people out there looking for jobs and Americans are struggling to make ends meet, this sends the wrong message to people who are struggling to survive.' 

 Here’s a couple of reality checks for those critics: 

At the same point in his presidency, George W. Bush had taken 399 days of vacation, much of it spent at his Crawford, Texas ranch.  DURING A TIME WHEN AMERICAN MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN WERE DYING IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN!  "Now watch this drive."

Our do-nothing Congress, which has the lowest approval rating of any Congress and is liked less than herpes, is on a FIVE WEEK VACATION.

President Obama, meanwhile, has taken just 87 days of vacation during his presidency."

Here's something the Stupids on the right fail to understand:

Remember how the rightwing blogsphere lit up with red-hot anger over the number of days "Dubya" took while he was president?

No. Neither do I.

But it doesn't matter, because BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!

And that's the way it is.


  1. "What happened last year? Why were so many of us wrong?" Gingrich asked the group.

    Why were so many of them WRONG?

    They're the Stupid Party! That's why!

    Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Alan West, Louis Gohmert, Rick Perry, Todd Aiken and the biggest JERK of them all, LeRoy Newton Gingrich!


  2. How are there 400 days in any summer, must be the new math. Take all vacation costs into account not just his travel. Protecting a president on a ranch halfway between no place and no where is a lot cheaper than protecting him as he dines with the rich and infamous at a exclusive sea side resort.

    Didn't the king of drones just take the family to his homeland for a quick 100 million dollar visit.

    He does deserve a vacation just like anyone else. His choice is right in line with his contributors summer homes.

    If you have never been to Crawford, you would not be impressed.

  3. "If you have never been to Crawford, you would not be impressed."


    How could I possibly be NOT impressed with a place I've never visited?

    Plus, skud, we can always count on you to represent the GOP's view on the subject.

    Your comment is so depressingly predictable.

  4. "snort, snort" this will make their heads...explode...too...snort...snort...

    Religious People Branded As Less Intelligent Than Atheists In Provocative New Study

  5. keep goin''re pissing the idiots off but good!

    "Anonymous said...
    If you want to see hate in it's purest, ugliest, most powerful form, don't look at Republicans. They're too busy trying to be "nice" to Democrats in the hope of making themselves look "palatable" to the public. A losing strategy if ever there was one.

    Hate has shown its hideous face right here in the person of that duck character.

    Now if you want to see hate erupting, scattering hot ash all over the territory, vomiting lava, scalding the hillsides 24/7, visit Progressive Eruptions the blog of Shaw Kenawe, the Wicked Witch of the Blogosphere.

    Republicans may be stupid, but they are not hateful. Spewing hate is the province of the Democrats who are now the American Communist Party, whether they want to admit it or not.

    -------------> Katharine Heartburn"

  6. I for one, and it is likely JUST me, am VERY impressed with the idiotic issues politicians and their respective parties can come up with toss out as BRIGHT RED meat to their legions of SHEEPLES.

    The biggest CLOWN(s) however are the American electorate who salivates continually over this type of BS.

    There are serious issues facing this nation, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY serious issues that should be of paramount importance and the politician/lawmakers should be focused on. But no, we must discuss vacations.

    Now, having said the above and included both parties I must, and will say, the REPUBLICAN party (including it's Libertarian contingent) is again WASTING political capital on ISSUES that make little to ZERO difference in the bigger scheme of things. At the same time they are once again looking like imbeciles to those who ACTUALLY are focused on important issues.

    No I seem to recall both Bush and Reagan had their vacation frequency questioned during their tenure in office. I'm certain there were others. SO WHAT?

    As I said I'm impressed by what politicians/lawmakers can toss out as red meat to their following. But for Christ's sake Republicans would you at least find some red meat of importance to toss out to them.

    This stuff is getting boring.

    Commentary brought to you by a fiscal conservative/social libertarian/classical liberal in the hopes the Conservative sand Libertarian reading this blog (especially the ones who take pleasure in trashing Shaw all over the blogosphere) will sit back and think about what is important.

  7. did your head explode over this as much as Trayvon Martin?

    As horrific as this is, it needs to circulate!!!

    These animals car-jacked then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

    Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. They cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

    Knoxville (WVLT) - The District Attorney General of Knox County announced the list of charges facing now five suspects in the double murderof Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

    The District Attorney General Randy Nichols is not saying whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the State will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury. Lemaricus Davidson, 25 , faces a total of 46 charges.. Letalvis Cobbins, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. George Thomas, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. Vanessa Coleman, 18 , faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Eric Boyd, 24 , also arrested in connection with the fatal car jacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact.

    SO!!!!! Where's Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson? Are they providing counsel and help to the families of the victims?

    Of course not - the victims were white

    Why hasn't this received National coverage by the news media like the Trayvon Martin case in Florida

    Oh, that's right - the victims were white

    Why hasn't the NAACP, ACLU, New York Times etc., called for an investigation?

    Must be cause the victims were white

    Why hasn't the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?

    Oh, that's right - the victims were white'

    So, if a white radio shock jock uses the phrase 'Nappy headed' Ho, it gets 2 weeks of constant news coverage.

    If two white people are tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black people, it barely gets a blip in the news.

    Pass this around, and maybe, just maybe, it will land in the hands of someone in the media or politics, who has the guts to stand up for the white people!! Or don't because you don't have the guts either!!


  8. But...but...Les! I'm "hateful" for mocking their silly obsession with President Obama's vacations! And now I've been named "The Wicked Witch of the Blogsphere!" LOL! Love it.

    How do you like my new avatar?

    LOL Anonymous above gets it. I drive the poor dears nuts. They apparently check me out every day. If I didn't matter, they would NOT come running here every day!

  9. Maybe the at that o many more people are struggling now and Obam goes around bashing rich people yet he is living like royalty
    It's called hypocrisy. Living it up while he is clueless on economics and world issues.
    The most unqualified president ever

    1. No he doesn't bash rich people. But it's amazing how many of you regular working slobs have been totally brainwashed by wingnut news into a pathetic adoration of the wealthy and truly believe that it's okay for the wealthy to pay fat less a percentage of their incomes in taxes than we peasants do because suggesting that tbey are paying too little means you must be an envious, lazy socialist.

  10. 'Most of the people in my district could never afford to visit Martha’s Vineyard, and those who could would feel uncomfortable vacationing in a place that has a reputation for being for the elite.'

    This guy has the Vineyard confused with Nantucket.

    Someone tell Newt that we are still waiting for constructive Republican health insurance proposals. We know their position on vacations so let's move on.

    But no, here's one reaction to Newton's speech:

    "The move comes as several conservatives are pressuring the party to have Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin ask the debate questions. “It makes a lot of sense. We’d get a huge viewership, they’d make a lot of news and maybe have some fun too,” said one of the advocates of the radio trio hosting debates."

    The party of stupid is going to put on a hell of a show come the primaries. I'm just wondering who's going to play Rick Perry.

  11. Well, RN, I wanted only you to know the real me.


  12. "...have Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin ask the debate questions. 'It makes a lot of sense. We’d get a huge viewership, they’d make a lot of news and maybe have some fun too..."

    The Three Stooges will ask the Clown Car of Candidates debate questions?

    What a GREAT idea! Will Rush get all the Oxy he can shove down his massive gullet in return for his services?

    And will someone be there to prevent Hannity from sticking a fork in his eye?

    And then there's Levin. Will they provide a nicely laundered brown shirt for him? Or will he have to iron his own?

    The GOP never, never, never lets me down when it comes to comedy!

  13. "Anonymous said...
    Maybe the at that o many more people are struggling now and Obam goes around bashing rich people yet he is living like royalty
    It's called hypocrisy. Living it up while he is clueless on economics and world issues.
    The most unqualified president ever"

    Oh Anonymous! You're sooooooooooo 2008!

    Come back when you have something updated and clever to say.

    Oh, and bring some extra consonants and vowels. You apparently dropped a few of them on your way over here.

  14. Dear misguided, confused, and super angry Aonymous @4:46PM, who wrote this:

    "The District Attorney General Randy Nichols is not saying whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the State will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury. Lemaricus Davidson, 25 , faces a total of 46 charges.. Letalvis Cobbins, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. George Thomas, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. Vanessa Coleman, 18 , faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Eric Boyd, 24 , also arrested in connection with the fatal car jacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact."

    If you don't know why this crime is nothing like the killing of Trayvon Martin, I cannot help you.

    And, apparently, you cannot help yourself.

    Reporting every heinous crime and then yapping about the Trayvon Martin killing shows us that you haven't a clue over why they're not the same.

    Go back and read what you wrote and then try very, very, very hard--even if it hurts--to figure it out.


  15. shaw...found on a CONSERVATIVE blog...but they think YOU are hateful?

    Free Thinke:
    "There could be no question whatsoever of using "poor taste" in a situation like this.

    Obama himself, is a sterling example proving the undeniably BAD TASTE and ROTTEN JUDGMENT shown by a preponderance of the electorate.
    Obama's very EXISTENCE came about as the result of POOR TASTE and ROTTEN JUDGMENT on the part of that anti-American, lunatic Communist bîtch Stanley Ann Dunham and her father who abused her confidence and perverted her worldview from her years in the cradle and as a toddler. La Dunham's father practically ordered her to avoid her own kind, as a matter of "principle," sleep exclusively with black savages, and get pregnant with a black man's baby asap. He regarded this as a "duty" to the cause of ending Capitalism and spreading worldwide Communism -- i.e. the DEATH of American sovereignty.

    PHUCK these God-damned Marxian bastards an their arrogant, high-handed censorious tactics! They need to be rounded up and dealt with harshly. McCarthy, of course, was CORRECT.

    "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is laid in turd with their bones."
    It's time we got angry enough to scrape off the dung, laid feet thick by leftists, and got back in touch with REALITY.

    DEATH -- not to the leftists -- but to their PERVERTED, DEMENTED, wholly destructive IDEOLOGY."

    but you're hateful...?did someone unbuckle their straight jackets and let them loose...?

  16. The horse is beautiful.

  17. NAC, I will. And I will because of this:

    AnonymousAugust 15, 2013 at 6:51:00 PM EDT
    Why do people hate Liberals? I don't hate liberals. BTW they are progressives. They just stole the liberal moniker when people realized how nuts progressives were ND HOW HATED THEY ARE.
    The one thing about these boards that most baffles me is the incredible stupid and liberals really are..

    Funny as hell. They really are desperately incapable of insulting someone in their own language. What baffles me is how they can sit up, never mind find a key board to type their scrambled thoughts!

    :Most sensible people realize that all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...and you name it. Of you need an example of it, just take a trip down to the blog called Progressive Eruptions and read some of the trash written there by the authur a Dummy called Shaw Kenawe and see the hypocrisy and mindcontrolling manipulative pile of leftist garbage for what it is and the fact of the architects being the only beneficiary of such socialist politics."

    Authur! Authur!

    "...the fact of the architects..."



    I couldn't come up with inanity as funny as that!

    Thank you, whomever you are, for providing us with the best hilarity of the day!

    And may all your "beneficiaries of such socialist policies" be white!

  18. Hummm
    A misspelled insult.
    I wonder who that could be?

  19. @Shaw --
    And may all your "beneficiaries of such socialist policies" be white!


    Sustained laughter but I fear that take down is far too subtle for your secret admirer.

  20. When someone on a 35 day vacation complains about another person on an 8 day vacation, I say the 35 day-er should keep their mouth shut...or come back from their vacation 29 days early.

  21. skud, my old buddy,
    I hope I am around to hear you complain about a republican president's vacation costs. Of course, that is assuming that a republican will ever be elected president again, a rather doubtful assumption.

  22. Sorry, T.D., I am NOT Katharine Heartburn.

    I believe K.H. is a HE!

    1. @ "Wicked" ... You and that broom of yours REALLY have people crowing!

      Gotta give it to ya Witchy, your good, er "Wicked"

    2. Oh crap, ANOTHER misspelling!

      you're not your in last sentence.

  23. He used to be Dmarks with a site address "throwaway blog.." Fitting. Now he goes by "D. Luthor and his new address is "inaholdingpattern." His new blog is "the lost city." Fitting.
    Now you are "the wicked witch of the blogsphere" Is ther something in the air? Did I miss something? Are people hiding from reality? I think it's hilarious.

  24. JC,

    I hope you are around also. I just don't know if I will be.

    Everyone deserves a vacation. It just seems a little hypercritical for a president to create a sequester, take programs away from the military, stop tours of the peoples house and then take a 100 million dollar family vacation to Africa and a several million dollar vacation to the home of the rich.

  25. skudrunner,

    I'll give you props for speaking the truth this time:

    "It just seems a little hypercritical..."

    We're in agreement here. It IS hypercritical for you and others to criticize the president for doing what all previous presidents have done, even a conservative president during TWO WARS and an economic disaster.

    So thank you for your honesty.

  26. Accepting mockery and insolence with good humor is a sign of strong character and high intelligence.

    Did you know that, O Wicked One? ;-)

    Yes, of course you did.

    When it comes to insults, however, I prefer the the subtler kind.

    For instance:

    After having witnessed an embarrassingly inept performance of masterworks by a faculty colleague at one of our leading conservatories, the doyenne of the piano department, an internationally acclaimed artiste of great renown, went through the reception line in a show of gracious affability.

    When her turn came to greet the unworthy colleague, wreathed in smiles she exclaimed, "My dear, Mr. _________! It is always SUCH a great pleasure to hear an artist of the highest caliber perform these great masterworks!"

    She was rather a wicked old witch, herself, but with her undeniable brilliance and great reputation she could well afford to be.

    As Bette Davis famously observed, "You must be hated and feared more than you are loved and admired, or you're just another nobody."

  27. No problem Shaw
    BTW, nice looking horse

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29.'re being slimed again at Geeeeez....and "saintly" AOW's blog.

  30. Sorry. Not interested, LOL Anon.

    Slime is as slime does. It seems to flourish on those blogs.

    1. You could be right "Wicked", given the the slime production going on it looks like maybe the Klan is planning a "slime Wicked" fest.

      Maybe we could respond with a Quilting Bee.

  31. Anon, good advice.


    I LOVE the idea of a Quilting Bee! Just don't know if you're "Quilty" enough.


  32. Well "Wicked", suffice to say I can be as Quilty as you desire!

    Sir Baron von Quilty, At Your Sevice

  33. La vie est plein
    La vie est court
    Un peu d'haine
    Un peu d'amour
    Et puis -- la morte.

    ~ La Rochefoucauld

    What a shame love seems to be losing ground in favor of hatred! Unfortunately, that has been the trend for the past hundred years -- at least.

  34. I see no comments from "The Sword of Truth" (not in this comment thread nor the two latest ones). I wonder where he went? Did he not comment here quite a bit?

    As for Repubs complaining about vacation days taken by our current president, they resent the fact that when their guy was president the Left criticized him for the number of days he took... although as you point out in your post, the number of days GWb was on vacation were significantly higher. Must be different when a bla president does it.

    1. Tired of toying with a certain pinhead Mr. Dervish.

  35. He grew tired of a certain pinhead.

  36. Baloney RN (AKA "The Sword of Truth", AKA "Sir Baron Von Quilty"). I called you out... that's why TSOT isn't commenting. Question is, why is Shaw publishing these comments where RN pretends to be various other people? I fail to see how this is funny. It is most unfunny IMO.
