Sunday, October 27, 2013

Michelle Obama

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then these four photos, worth four thousand words, should be enough to counter all the bile, malignity, and just plain meanness that have a strangle hold on the hearts and minds of the unhappy people who revel in their hatred for our First Lady. 

Mrs. Obama brings intelligence, warmth, class, and beauty to the White House.  And we're lucky to have her there.


  1. .

    Thank you. The pictures and your comments are wonderfully appropriate.

    Ema Nymton

  2. Motley Houston's sweater has been fracking a spout! Someone forgot to take care of the varicose cardigan that she “supremely had been purling” when, at last, she vetted everyone, aspirated, then bellowed that "Sheldon" was taking care of Hermione!" (wink, wink!)

    Any day this “winker” and class-action bicycle will swallow buttons after she folds her placula into a rottweiler, so it will be dreaded as a dormouse.

    Didn’t anyone tell her? Didn't anyone see? Sunday's on the phone to Monday. Tuesday's on the phone to me? (Oh yeah.)

    You would stink with all the thirty vermilion skunk trips, etc., the Torys gave her. She'd wink at that moron of grotesque flab, Lush Rimbough.

    But I confess that once the plankton-op was ovarian and the camels weren’t around, the cardigan fulfilled it's porpoise and it could be engorged.

    Putty is not it! Because since I've been inbred, the White Houston cardigan has given lots of fronds to the White Houston squamula!

    Aren’t we lucid to have her hair?

  3. Nothing roils up the nest of rightwing haters like a positive blog post about Michelle Obama.

    I've had to keep the "Pest-B-Gone" spray can handy all morning because they're out of their minds with anger.

    What small, unhappy, spiteful people the haters are. Happy, well-adjusted folks don't engage in that sort of hate speech against a woman they don't know.

    I wonder why the haters on the right are so miserably unhappy all the time.

    So sad.

  4. "The Republican party has a long proud history of hating Democratic wives, with the most famous being Hillary Clinton, of course. But they still did a bang up job on Teresa Heinz Kerry during the 2004 presidential election as well. It’s part of the larger GOP problem with women, particularly women who don’t speak and act like Betty Boop.

    Republicans are not in it to stop people they think are legitimately evil. They do what they do because it’s a tactic that they think works. It doesn’t matter to them whether they’re telling the truth. Bashing Democratic First Ladies is a growth business in the GOP, so a-bashing they will go.

    The GOP’s Michelle Obama Derangement Syndrome is only a part of the party’s larger problem with women, which is only a part of the GOP’s larger problem with pretty much everyone who isn’t white, male and protestant. Whether the victim is female, Latino, or gay, the GOP always manages to find enough red meat to throw to the fringe masses that now run the party. The problem, for the Republicans, is that while the fringe is representative of elected Republicans in Washington, it’s not representative of most Republicans generally, or most Americans."

    Michelle Obama is more popular with the American people than the TeaPublicans.

    That's all that needs to be said and that's probably why that fringe group of haters are so disturbed all the time whenever Michelle Obama is the subject of anything.

    Just keep in mind that our FLOTUS is loved. And the TeaPublicans, except for a minority of Americans, are NOT.

  5. Michelle Obama has been subject to the worst vilification of any first lady, bar none. What is to be expected from folks who believe
    that the snowplow clearing their street is a Marxist plot?

  6. Shaw: “Nothing roils up the nest of rightwing haters like a positive blog post about Michelle Obama.

    And nothing roils decent folks more than hate speech, subliminally racist messages, the constant harangue of demagoguery, and the business of wedge politics as usual. Read the polls. An overwhelming majority of Americans now resent the Tea Party, resent blackmail, resent the shutdown of our government, and resent the GOP.

    The time is long overdue to reverse this vector of resentment and return fire. Angry villagers brandishing pitchforks? Hell yes, let the backlash begin.

    The tribute to Michelle Obama is well deserved.

  7. It's bizarre that they get so enraged about her, but I read right-wing sites and the vileness is beyond belief. Oh, well, it's one more way for them to turn off voters.

  8. Shaw... saw this post and figured you would have a bunch of junk thrown in here.
    Fact is...I think you may (OR MAY NOT) have done it on purpose as a telling point. Moot. But it does prove a point...just a thinking point for me anyways..see, I am done with right'wing' left 'wing...I am done with Republican or Democrat...I am done with Liberal or Conservative or Atheist, Christian. Or this 'both sides bullshit.
    I am.
    I am.
    Sam I am, and jimm, I'm in.

    I am in with forgetting the blame game. It doesn't make sense and never did. I am in with a little everyone. Forget the Constitution...not all people are created equal...We..WE....are smart...dumb, short, tall, geniuses and autistic...talented and ho-hum, fat, skinny...crippled and fit...WE are not the same...and yet we all are basic.
    we all want a little respect.

    Some do not deserve it. you wanna be a troll, for instance, go hide under a bridge. Sorry you have so many.
    Gees, these are your pages! If some one showed up on my lawn and started dropping shit on it...why gosh, I would turn on the hose.
    Good luck with all of that. Sincerely.
    See...there is one place where we are all is under the sky and beneath the moon and it is full of the flavor of fallen leaves and the laughter of children as they shuffle through them. Yessirre Bob. It is apple pie smell wafting from a kitchen...wood smoke from the chimney.
    Ya, the first lady is ok. So was Betty Ford and Ros Carter.

    aw gees, I gotta go take a walk.

  9. But those pictures are all photoshopped and airbrushed, aren't they? I think I read that somewhere.

  10. Scold Man October 28, 2013 at 10:26:00 AM EDT

    Even if the Leotards sang that Moonbeam Oragami is more popular with the Amazonian people than the PissPublicans, SHE STILL HOLSTERED PRO-TERRACOTTA SPATULAS!

    Integration, Warts, Clusters, Bureaus, Etching and Morels?

    I'm sore! But I felt the sea in so many of those glands!

  11. okjimm: “I am done with Liberal or Conservative or Atheist, Christian. Or this 'both sides bullshit.

    Agreed, I am done with them too and would gladly accept a ceasefire, even welcoming a permanent peace. But the problem is: THEY are NOT done with it. Nor will they respect you when you make your consternation abundantly clear.

    As long as there are malicious comments left by malicious trolls whose only goal is to taunt readers, pee on the bushes, crap on the lawn, and mark the territory with rude and abusive remarks or off-topic ditties and doggerel - offending long-time friends of this blog – then I will continue getting in their faces with unrelenting cephalopod ink … unless they clean up their act, or take a hint and spray themselves with Troll-Be-Gone.

  12. Well put Scold Man! The Tea Party needs more intellects like you.

  13. octo... you are correct...but some just have to say how you feel.

    what I find loathsome.... is that so many trolls...would never say the same thing to a persons face.

    cowards and idiots.
